Monday, April 30, 2012

Muslim Women Object To "Honor Killings" Conference Held By Anti-Muslim Activists

The Detroit Free Press reported that Muslim women in the Detroit area object to a conference held yesterday in Dearborn (MI) by anti-Muslim activists. The conference was organized by Pamela Geller. Called the "Jessica Mokdad Human Rights Conference on Honor Killings", the conference is named after a 20-year old Muslim woman who was killed by her stepfather last year. Prosecutors, who have charged the stepfather with first degree murder, say the killing was an attempt by the stepfather to prevent Mokdad from going public with the fact that her stepfather had been sexually abusing her. They say it had no cultural or religious element to it.  Several Arab-American groups organized a counter-conference nearby in Detroit yesterday, calling the counter-event "Rejecting Islamophobia: A Community Stand Against Hate."