Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Poll: American's Beliefs On Evolution Differ Significantly Based On Politics, Religion

The Pew Research Center yesterday released a new poll titled Public's View on Human Evolution. The U.S. adults surveyed were asked whether, in their view, humans and other living things have evolved over time, or instead have existed in their present form since the beginning of time.  Overall, 60% said that living things have evolved, while 33% said they have always existed in their present form. However significant percentage differences were reflected in different subgroups. 64% of White Evangelical Protestants, but only 15% of White Mainline Protestants, believe that evolution did not occur. Also, 48% of Republicans, but only 27% of Democrats and 28% of Independents believe that living things have always existed in their present form.  In 2009, only 39% of Republicans believed this, while 30% of Democrats did. Those who believed that evolution had occurred were also asked whether they believe that a Supreme Being guided evolution. Overall, 24% said that was the case, again with differences between subgroups.