Sunday, March 25, 2012

Pope Begins Visit To Mexico and Cuba

Pope Benedict XVI began his visit to Mexico and Cuba on Friday. (See prior related posting.) While on his way, he followed the tradition is sending telegrams from the Papal plane to the leaders of the countries he was flying over. (Full text of English language telegrams.) His messages were sent to the leaders of Italy, France, Great Britain, Ireland, Denmark,  Canada and the United States. Zenit reports on the Pope's press conference on board his plane covering topics such as violence in Mexico, liberation theology and liberty in Cuba. The Pope's first speech in Mexico was at the welcoming ceremony in Guanajuato (full text of remarks.) The Pope made reference in his remarks to freedom of religion. Subsequently, according to MSN News, a spokesman expanded on that theme, tying it to the debate in Mexico over proposed legislation (already approved by the Lower House) that would end the restriction on religious ceremonies in public places and the ban on religious involvement in politics. Opponents say the government is using the Pope's visit to promote the legislation and also criticize the Pope for visiting just a week before campaigning starts for the July 1 general elections.