Sunday, April 08, 2012

Obama's Weekly Address Focuses On Meaning of Easter

President Obama's weekly address yesterday (full text) extended Easter and Passover greetings to all those celebrating the holidays. His remarks focused primarily on the meaning of Easter. He said in part:
For me, and for countless other Christians, Easter weekend is a time to reflect and rejoice.  Yesterday, many of us took a few quiet moments to try and fathom the tremendous sacrifice Jesus made for all of us. Tomorrow, we will celebrate the resurrection of a savior who died so that we might live....
Christ’s triumph over death holds special meaning for Christians.  But all of us, no matter how or whether we believe, can identify with elements of His story.  The triumph of hope over despair.  Of faith over doubt. The notion that there is something out there that is bigger than ourselves.
These beliefs help unite Americans of all faiths and backgrounds.  They shape our values and guide our work.  They put our lives in perspective.
A video of the address is also available.