Friday, May 04, 2012

Positions of Egyptian Presidential Candidates On Religion and State Published

Aswat Masriya yesterday published a compilation of the positions of each of Egypt's 12 Presidential candidates  on whether they prefer a religious or civil state. Amre Moussa, seen as the leading candidate by a recent poll, said:
Article 2 in the constitution which states that Sharia is the main source of legislation offers a brilliant and logical basis for Egypt to follow, anything else will not be appropriate. The Egyptian people will not tolerate "the Propagation of Virtue and the Elimination of Sin" approach.
Abdel Moneim Aboul Fotouh, also one of the leading candidates and a former member of the Muslim Brotherhood said:
A modern civil state inspired by Sahria - in agreement with moral principles of monotheistic faiths - that allows for the reactivation of Egypt's regional role in the Middle East, Africa and Islamic region.