Friday, January 13, 2012

NJ Administrative Law Judge Finds Violation For Refusal To Rent Space For Civil Union Ceremony

AP reported yesterday that a New Jersey Division of Civil Rights Administrative Law Judge has issued a proposed ruling concluding that a religious group, the Methodist-affiliated Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association, violated the state's public accommodation anti-discrimination laws when in 2007 it refused to rent out its boardwalk pavilion to a lesbian couple to use for their civil union ceremony. The Association claimed that its freedom of religious expression would be infringed if it was forced to permit same-sex civil union ceremonies on its property.  The administrative law judge, however, concluded that the pavilion was a public space which until 2007 advertised itself as a wedding venue without any mention of religious conditions. The state Division on Civil Rights now has 45 days to decide whether to adopt, reject or modify the administrative law judge's ruling. The administrative law judge's conclusions are similar to those reached in a 2008 opinion finding probable cause to proceed in the case. (See prior posting.) The Association now apparently no longer rents out its pavilion to anyone.