- Giovanna Lanni & Alessandra Impellizzeri, Recenti sviluppi costituzionali in Egitto ed Israele: la tensione fra democrazia e religione come costante del discorso costituzionale in Medio Oriente (Recent Constitutional Developments in Egypt and Israel: The Tension between Religion and Democracy as a Constant of the Constitutional Discourse in the Middle East), (October 23, 2013).
- Wilson Ray Huhn, Slaves to Contradictions: 13 Myths that Sustained Slavery, (November 6, 2013).
- Dian Kartika Rahajeng, The Role of Islamic Banking System as the Milestone Towards Indonesia Micro Economy Development: A Financial Reports Approach, (September 12, 2013).
- Ahmed Parvez, Corporate Governance and Ethics of Islamic Finance Institutions, (Journal of Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance, Forthcoming).
- Brynne Alexis Sharafi, American Multiculturalism, French Universalism, Antiblackness, and the French Headscarf Ban, (November 4, 2013).
From SmartCILP:
- Mark J. Chadsey, Abraham Baldwin and the Establishment Clause, 51 Journal of Catholic Legal Studies 1-40 (2012).
- Seth R. Payne, Mormonism and Same-Sex Marriage: Theological Underpinnings and New Perspectives, [Abstract] 51 Journal of Catholic Legal Studies 41-53 (2012).
- Rev. John A. Perricone, The Relation Between Justice and Love In the Natural Order, [Abstract], 51 Journal of Catholic Legal Studies 55-75 (2012).