Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Company Charged With Religious Discrimination By EEOC Settles Suit

The EEOC yesterday announced that a Nebraska-based lighting products company has agreed to settle a religious discrimination lawsuit brought against it by the Commission. According to the EEOC complaint, a Tulsa, Oklahoma branch manager advertised for an operations supervisor through the website of a Tulsa church. When Edward Wolf who was not a member of that church applied for the position, most of his job interview focused on his religious activities and beliefs. He was asked to list the churches he had attended, when and where he was "saved", and whether he would attend Bible study at work before clocking in.  Wolf was not hired for the position after the branch manager expressed dissatisfaction with his answers. In the settlement agreement, which must still be approved by the court, Voss Lighting Co. has agreed to pay $82,500 and will also  undertake specified steps to prevent future religious discrimination.

UPDATE: The court approved the settlement on March 20. (Tulsa World).