Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Canadian Court Certifies Class Action Against Anglican Boarding School For Abuse of Students

In Cavanaugh v. Grenville Christian College, (ON Super Ct, Feb. 24, 2014), a Superior Court in the Canadian province of Ontario certified for class action status a lawsuit by former students of an Anglican boarding school, Grenville Christian College, located in Brockville, Ontario. The suit alleges breach of fiduciary duty, negligence, assault, battery and intentional infliction of mental suffering. According  to the court:
The appellants allege that they were subjected to various forms of physical and psychological abuse at the hands of Grenville staff.... They allege that the abuse was systemic and pervasive. In particular, they plead that “the conduct of the defendants … was part of a systemic campaign by the defendants, Fathers Haig and Farnsworth and the school to promote and indoctrinate students in the teachings and practices of the Community of Jesus.” The Community of Jesus is a Christian organization based in Orleans, Massachusetts, which the appellants characterize as a religious cult whose teachings and practices were intolerant and fanatical.
Mondaq reports on the decision.