Saturday, November 23, 2013

Insular Jewish Sect Leaves Quebec For Ontario To Escape Child Welfare and Education Officials

In Canada last Monday, 40 Orthodox Jewish families who are members of the fundamentalist, anti-Zionist Lev Tahor ("Pure Heart") sect left their homes in Quebec province and moved to Ontario to escape education and child welfare officials in Quebec. The Toronto Star reported yesterday that the evacuees, which included some 130 children, say they object to requirements that they teach a secular curriculum to their home-schooled children.  Provincial officials say their concerns were more about child neglect, psychological abuse, poor nutrition and health problems than about education.  They have forwarded evidence they collected to Ontario officials. The insular Lev Tahor sect-- whose women dress in black robes that cover them from head to toe and show only their faces-- are led by Shlomo Helbrans who some claim has created a mind-controlled cult.  Before re-establishing his group 13 years ago in Canada, Helbrans served a prison term in New York for second degree kidnapping. [Thanks to Scott Mange for the lead.]

UPDATE: According to the Times of Israel, on Nov. 26 a Quebec juvenile court judge ruled that 14 children from the Lev Tahor community are to be placed in foster care for a month and examined by doctors and psychologists. Apparently this order can be used by Ontario authorities to get a court order to return the children to foster care in Quebec.