Showing posts with label Georgia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Georgia. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Georgia Lawsuit Is Latest To Challenge Same-Sex Marriage Ban

Lambda Legal announced yesterday that it has filed suit in federal district court in Georgia on behalf of three same-sex couples and a widow challenging Georgia's statutory and state constitutional bans on same-sex marriage. The complaint (full text) in Inniss v. Aderhold, (ND GA, filed 4/22/2014) was filed as a class action and challenges both the ban on same-sex marriage and the non-recognition of same-sex marriages performed in other jurisdictions. According to a Washington Post compilation, with the filing of this lawsuit, only four states-- Alaska, Montana, North Dakota and South Dakota-- have same-sex marriage bans that are not being challenged in court; and a suit is in the offing in South Dakota.

Friday, April 04, 2014

Lawsuit Challenges Georgia's Scholarship Tax Credit Program

The Atlanta Journal Constitution reports that a lawsuit was filed yesterday by a group of parents challenging Georgia's student scholarship organization tax credit program.  The program allows individuals and corporations tax credits for contributions to organizations that in turn fund scholarships for private school students.  Among other things, the lawsuit-- backed by the Southern Education Foundation-- alleges that the program gives indirect funding to religious schools in violation of Georgia' constitution. The program has become so popular that this year the $58 million overall cap on tax credits allowed for the year was met in the first few weeks of the year.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Georgia Legislature Allows Guns In Churches That Want Them; Reduces Penalty For Carrying In Other Churches

As it wound up its legislative session, the Georgia General Assembly yesterday gave last minute final passage to HB 60 as amended which expands the places in which persons holding weapons-carry permits may bring firearms.  The bill, among other things, allows firearms to be carried in houses of worship if "the governing body or authority of the place of worship" permits it. However, the bill provides a minimal punishment for a person who holds a weapons carry licence and brings a weapon into a place of worship that has not opted permit firearms.  The person may not be arrested and may be fined not more than $100. The final version passed the Senate by a vote of 37-18 and the House by a vote of 112-58. The bill now goes to the governor for his signature. Atlanta Journal Constitution reports on the bill's passage.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Georgia Legislature Authorizes Ten Commandments Monument On State Capitol Grounds

According to WSB-TV News, the Georgia State Senate yesterday gave final passage and sent to the governor for his signature HB 702 which authorizes placing within the capitol building or on the statehouse grounds a "historic granite monument" depicting the Preamble to the Georgia Constitution, a line from the Declaration of Independence, and the Ten Commandments. The monument is to be funded only by private contributions.  The bill passed the House last week by a vote of 138-37.  It passed the Senate yesterday by a vote of 40-10.