Saturday, March 19, 2022

Court Clerk Violated Rights Of Same-Sex Couples

In Ermold v. Davis, (ED KY, March 18, 2022), a high-profile case that has been pending since 2015, a Kentucky federal district court held that Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis violated the constitutional rights of two same-sex couples when she refused, on religious grounds, to issue them marriage licenses. Rejecting Davis' claim of qualified immunity, the court said: "Davis did not make a mistake. Rather, she knowingly violated the law."  Allowing plaintiffs to move ahead with their civil rights claim, the court said in part:

Ultimately, this Court’s determination is simple—Davis cannot use her own constitutional rights as a shield to violate the constitutional rights of others while performing her duties as an elected official.

The court said that a jury should decide whether plaintiffs are entitled to compensatory and punitive damages. AP reports on the decision. [Thanks to Scott Mange for the lead.] [UPDATED]