In 2012, a Rhode Island federal district court in a high profile Establishment Clause case ordered Cranston (RI) High School to take down a prayer mural that had hung in the school's auditorium for 50 years. (See prior posting.) Last week, to celebrate its 50th reunion, the Class of 1963 that had presented the original mural to the school replaced it with a new one that eliminates all religious references. According to Friday's Providence Journal, the new mural contains seven lines to guide students, in the form of an acrostic with the first letter of each line spelling "Falcons". The Class also presented a new banner containing the school creed to replace the old one that had also hung in the auditorium.
UPDATE: The Cranston Patch (9/23) reports that there has been a delay in hanging the new mural because of typos discovered in it. Also it needs to be confirmed that they comply with the fire code.