The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops this weekend issued its annual
Labor Day Statement, saying in part:
The continuing struggles of most families to make ends meet are on display before our eyes, both at home and abroad. This Labor Day, we have a tremendous opportunity to reflect on how dignified work with a living wage is critical to helping our families and our greater society thrive....
This Labor Day, the violation of human dignity is evident in exploited workers, trafficked women and children, and a broken immigration system that fails people and families desperate for decent work and a better life. How do we participate in this wounding of human dignity, through choices about the clothes we wear, food we eat, and things we buy--most of which is unaffordable to the very workers who make it? .... These are difficult questions to ask, yet we must ask them.
This year's statement gives particular attention to Pope Francis' recent encyclical,
Laudato Si’ (see
prior posting). The
USCCB website also makes available extensive legislative advocacy statements and background materials on labor and employment.