Showing posts with label Florida. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Florida. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Festivus Beer Can Pole Will Share Florida Capitol Rotunda With Nativity Display

In Florida, the state's Department of Management Services allows private individuals and groups to set up temporary displays in the Capitol building, so long as they go through an application process and meet certain guidelines.  The Orlando Sentinel reported yesterday that the Department has approved an application by an ACLU member to set up a 6-foot tall "Festivus" pole made from empty beer cans in the Capitol rotunda where display of a nativity scene has already been approved.  The Department of Management Services website lists the many different displays that have been approved currently and for the coming months. They include a Free Thought banner already set up by the Freedom From Religion Foundation. Pam Olsen, president of the Florida Prayer Network, said of the display honoring the Seinfeld- created Festivus holiday: "[T]hey have a right to exercise freedom of speech, that's what America is about. It doesn't faze me, it doesn't faze the God I serve." [Thanks to Eduardo Penalver via Religionlaw for the lead.]