Monday, July 08, 2024

Mohamed Elsanousi Appointed to USCIRF

On June 26, President Biden announced his appointment of Dr. Mohamed Elsanousi as a member of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom. Dr. Elsanousi is Executive Director of the Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers. He was a founder of Faiths4Vaccines which promoted equitable distribution of the Covid vaccine and combatted vaccine hesitancy. According to the organization's website, he holds a bachelor’s degree in Shariah and Law from Islamabad, Pakistan's International Islamic University, an LL.M. and a Ph.D from Indiana University School of Law, as well as a graduate diploma in philanthropic studies from the Indiana University Center on Philanthropy. USCIRF's announcement of his appointment says in part:

Elsanousi was the Principal Coordinator for developing the standards and protocols for safeguarding the rights of Christian, Jewish, and other religious minorities in Muslim-majority communities. His efforts in this role led to the adoption of the Marrakech Declaration, the most recognized Islamic theological document advocating for improved religious freedom.