Saturday, November 05, 2011

White House Statement Sends Greetings To Muslims On Eid and Hajj

President Obama today released a statement (full text) sending greetings for a happy Eid al-Adha to Muslims around the world observing the feast on Monday. The statement also congratulates those performing Hajj, which began today. The President said in part: "The Eid and Hajj rituals are a reminder of the shared roots of the world’s Abrahamic faiths and the powerful role that faith plays in motivating communities to serve and stand with those in need." AP reports that some 2.5 million pilgrims are taking part in the 5-day Hajj in Saudi Arabia. Meanwhile, according to today's Jakarta Globe, in Indonesia police in Banten arrested 3 officials from the Ministry of Religious Affairs for fraud. They took up to $5600 each from dozens of people who thought they were paying for arrangement to perform Hajj.