Thursday, September 26, 2024

FBI Releases 2023 Hate Crime Statistics

Last Monday, the FBI released Hate Crime Statistics for the United States for 2023. A Department of Justice release summarizes the data, and a table released by the FBI shows greater detail. There were 11,862 hate crime incidents in total reported for the year, of which 22.5% (2699 incidents) were crimes motivated by religion. Of the religion-motivated crimes, 1,832 were anti-Jewish.  The next largest numbers motivated by one of the 11 specific religions reported were 236 anti-Muslim, 156 anti-Sikh and 77 anti-Catholic. The total number of hate crimes reported reflects a 2% rise from the 11,634 incidents reported for 2022. The number of religiously-motivated hate crimes reflects a 32% rise from the 2,042 incidents reported for 2022. Anti-Jewish hate crimes rose 63% from the 1,122 incidents reported in 2022. (See prior posting.)