Saturday, March 10, 2012

Anti-Abortion Group Sues University Over Rules Limiting Its Ability To Restrict Membership On Basis of Belief

Alliance Defense Fund announced last week that it has filed a federal lawsuit against the University of North Carolina Greensboro on behalf of a student anti-abortion group, Make Up Your Own Mind. The complaint (full text) in Make Up Your Own Mind v. Members of the Board of Trustees of University North Carolina Greensboro, (MD NC, filed 2/29/2012), challenges on 1st and 14th Amendment grounds the University's refusal to recognize MUYOM as a student organization because of noncompliance with the University's non-discrimination rules.  MUYOM limits membership to those who agree with its Statement of Faith and religious beliefs regarding the sanctity of life and sexual purity. The University says that MUYOM cannot rely on a belief-based exception in the University policy for religious organizations because the group is not a religious group. It is not affiliated with a church.