Thursday, March 01, 2012

Another House Committee Holds Hearings On Contraceptive Coverage Mandate

Another House committee has held hearings on the Obama administration's contraceptive mandate.  On Tuesday, the House Judiciary Committee held a hearing titled Executive Overreach: The HHS Mandate Versus Religious Liberty. The statements of the committee chairman, and of the four witnesses appearing before the committee are posted on the Judiciary Committee's website. Witnesses were Bishop William Lori; Asma Uddin from the Becket Fund; Dr. Linda Rosenstock, Dean of UCLA's School of Public Health; and Jeanne Monahan of the Family Research Council. In his opening statement, Committee Chairman Lamar Smith said in part: "The HHS mandate is a clear violation of religious freedom and a direct attack on the personally held views of many Americans. It is an erosion of religious freedoms." In mid-February, the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform held a hearing on the same issue. (See prior posting.) Life News reports on Tuesday's hearing.