Monday, February 06, 2023

Idaho Legislature Cannot Intervene in Suit by U.S. Challenging Idaho's Abortion Ban In Emergency Situations

In United States v. State of Idaho, (D ID, Feb. 3, 2023), an Idaho federal district court refused to allow the Idaho legislature to intervene as a matter of right in a suit in which the U.S. Department of Justice is suing on a claim that Idaho's total abortion ban is preempted by federal law to the extent that it is contrary to the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act.  The court concluded that the legislature has failed to show that the state's attorney general is inadequately representing the state's identical interest in defending the abortion ban.  The same court has previously issued a preliminary injunction against enforcing the ban against any medical provider or hospital that performs an abortion that is required as emergency treatment guaranteed by federal law. (See prior posting.) In that suit, the court permitted the legislature to permissively intervene on a limited basis.