Monday, December 19, 2016

Winter Solstice Displays Counter Religious Ones

Again this year, the Freedom From Religion Foundation is erecting Winter Solstice signs and displays to counter religiously themed Christmas displays on public property.  Beginning last weekend, a Bill of Rights "Nativity Scene" was placed in the Iowa State Capitol to counter a traditional Nativity Scene that went up there for the first time. (FFRF press release, Dec. 15).  And in Shelton, Connecticut, a lawsuit was settled allowing a winter solstice "Let Reason Prevail" sign to be placed on city property to counter religious displays by the American Legion (in another park) and the Cub Scouts. Ultimately the American Legion display was also changed to a secular one because light bulbs on the original angel display burned out. (Valley Independent Sentinel, Dec. 14).

UPDATE: Here is the full text of the Shelton, CT settlement agreement.