Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Israel's Knesset Passes Law To Draft Yeshiva Students

In Israel today, the Knesset passed the controversial Equal Service Bill imposing military service obligations on ultra-Orthodox (Haredi) Jewish yeshiva students who have historically enjoyed a draft exemption. Times of Israel reports that the bill provides for a 3-year transition period during which a target for ultra-Orthodox enlistees into the military will be set.  The target will rise each year until 2017 when it will go to 5,200 new Haredi enlistees each year. Individual sanctions against yeshiva students who dodge the draft will be triggered if these enlistment targets are not met. The bill passed 67-1, with the opposition boycotting the vote. In 2012, Israel's High Court of Justice struck down the Tal Law -- whose formal title was "Deferral of Service for Yeshiva Students for Whom Torah Is Their Profession Law." (See prior posting.)