In Searcy v. Strange, (SD AL, Jan. 23, 2015), an Alabama federal district court invalidated Alabama statutory and constitutonal provisions that bar same-sex marriage. The court found that the provisions are unconstitutional under the 14th Amendment's Due Process and Equal Protection clauses. This makes Alabama the 37th state in which same-sex marriage is legal. According to the Christian Science Monitor, Alabama's Attorney General has filed a motion asking the court to stay its ruling until the U.S. Supreme Court decides cases it has agreed to review on same-sex marraige.
UPDATE: In an opinion (full text) issued on Jan. 25, the district court denied an indefinite stay of its ruling, but granted a 14-day stay so the 11th Circuit can decide if a further stay is warranted. The court also said that before the expiration of its 14-day stay, it will issue an additional order addressing plaintiffs' request for a clarification of its injunction order.