Friday, January 31, 2014

UK Appeals Court OK's Transport Agency Rule Banning Controversial Ad By Christian Non-Profit

In Core Issues Trust v. Transport for London, (EWCA, Jan. 27, 2014), Britain's Court of Appeal upheld a decision by London's public transportation agency to refuse to allow a Christian non-profit organization that supports gays who wish to change their sexual preference to buy ad space on the side of London's buses. The organization wanted to post an ad that read: "Not Gay! Ex-Gay, Post-Gay and Proud, Get Over It". The court held that the policy of the transportation agency to refuse ads that are likely to cause widespread or serious offence or which relate to matters of public controversy or sensitivity does not violated the freedom of expression or freedom of religion provisions (Art. 9 and 10) of the European Convention on Human Rights. The Independent reports on the decision. [Thanks to Paul Diamond for the lead.]