Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Suit Challenges Denial of Charter School Application By Minister

The Orange County Register last month, in an editorial, reported on a lawsuit filed on Dec. 9 against the Compton (CA Unified School District challenging its two denials of a charter school application filed by a Christian minister.  The application by Charles Patrick, pastor of Sunago Christian Fellowship Church, was rejected because of Patrick's religious leadership position in the community. Apparently the school district relied on provisions in California's constitution (Art. IX, Sec. 8) that bar spending of public funds to support any sectarian school. Patrick, however, says he was not applying on behalf of his church. He says he wants to run a non-religious charter school at a safe location in the city. The lawsuit claims that the school board's action violates the 1st Amendment by denying funding intended to be used for a secular purpose merely because of the applicant's religious affiliation.