Showing posts with label Satanic Temple. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Satanic Temple. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Satanic Temple Asks To Place Baphomet On Arkansas Capitol Grounds

In a press release today, The Satanic Temple announced that it has formally asked the Arkansas’ Capitol Arts and Grounds Commission for permission to place its "Baphomet" monument on the Capitol grounds next to an already-authorized Ten Commandments monument.  The Satanic Temple contends that when Arkansas earlier this year enacted SB 939 authorizing the Ten Commandments monument, it effectively opened the Capitol grounds to private donations and may not engage in viewpoint discrimination in accepting them.It says it will place an inscription on the Baphomet monument reading:
Be it known to all that this statue commemorates the history of law in the United States of America. From the deplorable Satanic Witch Hunts, the cherished doctrines of due process, presumption of innocence and the protection of minorities from the tyranny of mob rule became part of the established foundation of American jurisprudence.
Baphomet was unveiled in a ceremony in Detroit earlier this summer. (See prior posting.) A Hindu group also wants to place a monument on the Arkansas Capitol grounds. (See prior posting.)

Friday, July 24, 2015

Satanic Temple Chooses Detroit To Unveil Statue Aimed At Oklahoma or Arkansas Statehouse Lawns

The Detroit News reports that The Satanic Temple has chosen Detroit as the site to unveil its 9-foot tall bronze statute of the goat headed Baphomet-- a statue that it hopes to place next to an existing Ten Commandments monument on the Oklahoma state capitol grounds in Oklahoma City, or next to one on the Arkansas state capitol grounds in Little Rock.  The original plans for the Oklahoma location have become less certain after the Oklahoma Supreme Court earlier this month ruled that the Ten Commandments monument must be removed. (See prior posting.)  According to an interview with a Satanic Temple leader published in Wednesday's Detroit Metro Times, Detroit was chosen for the unveiling of the $100,000 sculpture because the city has a strong local chapter and is the location of The Satanic Temple's first chapter house.

Plans for the unveiling, however, have faced difficulties. The owner of the space in Detroit's Eastern Market district where the unveiling was originally planned backed out after a campaign against the statute by the pastor of Detroit's St. Matthew Baptist Church. Salon Magazine discusses at length the threats to destroy the statue posted on Facebook. So now the unveiling is scheduled for tomorrow at a location that will be revealed only to ticket holders through e-mail on the day of the event. The Satanic Temple's website-- though which tickets may be purchased-- extends an invitation reading in part:
The Satanic Temple invites you to join us for a night of chaos, noise, and debauchery at The Unveiling, a hedonistic celebration introducing the controversial Baphomet monument accompanied by provocative performances and installations.
Never before seen in public, The Satanic Temple Baphomet monument is already the most controversial and politically charged contemporary work of art in the world.... The event will serve as a call-to-arms from which we’ll kick off our largest fight to date in the name of individual rights to free exercise against self-serving theocrats.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Satanic Temple Member Files Suit Challenging Missouri's Abortion Restrictions Under State's RFRA

On Friday, after submitting a demand letter (full text), a member of the Satanic Temple filed a lawsuit in state court in Missouri challenging as a violation of Missouri's Religious Freedom Restoration Act the state's waiting period and informed consent requirements imposed before a woman may obtain an abortion. (See prior related posting.)  The complaint (full text) in Doe v. Nixon, (MO Cir. Ct., filed 5/8/2015), alleges that plaintiff has deeply held religious beliefs that her body is inviolable and subject to her will alone and that she alone decides whether to remove a non-viable fetus.  It contends that conditioning her decision to have an abortion on presenting her written materials prepared by the state that outline gestational development and the possibility of the abortion causing pain to the unborn child, the requirement that she view an ultrasound, and the statutory 72 and 24-hour waiting periods contitute restrictions on her free exercise of religion because they are contrary to her beliefs and unduly restrictive of her freedom of choice. Plaintiff also filed a Memorandum of Law in Support of a Temporary Restraining Order (full text).   Orlando Weekly reports on the lawsuit.

Friday, May 01, 2015

Satanic Temple Member Claims State RFRA Exemption To Missouri's Abortion Waiting Period

Friendly Atheist reports this week on plans by a member of the Satanic Temple to challenge Missouri's requirement for a 72-hour waiting period for abortions by asserting a religious freedom claim.  Missouri has a Religious Freedom Restoration Act (MO Rev. Stat Section 1.302.1).

Missouri law (MO Rev. Stat. Section 188.027.1)  requires that: "The physician who is to perform or induce the abortion or a qualified professional shall provide the woman with the opportunity to view at least seventy-two hours prior to the abortion an active ultrasound of the unborn child and hear the heartbeat of the unborn child if the heartbeat is audible." Using an exemption form developed by the Satanic Temple, the Missouri native identified as "Mary" claims that her sincerely held Satanic Temple beliefs are that her body is inviolable and subject to her will alone, and that inviolable body includes any fetal tissue so long as it is unable to survive outside her body as an independent human being.

Planned Parenthood of St. Louis is the only abortion provider in Missouri, and Mary lives hundreds of miles away from it, making a 72 hour wait after her initial appointment difficult. The head of the Satanic Temple says it will pursue litigation if Mary's exemption claim is not honored. Last year, using similar arguments, the Satanic Temple launched a campaign against "informed consent" laws that require abortion providers to furnish women certain informational material when they seek an abortion. (See prior posting.)