Sunday, March 31, 2013

White House Easter Weekend Statements and Releases

President Obama yesterday used his weekly address (full text) to extend Easter and Passover greetings. He said in part:
As Christians, my family and I remember the incredible sacrifice Jesus made for each and every one of us – how He took on the sins of the world and extended the gift of salvation. And we recommit ourselves to following His example here on Earth. To loving our Lord and Savior. To loving our neighbors. And to seeing in everyone, especially “the least of these,” as a child of God. 
Of course, those values are at the heart not just of the Christian faith; but of all faiths. From Judaism to Islam; Hinduism to Sikhism; there echoes a powerful call to serve our brothers and sisters. To keep in our hearts a deep and abiding compassion for all. And to treat others as we wish to be treated ourselves.
The previous day-- Good Friday-- the White House also issued a Statement by the President on Easter Weekend, as well as the Complete 2013 Easter Egg Roll Program and Talent Line-up.