Friday, August 09, 2013

Court Invalidates Temporary Land Use Limits On Pregnancy Center As Overbroad and Vague

In The Life Center, Inc. v. City of Elgin, Illinois, (ND IL, Aug. 8, 2013), an Illinois federal district court invalidated Elgin's temporary land use provision as unconstitutionally overbroad and vague. The ordinance was challenged by The Life Center, a religiously-based organization that furnishes pregnant women with religious literature and certain prenatal services. Its mobile facility operates from commercial parking lots with the consent of the owners.  The ordinance limits the number of days the facility can operate. The court held:
The definitions under the Code for the terms "land use" and "structure" are so broad, they would encompass virtually all types of activity, including a substantial amount of activity protected under the First Amendment.
Plaintiffs claim that the 2012 amendments to the city ordinance that put in place the challenged provisions were targeting The Life Center. Christian Newswire carries TLC's press release on the decision.