Monday, June 11, 2012

Controversial Pastor Hangs Obama In Effigy To Protest Marriage and Abortion Stances

Terry Jones, pastor of the small Gainesville, Florida Dove Outreach Center, who gained notoriety in 2011 for burning a copy of the Qur'an (see prior posting), has now created another controversy.  As reported last week by the Huffington Post (along with a photo), Jones has hanged President Obama in effigy on the front lawn of his church:
The effigy is suspended from a makeshift gallows with a noose of yellow rope, has a doll in its right hand and a rainbow-colored gay pride flag in its left.
In a telephone interview with The Huffington Post, Jones said the flag was meant to call attention to Obama's stance on same-sex marriage and that the baby doll is there because the president is "favorable toward abortion."...
There is also an Uncle Sam dummy standing at the base of the gallows outside the DWOC. Jones told HuffPost that the Obama effigy had originally been positioned to be hanging Uncle Sam when the display went up two weeks ago, but that the church changed the display on Wednesday.
The words “Obama is Killing America” are printed on a trailer nearby.
The U.S. Secret Service is investigating the situation. [Thanks to Joseph K. Grieboski for the lead.]