Showing posts with label Russia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Russia. Show all posts

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Orthodox Patriarch Warns Russian Parliament About Same-Sex Marriage

According to ITAR-TASS News Agency, on Tuesday Patriarch Krill, head of the Russian Orthodox Church, spoke at the Federation Council (the upper house of Russia's parliament) to warn against the legalization of same-sex marriage and to lament marital infidelity. He said that if a person is unfaithful to his family, he may be unfaithful to his homeland.  After Krill's presentation, the Federation Council and religious leaders adopted a joint statement which reads in part: "Preservation of marriage as a union between a man and a woman based on love and mutual understanding and birth of beloved children are a precondition for survival of humankind."

Friday, January 17, 2014

Russia Is Digitizing Disputed Jewish Book Collection

As previously reported, last year the Russian State Library and the Russian Culture Ministry instituted a lawsuit against the U.S. Library of Congress in the Moscow Arbitration Court to obtain return of seven books on loan to the Library from Russia.  The books are part of one of two expropriated collections of valuable Jewish religious books and manuscripts which U.S. courts have ordered the Russian government to return to Chasidei Chabad of United States. Interfax reported yesterday that a preliminary hearing in the Moscow court has been adjourned because the court has not yet received a reply receipt indicating that the court papers were received by the Library of Congress. Interfax disclosed that 4,500 books from one of the collections, the Schneerson collection, that are stored at the Russian State Library are currently being inventoried, scanned and digitized at the rate of 500 to 700 books per month. Russia and the Russian branch of Chabad want the Schneerson collection to remain in Moscow's Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center, a museum controlled by Chabad. The U.S. Chabad organization wants the books returned to them in the United States. (See prior posting.)

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Russia May Free Pussy Riot Band Members Early

To mark the 20th anniversary of the Russian Constitution, Russia's State Duma yesterday by a vote of 446-0 passed a broad prison amnesty bill applying to various categories of offenders and offenses.  Radio Free Europe reports that since the amnesty covers those sentenced for hooliganism, it apparently includes the two jailed members of the punk rock band Pussy Riot. In August 2012, the band members were arrested after they entered a nearly empty Christ the Savior Cathedral in Moscow and performed an obscene "punk prayer" in protest of the Russian Orthodox Church's political support for Vladimir Putin. (See prior posting.) Their sentences are up in March without the amnesty. The amnesty law goes into effect as soon as it is published in  "Rossiiskaya Gazeta," the government newspaper-- which is expected to happen today. Some suggest that the amnesty law is an attempt to bolster Russia's human rights image ahead of the upcoming Winter Olympics in Sochi.

UPDATE: CNN reports (Dec. 23) that the two Pussy Riot band members have been released from prison.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Russian Appeals Court Says Qur'an Translation Is Not Extremist Publication

RAPSI reported yesterday that in Russia, the Krasnodar Territorial Court has reversed the controversial ruling by the Novorossiisk District Court that had banned an abridged Russian translation of the Qur'an by Azerbaijani philosopher Elmir Kuliyev.  The lower court had held that the translation should be banned under the federal law barring extremist materials, and that copies of it should be destroyed. (See prior posting.) The Territorial Court has refused to declare the translation an extremist work.