From SSRN:
- Melvin Otey, Toward a Broader Theocentric Environmentalism, (December 01, 2024).
- Robert C. Blitt, From Zero to Holy War: The International Community's Ongoing Silence in the Face of the Russian Orthodox Church's Escalating Support for War Against Ukraine, (February 03, 2025).
- Kerrel Murray, Discriminatory Effect(s), (78 Fla. L. Rev. ___ (forthcoming 2026)).
- Helen Alvare, 46th Annual Donald A. Giannella Memorial Lecture: Religious Liberty and Nondiscrimination Law, (Villanova Law Review, Vol. 69, No. 5, pp. 881–920 (2024)).
- Zalman Rothschild, The Right to Exit Religion, (Georgetown Law Journal, forthcoming).
- James Gerard Dwyer, Mired in Meyer's Mischief A Century After Fabrication of Constitutional Parents' Rights, (26 Journal of Contemporary Legal Issues 107 (2025)).
- S. Ernie Walton, Brief of Amicus Curiae Professor S. Ernie Walton in Support of Petitioners in Oklahoma Statewide Charter School Board v. Drummond, (March 03, 2025).
- David Eliot Bernstein, The Supreme Court’s Mysterious 1920s Due Process Education Trilogy, (The Journal of Contemporary Legal Issues, Vol. 26, pp. 41–54 (2025)).
- Kumar Bal Govind Singh, Hate Speech, (January 12, 2025).
From SSRN (Non-U.S. Law):
- Stephen James Bogle, Spiritual Duties and Legal Debts in Seventeenth Century Scotland: A Preliminary Study, (January 25, 2025).
- Hesham Abdelgawad, The Impact of Islamic Law on Cryptocurrency Regulation in Egypt, (MJTILP, Vol 20, Issue 3, 2024).
- Roni M. Rosenberg, Moral and Practical Considerations in the Debate on Physician-Assisted Suicide: The Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill in England, (January 09, 2025).
From SSRN (Hindu law and rituals):
- Sanjay Koul this week posted 17 recent papers on Hindu law, beliefs and rituals: Liberation and Divine Union: A Study of Moksha in Hindu; The Foundations of Hindu Thought: An Examination of Key Scriptures Across Philosophy, Ethics, and Devotion; Fire Ritual in Sanatana Dharma; Meditation in Sanatana Dharma: An Exploration of Ancient Practices and Philosophical Insights; Exploring Kashmir Shaivism: Philosophy, Practices, and Contemporary Relevance; The Gurukul System Evolution, Impact, and Resurgence of India's Ancient Holistic Education Model; Sacred Texts and Spiritual Pathways: A Comprehensive Analysis of Shaiva, Vaishnava, and Shakta Agamas in Hindu Tradition; The Creation of the Universe and Core Principles of Sanatana Dharma: A Comprehensive Exploration of Hindu Philosophical Foundations; The Rig Veda: A Gateway to Understanding Ancient Indian Spirituality; The Atharvaveda: The Veda of Knowledge and Magic; Exploring the Puranas The Cultural and Spiritual Tapestry of Hinduism; The Upanishads: Foundations of Indian Thought and Their Global Philosophical Impact; The Yajurveda: The Veda of Ritual and Sacrifice; The Samaveda: A Melodic Expression of Ancient Indian Spirituality; The Vedas: Foundations of Ancient Knowledge and Philosophy in Hinduism; Namaste and Namaskar: The Spiritual and Cultural Essence of India's Sacred Greetings
From SmartCILP:
- Vincent J. Samar, Conceptual Schemes/Frameworks and Their Relation to Law: A New Argument for Separation of Church and State, 30 Cardozo Journal of Equal Rights and Social Justice 379-424 (2024).
- Weldon P. Sloan & Joseph M. Capobianco, Faith, Federal Courts, and Free Speech: Do Federal Courts Protect Religious Speech More than Non-Religious Speech?, 22 First Amendment Law Review 147-188 (2024).