Thursday, April 07, 2022

European Court Says Jehovah's Witnesses Were Wrongly Denied Tax Exemption

In Affaire Assemblée chrétienne des Témoins de Jéhovah d’Anderlecht et autres c. Belgique, (ECHR, April 5, 2022), the European Court of Human Rights ruled in favor of a Jehovah's Witnesses congregation in Belgium that was denied a property tax exemption for property they used for religious worship. The regional tax law gave exemptions only to "recognized religions".  Jehovah's Witnesses were not recognized. According to the Court's press release:

The Court held that since the tax exemption in question was contingent on prior recognition, governed by rules that did not afford sufficient safeguards against discrimination, the difference in treatment to which the applicant congregations had been subjected had no reasonable and objective justification. It noted, among other points, that recognition was only possible on the initiative of the Minister of Justice and depended thereafter on the purely discretionary decision of the legislature. A system of this kind entailed an inherent risk of arbitrariness, and religious communities could not reasonably be expected, in order to claim entitlement to the tax exemption in issue, to submit to a process that was not based on minimum guarantees of fairness and did not guarantee an objective assessment of their claims.