Friday, September 13, 2024

North Dakota Trial Court Says State Abortion Ban Violates State Constitution

 In Access Independent Health Services, Inc. v. Wrigley, (ND Dist, Ct., Sept. 12, 2024), a North Dakota state trial court judge held that the state's current abortion law that bans abortions (with limited exceptions), violates the state constitution.  The court said in part:

[T]he court concludes that (1) the Amended Abortion Ban set forth in Chapter 12.1-19.1, N.D.C.C., as currently drafted, is unconstitutionally void for vagueness; and (2) pregnant women in North Dakota have a fundamental right to choose abortion before viability exists under the enumerated and unenumerated interests protected by the North Dakota Constitution for all North Dakota individuals, including women-- specifically, but not necessarily limited to, the interests in life, liberty, safety, and happiness enumerated in Articles [I], section 1 of the North Dakota Constitution.

The court also observed:

... [T]he decision in this matter may be one of the most important this Court issues during its time on the bench. However, in reaching the decision below, it is also not lost on the Court that, on appeal, this Court's decision is given no deference.

... The Court is left to craft findings and conclusions on an issue of vital public importance when the longstanding precedent on that issue no longer exists federally, and much of the North Dakota precedent on that issue relied on the federal precedent now upended-- with relatively no idea how the appellate court in this state will address the issue.

North Dakota Monitor reports on the decision.