Showing posts with label Alabama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alabama. Show all posts

Monday, May 07, 2018

Church Testimony To Liquor Board Did Not Violate Establishment Clause

In Clarke v. Goodson, 2018 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 74419 (MD AL, May 1, 2018), and Alabama federal magistrate judge recommended dismissing an Establishment Clause challenge to Pike County, Alabama's denial to plaintiffs of a license for the sale of beer and wine at their restaurant.  Plaintiffs contended that it was a violation of the Establishment Clause for the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board to allow officials of a nearby church to testify in opposition to granting of the license.
[T]he law is settled that the "protect[ion] of churches and schools from disruption associated with liquor serving establishments" is a valid secular purpose.... Moreover, ... the Defendants' conduct would arguably have violated the Establishment Clause, if the Defendants had refused to allow citizens to speak in opposition to the Plaintiff's application on the basis of those individuals' affiliation with the church.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Alabama Legislature Approves Ballot Issue On Ten Commandments

The Alabama legislature yesterday approved S 181 (full text), submitting a proposed state constitutional amendment to the voters. The operative provisions of the proposed amendment read:
Every person shall be at liberty to worship God according to the dictates of his or her own conscience. No person shall be compelled to attend, or, against his or her consent, to contribute to the erection or support of any place of religious worship, or to pay tithes, taxes, or other rates for the support of any minister of the gospel. Property belonging to the state may be used to display the Ten Commandments, and the right of a public school and public body to display the Ten Commandments on property owned or administrated by a public school or public body in this state is not restrained or abridged. The civil and political rights, privileges, and capacities of no person shall be diminished or enlarged on account of his or her religious belief. No public funds may be expended in defense of the constitutionality of this amendment.
The Ten Commandments shall be displayed in a manner that complies with constitutional requirements, including, but not limited to, being intermingled with historical or educational items, or both, in a larger display within or on property owned or administrated by a public school or public body.
The inclusion of the ban on using public funds to defend the constitutionality of the amendment is apparently a response to criticism from opponents that the amendment will merely invite costly lawsuits. (See AP report on the passage of the bill.)  Also, apparently the amendment is not intended to repeal the somewhat overlapping provisions of the existing Sections 3 , 3.01 (Amendment 622) and 263 of the state constitution. [Thanks to Tom Rutledge for the lead.]

Abortion Protester Cleared of Disorderly Conduct Charge

A trial court judge in Huntsville, Alabama last week found 66-year old Alison Harris not guilty of disorderly conduct. (Docket sheet).  According to a press release from the Thomas More Society:
Harris, a frequent sidewalk counselor at the Alabama Women’s Center for Reproductive Alternatives, was arrested on May 26, 2017, on the public walkway in front of the abortion clinic as she prayed and tried to persuade parents to choose life for their preborn children. The arresting officer had obtained a warrant at the request of a clinic employee for Harris’ use of a megaphone fourteen days earlier. The megaphone had been repeatedly tested by city police to ensure that it was below the decibel limit allowed by the Huntsville City ordinance.
Megaphones are used by sidewalk counselors at the Huntsville abortion clinic, where, alongside a four-lane highway, abortion escorts use cow bells, car horns, and loud-speakers to drown out the pro-life messages.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Roy Moore Wins Republican Runoff In Alabama

Former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore won yesterday's Alabama Republican U.S. Senate primary runoff, prevailing over Luther Strange who has served in the U.S. Senate for six months.  Moore won by a vote of 55% to 45%. (Official results).

As reported by CNN:
Moore now faces Democratic nominee Doug Jones in a December general election in the race to replace Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
Moore's win Tuesday night will thrust his long history of homophobic and racially tinged remarks into the spotlight.
He has campaigned on a platform of placing Christianity at the center of public life. In 2003, Moore was removed as state Supreme Court chief justice for refusing to take down a Ten Commandments monument. He was re-elected to the job, and then ousted again in 2016, when he refused to follow the US Supreme Court's ruling legalizing same-sex marriage.
Though Alabama is a solidly red state, Democrats hope Jones, a former federal prosecutor who rose to prominence by leading the government's case against two perpetrators of the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing, can make the race competitive.
Here is additional background on Moore from Wikipedia.

Moore Tweeted from his victory rally: "There's one person you don't see on this stage that's done more for my campaign than anybody, and that's almighty God."  In a second Tweet, he added: "We have to return to the acknowledgment of God, and the United States Constitution."

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Today Is Alabama Senate Primary Runoff Between Moore and Strange

Today in Alabama, Republican voters go to the polls in the runoff U.S. Senate primary race between incumbent Luther Strange and former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore.  Moore is known for his high profile battles in which he refused to remove a Ten Commandments monument from the Alabama Supreme Court building and his defiance of the U.S. Supreme Court's same-sex marriage ruling. reports that in his final campaign rally last night, Moore told a large crowd: "For whatever reason, God has put me in this election at this time and all of the nation is watching."

Sunday, September 03, 2017

Civil Rights Suit By Catholic School Principal Dismissed Under Ministerial Exception Doctrine

In Nolen v. Diocese of Birmingham in Alabama, (ND AL, Sept. 1, 2017), an Alabama federal district court invoked the ministerial exception doctrine to dismiss a suit by a former principal of a Catholic elementary school who was fired from her position.  Plaintiff claimed she was fired for protecting Hispanic students and families from racial discrimination. Defendant claimed she was fired for embezzling funds.  After dismissing plaintiff's civil rights and breach of contract claims under the ministerial exception doctrine, the court dismissed her remaining state law defamation and interference with contract claims without prejudice so they could be refiled in state court.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Roy Moore Moves To Run-Off Against Luther Strange In Alabama U.S. Senate Primary

As reported by AP and the New York Times, former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore came in first, capturing 38.9% of the vote, in yesterday's Alabama Republican primary for U.S. Senate. He will face incumbent Luther Strange, who received 32.8% of the vote, in the second round of the primary on Sept. 26.  Moore was removed as Chief Justice in 2003 when he refused to obey a court order to remove a Ten Commandments monument that stood on the state courthouse grounds.  After being re-elected as Chief Justice, last year he was suspended from his position for instructing probate judges to deny marriage licenses to same-sex couples. (See prior posting.)

Wednesday, August 02, 2017

Appeals Court Refuses To Order Recusal of Fundamentalist Christian Judge

In Ex parte Tiara Brooke Lycans, (AL App., July 28, 2017), an Alabama appellate court refused to issue a writ of mandamus ordering a trial judge who also serves as a preacher of a fundamentalist Christian church to recuse himself in a divorce action in which the wife, a lesbian, feared bias in the judge's custody ruling.  The court said in part:
Judge Bell's expressed belief that homosexual relationships and marriage are contrary to God's law, ... that God's law takes precedence over man-made law, and his placing paramount importance on the moral environment in which a child will live ... would tend to indicate to a reasonable person that a reasonable basis for questioning Judge Bell's impartiality in the divorce action exists; however, the standard is not whether there are some facts that would tend to indicate ... a reasonable basis.... Rather, the issue is "whether a reasonable person knowing everything that [Judge Bell] knows would have a "reasonable basis for questioning [Judge Bell's] impartiality."...  Judge Bell, in his pendente lite custody order ... granted the mother and the father joint physical custody of the child, with custody alternating weekly, and ... [he] has granted two other lesbian mothers and the fathers of their children joint physical custody.... [A] reasonable person who knows everything that Judge Bell knows would not have a reasonable basis for questioning Judge Bell's impartiality....
Christian Post reports on the decision.

Friday, April 28, 2017

Roy Moore Announces Run For U.S. Senate Seat From Alabama

In Alabama this week, Roy Moore who has been suspended for the rest of his term as Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court because of his defiance of same-sex marriage rulings (see prior posting) announced that he will formally resign from his judicial position in order to run for the United States Senate.  The Republican primary for the seat is scheduled for August (with a potential run off in September). The special election itself is scheduled for December 12.  The Senate seat initially opened up when former Senator Jeff Sessions was appointed U.S. Attorney General. According to, Moore will face several opponents in the primary, including incumbent Sen. Luther Strange who was appointed on an interim basis to Sessions' seat by Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley, and Dr. Randy Brinson, president of the Christian Coalition of Alabama.  In his announcement, Moore said in part: "My position has always been God first, family then country. I share the vision of President Donald Trump to make America great again."

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Alabama Legislature Passes Protections For Faith-Based Adoption Agencies

On Tuesday, the Alabama legislature gave final passage to HB 24, the  Alabama Child Placing Agency Inclusion Act (full text).  The bill protects religiously affiliated adoption and foster care agencies that refuse to provide, facilitate or refer for placement in a manner that conflicts with their sincerely held religious beliefs.  The protections only apply to agencies that receive no state or federal funds.  The state may not refuse to license, discriminate or take adverse action against such agencies because they act on their religious beliefs. The bill now goes to Gov. Kay Ivey who must sign it before it becomes law. reports on the legislature's action. [Thanks to Tom Rutledge for the lead.]

UPDATE: Gov. Ivey signed the bill into law on May 3. (Jurist).

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Alabama Supreme Court Affirms Suspension of Chief Justice Over Defiance of Same-Sex Marriage

Yesterday, a specially composed panel of judges sitting as the Supreme Court of Alabama unanimously affirmed the judgment of the Alabama Court of the Judiciary suspending Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore for the remainder of his term. Six judges joined in the court's opinion, while one judge concurred only in the result. In Moore v. Alabama Judicial Inquiry Commission, (AL Sup. Ct., April 19, 2017), the court in a 66-page opinion agreed that Moore violated various provisions of the Code of Judicial Ethics when he issued directions to Alabama judges to refuse to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples despite federal court decisions and orders to the contrary, including the Supreme Court's Obergefell decision. reports that Moore remains defiant

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Alabama's CJ Roy Moore Files Brief In Appeal of His Suspension

As previously reported, in September Alabama's 9-member Court of the Judiciary (COJ) concluded that Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore violated various Canons of Judicial Ethics in issuing an order to state probate judges telling them they had a duty under Alabama law to refuse to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. The COJ suspended Moore from office for the remaining two years of his term.  This decision is now on appeal to a specially constituted bench of the Alabama Supreme Court, the regular Justices having recused themselves. Yesterday, Moore filed a 95-page brief setting out his arguments. The brief summarizes them in part as follows:
The JIC [Judicial Inquiry Commission and the COJ did not have the jurisdiction or authority to review the Administrative Orders of the Chief Justice, as such authority is placed solely in this Court.
The COJ violated Rule 16 by imposing a de facto removal (i.e., permanent suspension without pay) upon Chief Justice Moore without the unanimous concurrence of all sitting members....
All charges against Chief Justice Moore must be dismissed because they have no legal basis and are not supported by clear and convincing evidence.... 
Section 159 of the Alabama Constitution, which imposes an automatic suspension upon the mere filing of a complaint with the COJ, represents a gross violation of due process in violation of the Fourteenth Amendment....
The JIC violated the confidentiality mandated by the Alabama Constitution and Rule 5 by disclosing information about Chief Justice Moore’s matter prior to filing charges and the penalty should be dismissal of all charges.
Liberty Counsel issued a press release announcing the filing of the brief.

Friday, September 30, 2016

Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore Suspended From Office Over Same-Sex Marriage Order

Alabama's 9-member Court of the Judiciary today unanimously concluded that Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore violated various Canons of Judicial Ethics in issuing an order to state probate judges telling them they had a duty under Alabama law to refuse to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples despite the U.S. Supreme Court's decision finding that denial of marriage licences to same-sex couples is unconstitutional. The Court of the Judiciary also found that Moore should have recused himself in a subsequent case involving same-sex marriage.  The Court suspended Moore from office for the remaining two years of his term.  As reported by NPR, Moore's age will disqualify him from again running for the state Supreme Court in 2018.  A majority of the court voted to completely remove Moore from office, but removal rather than suspension requires a unanimous vote.  In the 50-page opinion in In re Roy S. Moore, (AL Ct. Jud., Sept. 30, 2016), the Court of the Judiciary also took into account the fact that Moore had in 2003 been the subject of proceedings that removed him from office after his resistance to court orders relating to a Ten Commandments monument.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Suit Charges Discriminatory Application of Driver's License Photo Accommodation

The ACLU yesterday filed a federal lawsuit against the Lee County, Alabama officials in charge of issuing drivers' licenses claiming that they are unconstitutionally administering the state's religious accommodation provision allowing head coverings in license photos.  The complaint (full text) in Allen v. English, (MD AL, filed 8/30/2016, alleges that plaintiff Yvonne Allen is a devout Christian who as part of her religious practice covers her hair with a headscarf.  When Allen requested to wear her head covering for her license photo, officials told her that the religious accommodation for head coverings only applies to Muslims.  The suit alleges that this practice violates the religion clauses of the federal and state constitutions. ACLU issued a press release announcing the filing of the lawsuit.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Ethics Complaints Are Newest Tool In Wars Over Same-Sex Marriage

Legal ethics complaints appear to have become the most recent weapon in the culture wars.  After the Southern Poverty Law Center filed a series of complaints with the Alabama Judicial Inquiry Commission against Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore (see prior posting), an ally of Moore's has turned the tables.  On July 28, Alabama attorney Trent Garmon and his wife Holly filed a complaint against Richard Cohen, president of the Southern Poverty Law Center, over Cohen's comments attacking Moore for Moore's actions opposing same-sex marriage.  As reported by, the complaint alleges that Cohen's statements violated Alabama Rules of Professional Conduct, Rule 8.2 that provides;
A lawyer shall not make a statement that the lawyer knows to be false or with reckless disregard as to its truth or falsity concerning the qualifications or integrity of a judge, 
Cohen's comments included a statement that Alabama "elected [Moore] to be a judge, not a pastor;" Cohen called Moore a demagogue and the "Ayatollah of Alabama," and said he is unfit for office.

Tuesday, August 09, 2016

Roy Moore's Trial On Ethics Charges Set For Next Month

After a hearing yesterday on charges against Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore, the Alabama Court of the Judiciary issued an Order (full text) denying motions for summary judgment from both sides.  Yesterday's order also set the case for trial on Sept. 28. At issue are charges filed by the Alabama Judicial Inquiry Commission contending that Moore acted unethically when in January he issued an administrative order telling state probate judges that they had a duty under Alabama law to continue to refuse to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. (See prior posting.) reports on yesterday's developments.

Friday, August 05, 2016

Court Applies Younger Abstention To Alabama Chief Justice's Suit Over Temporary Removal

In Moore v. Judicial Inquiry Commission of the State of Alabama, (MD AL, Aug. 4, 2016), an Alabama federal district court, applying the Younger abstention doctrine, dismissed a suit brought by Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore challenging a provision of the Alabama Constitution that provides a judge formally charged with misconduct shall be disqualified from acting as a judge while the complaint is pending.  Moore is charged with judicial misconduct because of his issuance, after the U.S. Supreme Court's Obergefell decision, of an administrative order to all probate judges telling them that they had a duty under Alabama law to continue to refuse to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. (See prior posting.)   As reported by the Washington Times, Alabama is the only state with an automatic removal provision for judges charged with misconduct.   A hearing before the Judicial Inquiry Commission on the case is scheduled for Monday.

Thursday, August 04, 2016

Roy Moore's Internal Court Memos Disclosed

As previously reported, in May the Alabama Judicial Inquiry Commission filed a Complaint against Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore contending that Moore abused his authority and acted in violation of the Code of Judicial Ethics when in January he issued an administrative order to all probate judges telling them that they had a duty under Alabama law to continue to refuse to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Now, as reported by The Advocate, pleadings filed with the Judicial Inquiry Commission (full text) include redacted versions of two memos which Moore sent to the other Justices urging them to issue an opinion providing guidance to probate court judges.  He wrote in part:
Obergefell is particularly egregious because it mandates submission in violation of religious conscience (ask Kim Davis). Either go along or be disqualified from holding public office. In the near future Christians like Clerk Kim Davis will be driven out of public life, forced to forsake their faith or their livelihood....
 As Justice Alito stated, Obergefell "will be used to vilify Americans who are unwilling to assent to the new orthodoxy" and "to stamp out every vestige of dissent." ... The suppression of all dissent is now underway.
To paraphrase Martin Niemoller: They came for the florists, but I didn't deal in flowers; They came for the bakers, but I didn't bake cakes; They came for a county clerk in Kentucky, but that seemed far away; Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak out.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

RLUIPA Applies To Law Aimed At Transitional Housing For Sex Offenders

In Martin v. Houston, (MD AL, July 25, 2016), an Alabama federal district court held that a pastor can invoke RLUIPA in challenging an Alabama law that would require him to close down his mobile home transitional housing arrangement for recently-released male sex offenders.  The law, which the state legislature made applicable to only one county, prohibits unrelated adult sex offenders from establishing residency in the same home or living less than 300 feet apart on the same property. The court concluded that the law constitutes a land use regulation under which the government makes individualized assessments of the proposed use of property.

Thursday, June 09, 2016

District Court Again Enjoins Enforcement of Alabama's Same-Sex Marriage Ban

In Strawser v. Strange, (SD AL, June 7, 2016), an Alabama federal district court, noting actions by the Alabama judiciary seeking to defy the U.S. Supreme Court's Obergefell decision, issued a permanent injunction barring the enforcement of Alabama’s laws that bar same-sex marriage.  Rejecting defendants' assertion that the claim against them is moot, the court said:
Although Attorney General Strange is already subject to a permanent injunction from another case in this Court, Searcy v. Strange, ... the other Defendants in this case are not subject to that injunction and the Plaintiffs in this case lack standing to enforce the Searcy injunction. It is also apparent that certain Alabama state courts do not view this Court’s ruling in Searcy as binding precedent....
The Court notes that the Supreme Court of Alabama denied the pending mandamus petitions and entered judgment in Ex parte State of Alabama ex rel. Alabama Policy Institute.... However, the Alabama Supreme Court did not vacate or set aside its earlier writ of mandamus directing Alabama’s probate judges to comply with the Alabama laws that were held unconstitutional by this Court.... Chief Justice Moore also stated that the Eleventh Circuit’s finding that the Alabama Supreme Court's order was abrogated by the Supreme Court's decision in Obergefell “is plainly wrong.”...
This Court is aware that Chief Justice Moore is currently suspended from his position and is facing charges before the Alabama Court of the Judiciary. However, even if Chief Justice Moore is not reinstated to his position as Chief Justice, the concurring opinions of several other Alabama Supreme Court Justices also expressed disagreement with Obergefell.... It is clear that the decision by the United States Supreme Court in Obergefell does not provide certainty that the alleged violations will not recur.
A press release from Americans United has more on the decision.