Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Al Jazeera Profiles Federal and State Legislative Prayer Caucuses

Al Jazeera yesterday carried a lengthy feature article on the U.S. Congressional Prayer Caucus, and efforts to create prayer caucuses in state legislatures as well.  Here is an excerpt:
When Congress is in session, the members meet weekly in Room 219 of the U.S. Capitol to pray and "seek God’s wisdom and guidance in leading our great nation," according to a caucus promotional video. The caucus now boasts 97 members, mostly Republicans.
But critics charge that the group ... distorts the meaning of religious freedom. Secular advocates and religious leaders say the CPC's claims that the United States was founded as a Christian nation and that Christians' religious liberties are now under threat are false. Rather, critics say, the caucus' efforts to place a government imprimatur on Christian prayer and inject a particular religious view into policy and legislation violate the separation of church and state.