Friday, March 27, 2009

8th Circuit Says Missouri's Procedure For Approving Specialty Plates Is Invalid

In Roach v. Stouffer, (8th Cir., March 26, 2009), the U.S. 8th Circuit Court of Appeals held unconstitutional Missouri's statute that gives the legislative Joint Committee on Transportation Oversight broad authority to approve or reject applications for creating new specialty license plates. The statute permits a veto of proposed plates by small numbers of legislators. The Court found that the Joint Committee's unbridled discretion creates the potential for unconstitutional viewpoint discrimination. The suit was brought by an organization whose request for a "Choose Life" license plate had been denied after objections from two state senators. In upholding an injunction ordering the state to issue the plates, the court joined three other Circuits in holding that messages on specialty plates are private speech, not governmental speech. The court reasoned:
The primary purpose of Missouri's specialty plate program is to allow private organizations to promote their messages and raise money and to allow private individuals to support those organizations and their messages.... With more than 200 specialty plates available to Missouri vehicle owners, a reasonable observer could not think that the State of Missouri communicates all of those messages.
In a release on the decision from Alliance Defense Fund (which represented plaintiffs) indicates that Missouri has already begun to sell the plates since the Court of Appeals had refused to stay the injunction previously issued by the district court. The Kansas City Star also reports on the decision.

UN Human Rights Council Again Adopts Defamation of Religion Resolution

Yesterday the United Nations Human Rights Council again adopted a non-binding "defamation of religions" resolution by a vote of 23 yes, 11 no and 13 abstentions. (AP report). The resolution was introduced by Pakistan on behalf of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, and was co-sponsored by Belarus and Venezuela. The lengthy document (full text):
Urges all States to provide, within their respective legal and constitutional systems, adequate protection against acts of hatred, discrimination, intimidation and coercion resulting from defamation of religions and incitement to religious hatred in general, and to take all possible measures to promote tolerance and respect for all religions and beliefs;
A version of the resolution has been adopted in a U.N. body each year since 1999. The Becket Fund reports that this year 180 non-governmental organizations from 50 countries had signed a petition (full text) urging rejection of the resolution. Western countries have opposed the underlying premise of the resolution, arguing that it is individuals, not religions, that have rights. The United States is not a member of the Human Rights Council. (See prior related posting.)

Texas Board Largely Supports Teaching Of Evolution Without Adding Alternatives

Yesterday the Texas State Board of Education again more or less reaffirmed its earlier decision to mandate teaching of evolution in a manner consistent with mainstream science. After hearings in January, the Board preliminarily voted 8-7 to drop prior languge in the state's science curriculum standards that called for students to analyze the "strength and weaknesses" of scientific theories. (See prior posting.) New, more pro-science, language was adopted that says students should "analyze and evaluate scientific explanations using empirical evidence."

The final set of hearings on these standards began Wednesay. (AP). Yesterday, according to the New York Times, the the Board by a vote of 7-7 refused to adopt a proposal to go back to the old "strengths and weaknesses" language. However, social conservatives were able to add new requirements at various specific points in the curriculum that call on teachers to evaluate the sufficiency of current scientific explanations. For example, Biology standards will now call on teachers to "analyze and evaluate the sufficiency or insufficiency of natural selection to explain the complexity of the cell." A final Board vote is to be taken today. It is expected to reaffirm yesterday's result since one additional Board member will participate and she has already indicated that she opposes the changes pressed by social conservatives. (Dallas Morning News.)

Suit Challenges Middle School's Refusal To Recognize Religious Club

On Wednesday, the mother of a middle school student in Atlanta filed suit in a Georgia federal district court challenging the refusal by school officials to give formal recognition and free use of meeting facilities at Sutton Middle School to a Christian student group, the STS Club. In Shelton v. Atlanta Public Schools, (ND GA, filed 3/25/2009), the complaint (full text) alleges that school authorities violated the Equal Access Act, as well as the 1st and 14th Amendments in using various excuses to keep STS Club out of the school. Eventually the club was formed, but it is required to pay rent to use facilities before school, and it is denied other benefits given to recognized student organizations. Alliance Defense Fund announced the filing of the lawsuit.

Obama Administration Defends Visa Denial To Muslim Scholar

Reuters reports on arguments last Tuesday before the U.S. Second Circuit Court of Appeals in the case of Muslim scholar Tariq Ramadan who is appealing the denial of a visa by U.S. consular officials. Originally Ramadan sought admission to the U.S. to accept tenured position at the University of Notre Dame. After that became impossible, he continued his request, hoping to attend other academic events in the United States. The district court upheld the government's argument that it could exclude Ramadan because he had contributed funds to an organization which he knew, or should have known, provided funds to Hamas, a Designated Foreign Terrorist Organization. (See prior posting.) Civil liberties had hoped that the Obama administration would reverse what they say was a Bush administration policy to exclude foreign scholars from visiting the U.S. because of their political beliefs. However the government continued to defend the denial, arguing that "consular decisions are not subject to litigation." Assistant U.S. Attorney David Jones said that the decision to continue to deny Ramadan's visa was taken "upwards in the State Department."

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Serbian Parliament Passes Anti-Discrimination Law

AP reports that Serbia's parliament today narrowly passed an anti-discrimination bill, despite objections from the Serbian Orthodox Church and others. The bill bans discrimination based on religion, race, gender, sexual orientation and various other grounds. The new law will align Serbia with directives of the European Union and further Serbia's efforts to become a member of the EU-- and its more immediate goal of obtaining rights for Serbian citizens to travel to EU countries without a visa. Church objections focused on a number of provisions, but particularly the ban on discrimination based on sexual orientation. The vote in Parliament was 127-59, with other members absent for the vote. At least 126 votes in the 250-member Parliament were required for passage.

Tajikistan's President Signs Controversial New Religion Law

Tajikistan's President Imomali Rakhmon today signed a controversial new religion law, according to a report from Reuters. Last week the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom criticized the law, saying:
If signed, the law will legalize harsh policies already adopted by the Tajik government against its majority Muslim population, including the closure of hundreds of mosques and limiting the religious education of children. Moreover, the law will impose state censorship on religious literature, restrict the conduct of religious rites to officially-approved places of worship and allow the state to control the activities of religious associations....

The new religion law places onerous restrictions on the Muslim community, such as limiting the number of mosques based on the number of local residents and imposing state interference in the appointment of imams. The preface to the law singles out the Hanafi school of Sunni Islam for its "special role" in the development of Tajikistan's "culture and moral life," downplaying the significance of the Shi'a Ismaili minority, which lives in Tajikistan's Mountainous Badakhshan Region.

The law will also cause difficulties for Tajikistan's other religious minorities by dramatically increasing the numerical threshold for registration requirements, as well as requiring the founders of a religious group seeking registration to certify that they have lived in their territory for at least five years and adhered to the religion. The law also requires that a religious community obtain consent of the Religious Affairs Committee to invite foreigners or attend religious conferences outside the country.
The new law will come into force once it is officially published by the government.

Arizona Supreme Court Invalidates Two School Voucher Programs

In Cain v. Horne, (AZ Sup. Ct., March 25, 2009), the Arizona Supreme Court held that two school voucher programs-- one for children with disabilities and the other for children in foster care-- violate the state constitutional prohibition on appropriating public money in aid of any private or sectarian school. (AZ Const., Art. 9, Sec. 10). The court concluded that this "Aid Clause" is neither a mirror image of the provision in Art. 2, Sec. 12 of the state constitution that bars the appropriation of public money for religious instruction, nor is it identical in scope to the federal Establishment Clause. Focusing on the Aid Clause, the court stated:
For all intents and purposes, the voucher programs do precisely what the Aid Clause prohibits. These programs transfer state funds directly from the state treasury to private schools. That the checks or warrants first pass through the hands of parents is immaterial; once a pupil has been accepted into a qualified school under either program, the parents or guardians have no choice; they must endorse the check or warrant to the qualified school.
Arizona Capitol Times reported on the decision yesterday.

RNC Chairman Says Future Presidential Run Depends On God's Will

CNN reported yesterday on its interview with Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele. Asked by reporter Don Lemon whether he might consider running for President some day, Steele replied:
God has a way of revealing stuff to you, and making it real for you, through others. And if that's part of the plan, it'll be the plan….[If I run] it'll be because that's where God wants me to be at that time.

British Equality Commission Publishes List of Most Powerful Muslim Women In UK

Britain's Equality and Human Rights Commission this week, in cooperation with The Times and Emel magazine, has published Muslim Women Power List 2009. The list honors Muslim women who are leaders in business, civil service, arts, media or the public sector. (Background). Ranked as the most powerful Muslim woman in Britain was Baroness Sayeeda Warsi, the Conservative Shadow Minister for Community Cohesion and Social Action. The full list is on a website devoted to the award. However, writing in the Telegraph, columnist Damian Thompson asks "why is public money being spent" or this project that seems more appropriate for funding by the Muslim community.

NY Court Says Contract To Sell Church Land Was Valid Without Court Approval

In Hermandad Y Asociados, Inc. v Movimiento Misionero Mundial, Inc., (NY Sup. Ct., March 6, 2009), a New York state trial court interpreted Sec. 12 of the New York Religious Corporations Law. The section requires court approval for the sale, mortgage or long-term lease of church property. The court concluded, however, that the section does not prohibit a church from contracting to sell its property, so long as judicial approval is obtained before the property is actually conveyed. Ultimately, however, the church was excused from performance under the contract because the other party to it, a developer, had committed material breaches.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Court Invalidates Rule On Green Card Applications By Foreign Religious Workers [Revised]

In Ruiz-Diaz v. United States, (WD WA, March 23, 2009), a Washington federal district court invalidated a federal regulation (8 CFR 245.2) that makes it more difficult for foreign religious workers to obtain permanent residency status than various other foreign workers. The court concluded that the rule is "an unreasonable and impermissible construction of the governing statute." The rule was apparently adopted because the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service believes that there is a higher incidence of fraudulent applications among religious workers. An AP report explains:
Under the Department of Homeland Security's policy, religious workers who came to the U.S. on a typical five-year temporary visa were not allowed to file for permanent residency — their green card — until a separate visa petition by their employer had been approved. The problem was that it frequently took a long time for the government to approve those visa petitions — and by the time it did, the religious workers had left the country because their temporary visas had expired....

Workers in other categories, such as aerospace and technology, are allowed to file for permanent residency before, not after, their employer's visa petition is approved, and can remain in the country while their application is pending....
(See prior related posting.)

Court Says Property of Break-Away Parish Remains With Colorado Episcopal Diocese

In Grace Church and St. Stephen's v. Bishop and Diocese of Colorado, (CO Dist. Ct., March 24, 2009), a Colorado state trial court held that all the property of a break-away Colorado Springs parish belongs to the Episcopal Church of the United States and the Diocese of the State of Colorado. The parish, now aligned with the more conservative Convocation of Anglicans in North America, was ordered to cease using the parish property immediately and to turn over financial records and other documents within 30 days. In reaching its decision, the court concluded that:
the founding documents, various bylaws, relevant canons of the general church and consistent parish loyalty to the Diocese over most of its 135 year existence ... reflects the intent that all property held by the parish would be dedicated to an utilized for the advancement of the work of ECUSA.
Virtue Online says that the building at issue is a majestic Gothic style church that is an historic landmark valued at $17 million. It reports on the reaction of Father Donald Armstrong, rector of Grace Church & St. Stephen's. Episcopal Life reports on the reaction of Diocese of Colorado Bishop Robert J. O'Neill and other officials of the continuing congregation. It also says that "Armstrong, who became rector of the congregation in 1987, is the subject of an ongoing criminal investigation into allegations he misappropriated parish funds." Today's Washington Times also reports on Tuesday's court decision. (See prior related posting.)

Israel's Chief Rabbinate Charges Wedding Ad By Masorti Movement Is Fraudulent

In Israel, an attorney for the Chief Rabbinate has written the Israel Broadcasting Authority (IBA) complaining about a radio ad it is broadcasting on behalf of the Masorti Movement. Yesterday's YNet News reported on the ad which encourages couples to consider marrying in a wedding ceremony performed by a Conservative rabbi instead of in an Orthodox ceremony performed by the Chief Rabbinate. The Rabbinate's chief attorney, Shimon Ullman, told IBA that the ad is fraudulent and deceitful because it does not inform listeners that Conservative weddings performed in Israel are not recognized by governmental authorities in the country. Ullman's letter called the Masorti Movement "an organization that undermines official state institutions." A spokesman for the Masorti Movement says that it advises all marriage applicants that its ceremonies are not recognized by the state, and it recommends that couples also hold a civil ceremony outside the country so that their marriage can be registered with the Interior Ministry.

9th Circuit Finds Chinese Christian Refugee Has Fear of Political Persecution

In Li v. Holder, (9th Cir., March 23, 2009), the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals held that the Board of Immigration Appeals wrongly rejected an application for asylum by Xun Li, a former member of a Christian house church in China who had come to the U.S. after Chinese police questioned him, beat him and sent him to a labor camp. The action was taken against Li because he had given shelter to two North Korean Christians who had fled to China. The court concluded that this created a presumption that Li had a well-founded fear he would suffer persecution on account of his political opinion if he returned to China. It disagreed with the Immigration Judge's conclusion that Li merely faced legitimate prosecution in China since no Chinese law banned giving assistance to illegal aliens. In a 31-page opinion, the court explained:
Li refused to obey the nebulous, unwritten policy that undocumented North Korean refugees should receive no aid from Chinese citizens, rather than leaving the refugees to starve, abject and unsheltered, or reporting them to the government to face repatriation and possible execution. Li was motivated by a moral obligation to protect and ease the suffering of the refugees... Though Li did not explicitly state his political disagreement with the policy until he was detained and interrogated, his actions clearly indicated his opposition before that point. One who is persecuted for protesting with lawful deeds is just as worthy of asylum under our laws as one who protested with words.... Thus, Li's defiance of his government's unofficial policy gives rise to an inference that the ensuing attacks and beatings were on account of his political opinion, particularly when no other logical explanation for the attacks exists....
Concluding that Li had been subjected to political persecution, the court did not need to reach his claim of religious persecution, even though Chinese police had also questioned Li about his church affiliation. The court remanded the case for a determination of whether changed country conditions rebut the presumption of fear of future persecution. National Law Journal reports on the decision. [Thanks to Alliance Alert for the lead.]

Episcopal Priest Designated Chief Judge of U.S. Court of Federal Claims

On Monday, the White House announced that President Obama has designated U.S. Court of Federal Claims Judge Emily C. Hewitt to serve as Chief Judge of the court. The promotion took effect on March 11. Episcopal Life reports that Hewitt is an Episcopal priest. She was one of the eleven women ordained to the priesthood in 1974 in contravention of then-prevailing Church doctrine that only permitted men to be ordained. In 1977, the General Convention and the House of Bishops opened the priesthood to women and provided for Hewitt and others to be recognized. Hewitt is a graduate of Cornell University, Union Theological Seminary and Harvard Law School.

White House Announces This Year's Easter Egg Roll

The White House on Monday announced details of this year's White House Easter Egg Roll. For the first time, tickets will be distributed online instead of in advance so that more families and children from around the country can gain admittance. This year's theme will encourage youth to lead healthy and active lives. The event, on Monday April 13, will be open to children age 10 and under and will offer a day of sports, cooking classes, musical performances, and storytelling as well as the traditional Easter egg roll.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Court Tells FDA To Reconsider "Plan B" Restrictions

In Tummino v. Torti, (ED NY, March 29, 2009), a New York federal district court ordered the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to reconsider the restrictions it previously placed on distribution of "Plan B", an emergency contraceptive. Under FDA rules adopted in 2006 (FDA's Q&A), women 18 and over may obtain the drug without a prescription, but only upon showing identification to a pharmacist. It is available only by prescription to women 17 and under. The court concluded that the FDA's decision-making on the drug had departed from normal procedures, was motivated by political considerations, and was not the result of reasoned and good-faith agency decision making. (See 2005 GAO Report.) The court also ordered that within 30 days the FDA modify its rules to make Plan B available to 17-year olds on the same non-prescription basis that it is now available to those 18 and over. Reuters reports on the decision.

A press release from Pharmacists for Life International in reaction to the ruling said: "Hundreds of women have had serious side effects from Plan B as it has killed millions of preborn babies." The Family Research Council complained that: "This ruling jeopardizes girls' health and the ability of parents to care for their daughters' physical and emotional well-being." However Advocates for Youth applauded the decision, saying that it gives the FDA a chance to "ensure that science, not ideology, dictates all future decisions."

British Court To Hear Challenge to Ban On Hindu Funeral Pyres

In Britain, a high court today begins a 3-day hearing in a challenge by an elderly Hindu man to Newcastle's ban on open-air cremations. Both the Guardian and the Telegraph report on the test case brought by the founder of the Anglo-Asian Friendship Society. Davender Ghai asserts that if Britain's 1902 Cremation Act is read to ban outdoor cremations, it violates the European Convention on Human Rights. Ghai claims that Newcastle's City Council discriminated against him on the basis of race and religion when it denied his request that, upon his death, he be cremated on a funeral pyre as required by Hindu tradition. Justice secretary Jack Straw supports the city, arguing that the restrictions are justified by public health and safety. (See prior related posting.)

Obama Will Speak At Notre Dame; Some Catholics Protest

On Friday, the White House announced that President Barack Obama will be the commencement speaker at three universities this spring. One of those is Notre Dame. A press release from Notre Dame indicated that the President will also be awarded an honorary doctor of laws degree. LifeSite News reported yesterday that since the announcement, Notre Dame has been deluged with criticism from those who believe the invitation should be withdrawn because of Obama's pro-abortion positions. Notre Dame President Fr. John Jenkins says that the honorary degree "is not intended to condone or endorse his position on specific issues regarding life." Jenkins also commented: "You cannot change the world if you shun the people you want to persuade, and if you cannot persuade them show respect for them and listen to them."

The Cardinal Newman Society, however, is circulating an online petition that calls it "an outrage and a scandal that ... one of the premier Catholic universities in the United States, would bestow such an honor on President Obama given his clear support for policies and laws that directly contradict fundamental Catholic teachings on life and marriage." As of Monday evening, the CNS website said that there were over 46,000 signers on the petition. [Thanks to PewSitter for the lead.]

UPDATE: Bishop John D'Arcy of the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend (where Notre Dame is located) says he will refuse to attend Notre Dame's commencement in protest of President Obama's policies on stem cell research and abortion. (Munice (IN) Star Press.) [Thanks to Scott Mange for the lead.]

Christian Baptism Center Dedicated In Jordan

In the largely Muslim nation of Jordan last week, Baptist leaders and other dignitaries attended a dedication of a new evangelical Christian baptism center located by the Jordan River near the site it is believed Jesus was baptized. The site, which is operated as a national park, was promised to the Baptist World Alliance by Jordan's King Abdullah II during a 2007 meeting. Associated Baptist Press reported yesterday that among those speaking at the dedication was former British prime minister Tony Blair, who is now a special envoy to the Middle East for the UN, EU, US and Russia.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Cert. Denied In "Understanding Evolution" Website Case

Today the U.S. Supreme Court denied certiorari in Caldwell v. Caldwell, (Docket No. 08-858). (Order List.) In the case, the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals dismissed for lack of standing plaintiff's Establishment Clause challenge to certain content on an "Understanding Evolution" website created and maintained by the University of California Museum of Paleontology and funded in part by the National Science Foundation. Plaintiff objected to statements on the website declaring that evolution and religion are not incompatible. (See prior posting.)

On-Campus Released Time Program Enjoined

In H.S. v. Huntington County Community School Corp., 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 22488 (ND IN, March 19, 2009), an Indiana federal district court accepted a magistrate's recommendation and issued a preliminary injunction barring released-time religious classes on school property during school instructional time. At issue was the released time program at Horace Mann Elementary School in Huntington County (IN). Religious classes there were offered in a trailer owned by a church organization. The trailer was driven to the school and parked in its parking lot. School officials claimed that there is no reasonable way to park the trailer off premises and conduct the released time program in its current time allotment.

After concluding that plaintiff, a parent of a Horace Mann student, has standing, the court went on to find that plaintiff is likely to succeed on the merits of her Establishment Clause claim. In reaching that conclusion, the court relied largely on Supreme court decisions in McCollum v. Board of Education and Lemon v. Kurtzman. The school argued that for safety purposes, the trailer needed to be located on campus. The court agreed that while this was an appropriate secular motivation, nevertheless the arrangement would be seen by a reasonable observer as an unconstitutional endorsement of religious doctrine.

In Jews for Jesus Challenge, Revised Oyster Bay Permit Rules Held Invalid

In People v. Mendelson, (NY Nassau Co. Dist. Ct., March 19, 2009), a New York state trial court dismissed criminal charges brought against a "Jews for Jesus" missionary for distributing literature at a concert in an Oyster Bay (NY) park without obtaining a permit. She refused to accept a permit that would limit her to a fixed table, and insisted on circulating among concertgoers to speak with them. The court held that the town's revised permit requirements (see prior posting), drafted in response to the invalidation of the town's earlier rules (see prior posting), are unconstitutional. The court found the regulations overly broad because, on their face, they are not limited to demonstrations and activities during special events, "but apply to any person, at any time, anywhere in a Town Park or recreational facility." The court said that if the regulations are amended to apply only to special event and demonstration days, they would be upheld. It refused however to accept as sufficient representations by the town's Parks Commissioner that the broadly drafted regulations would in fact be applied only in those circumstances. A release by Alliance Defense Fund discusses the decision.

Recent Articles and Books of Interest

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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Suit Challenges Religious Lyrics Planned For School Assembly

Today's St. Augustine (FL) Record reports on a lawsuit filed last week in federal district court in Florida complaining about an attempt by teachers to include the Diamond Rio band's song "In God We Still Trust" in a public school's third-grade end-of-year assembly. Initially teachers told students that if they objected to practicing the song, they could be excused, but they would be excluded from the entire performance. However after a complaint from a parent, the district quickly removed the song completely from the program. The song (full lyrics reprinted in article) includes the following:
And when we pledge allegiance; There's no doubt where we stand;
There's no separation; We're one nation under him....
Now there are those among us; Who want to push him out
And erase his name from everything; This country's all about....
Now it's time for all believers; To make our voices heard...
In a statement responding to the lawsuit, the district said: "It is never our intention to offend anyone, and, like any other complaint, we responded quickly and appropriately.... This is obviously someone again using the school system (as well as taxpayers' money to defend the lawsuit) for their own personal agenda. Unfortunately, this is not unusual and distracts us from our mission." Meanwhile, in a court filing opposing plaintiffs' motion for a preliminary injunction, the district argued that "unlike school sponsored or endorsed prayer, school sponsored religious songs are not de facto violations of the First Amendment." [Thanks to Larry Mundinger for the lead.]

Religious Divide Growing In Israel's Army

Today's New York Times carries an article titled A Religious War In Israel's Army. It focuses on the growing influence of religious nationalists, many from the settler movement, in an Army that has traditionally been dominated by secular kibbutzniks. Many officers in the elite Golani Brigade are graduates of right-wing military preparatory academies. One soldier says that during the Gaza operation, the rabbinate distributed literature suggesting that the Army was engaged in a religious war against non-Jews for the holy land. Presently the military's chief rabbi, Brig. Gen. Avichai Rontzki, is a West Bank settler. Philosophy professor Moshe Halbertal, a member of the religious left and co-author of the military code of ethics, says that the debate in Israel is not just between religious and secular Jews, but also among religious Jews. It centers on the sanctity of land versus life; the relationship between messianism and Zionism; and the place of non-Jews in a sovereign Jewish state. (See prior related posting.)

Free Exercise Challenge To Marijuana Control Rejected

In Gover v. United States, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 22331 (WD AK, March 19, 2009), a pro se plaintiff sued then-President, George W. Bush, as well as the United States, making broad allegations of unjust policies and directives. In particular plaintiff sought to have marijuana removed from coverage under the Controlled Substances Act. The court found plaintiff lacks standing to assert most of his claims. The only claim of particularized injury was a freedom of religion assertion. Here, however, plaintiff failed to allege a substantial burden on his religious exercise. Plaintiff's complaint asserted merely that he is prevented from experiencing the "inadvertent" spiritual side effects of medicinal use of marijuana.

Recent Prisoner Free Exercise Cases

In Grimes v. Tilton, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 20183 (SD CA, March 12, 2009), a prisoner alleged that the denial of his religiously-motivated request for vegetarian diet violated his rights under RLUIPA and the equal protection clause. A California federal district court, while dismissing certain of plaintiff's claims, allowed him to move ahead on his claims for damages against various of the defendants.

In Blake v. Rubenstein, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 22073 (SD WV, March 17, 2009), a West Virginia federal district court accepted a magistrate's recommendations and refused to issue a preliminary injunction requiring plaintiffs' meals to be prepared in prison by fellow members of the Hare Krishna faith. The court said: "any ongoing burden on their religious freedom is not pressing, especially in light of the multitude of significant modifications that would be necessitated by the grant of an injunction, such as changes in the manner by which the kitchen is staffed and meals are prepared."

Saturday, March 21, 2009

5th Circuit Upholds Christian School's Exclusion From Public School League

In Cornerstone Christian Schools v. University Interscholasitc League, (5th Cir., March 20, 2009), the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals dismissed a lawsuit by a high schooler and his parents who claim that their free exercise, equal protection, and due process rights were infringed when UIL denied Cornerstone Christian Schools an opportunity to apply for league membership. (The court held that the school itself lacks standing to pursue the claims.) UIL is an association of Texas public and charter schools that organizes interscholastic athletic and academic competitions.

The court said: "Although clothed in free exercise and due process claims, this lawsuit is fundamentally about J.F.'s right to participate in interscholastic competition." Quoting an earlier decision, it said that courts are "not super referees over high school athletic programs." It found that the rule at issue does not unduly burden free exercise rights or the parents' due process right to control the education of their children. Finally the court held that UIL's rule "does not violate equal protection of the laws based either on its distinction between public and nonpublic schools or its purported distinction between nonpublic schools of differing sizes." Yesterday's El Paso Times reported on the decision. (See prior related posting.) [Thanks to Eugene Volokh via Religionlaw for the lead.]

Settlement Terms Disclosed In "Universal Love and Music" RLUIPA Suit

The terms of a previously confidential settlement agreement in a RLUIPA lawsuit have now become public with the filing of the 12-page settlement in a Pennsylvania federal court. The suit also raised 1st Amendment claims. The Church of Universal Love and Music sued Fayette County, Pennsylvania which had denied it zoning permission to continue to use property in an agricultural area for religious concerts. The county zoning board claimed that Church founder William Pritts was operating a music business, not a church. (See prior posting.) Yesterday's Pittsburgh Post-Gazette says that under the settlement, the Church will host no more than 6 weekend events and 6 Saturday-only events each year, with a maximum crowd size of 1,500 at each event. Programs may not start before noon and must end by 11 p.m. Pritts also agreed to various requirements for security, parking, camping and bathroom facilities, and a ban on any public nudity. The county will also pay Pritts $75,000 in damages.

County Creates Unusual Policy On Opening Prayers

The Accomack County (VA) Board of Supervisors voted 5-4 on Wednesday to change its policy on the type of prayer that would open their meetings. The Salisbury (MD) Times explained the unusual arrangement that the Supervisors agreed upon as a way to hopefully insulate themselves from a costly lawsuit. Up until 2006, the Board's parliamentarian Rev. Donald Broad was its informal chaplain, opening each meeting with a prayer. Once he retired, the Board began to open meetings with a prayer said by one or another of its members. Apparently many of these were sectarian in nature, and this led some members to ask attorney Mark Taylor for advice. Taylor suggested several options, including having a prayer by a Board of Supervisors chaplain. Adapting that advice, the Supervisors voted that from now on, sessions would be opened by reading one of the prayers that had been offered previously by parliamentarian-chaplain Broad. One citizen attending the meeting complained about the decision, saying that the way to pray is from the heart, not off of a piece of paper.

Malaysian Bar Group Threatened With Suit Over Use of Word "Allah"

The Malaysian Bar, the organization that represents some 12,000 lawyers in Malaysia, recently posted a poll on its website asking lawyers to vote on whether the use of the word "Allah" is restricted to a particular group in Malaysia and whether non-Muslim religious publications should be allowed to use the term to refer to God. The poll came in the wake of a dispute between the government and a newspaper, the Catholic Herald, that used the term in its Malay language edition. (See prior posting.) Channel News Asia reported yesterday that the Islamic religious council in the state of Selangor has now threatened to sue the bar association for misuse of the word "Allah" on its website. Religious council head Mohamad Adzib Mohamad Isa said: "The issue raised in the polls can threaten the sensitivity of Muslims."

Texas Bill Would Exempt Creation Institue Among Others From State Licensing

Fox News reported earlier this week that a Texas state legislator has introduced HB 2800 that would exempt private, non-profit educational institutions that do not accept state funding from the authority of the Texas' Higher Education Coordinating Board. Currently Texas Education Code, Sec. 61.304, requires all private post-secondary educational institutions to obtain a certificate of authority form the Board before they can award degrees. The proposed bill was introduced by State Rep. Leo Berman after The Institute for Creation Research (ICR )was denied a certificate of authority to grant Master of Science degrees. ICR focuses on Biblical creationism. Berman says that creationism is as scientific as evolution and should be given equal treatment in the educational community. A spokesman for the Higher Education Coordinating Board said that the proposal would "open the doors of Texas to predatory institutions." [Thanks to Scott Mange for the lead.]

9th Circuit: School May Cut Off Proselytizing Graduation Speech

In McComb v. Crehan, (9th Cir., March 20, 2009), the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the action of Clark County, Nevada school officials in cutting off the microphone at high school graduation ceremonies when the class valedictorian departed from her approved speech and began reading from a version that contained religious and Biblical references. The incident took place in 2006. (See prior posting.) In yesterday's decision, Judge Kozinski's brief opinion for the court said in part:
Defendants did not violate McComb’s free speech and free exercise rights by preventing her from making a proselytizing graduation speech. Cole v. Oroville Union High School District, 228 F.3d 1092, 1101 (9th Cir. 2000); Lassonde v. Pleasanton Unified School District, 320 F.3d 979, 983 (9th Cir. 2003). Nor did they violate McComb’s right to equal protection; they did not allow other graduation speakers to proselytize.
[Thanks to Rob Luther for the lead.]

Australian Officials Deny Major Retailers Permission To Open On Easter

In the Australian state of New South Wales, the Shop Trading Act 2008 requires retail stores to be closed on Good Friday, Easter, Christmas, Boxing Day and until 1:00 p.m. on Anzac Day. The Act exempts small shops, shops offering various sorts of food and entertainment as well as hotels. It also provides that the Department of commerce can grant exemptions to other stores. NineMSN reported yesterday that a number of major retailers have been refused an exemption that would allow them to be open on Easter Sunday this year.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Court Says AA Meetings Are Not "Exercise of Religion" Under RLUIPA

In Glenside Center, Inc. v. Abington Township Zoning Hearing Board, (PA Commn. Ct., March 17, 2009), a Pennsylvania appellate court held that use of a building for Alcoholics Anonymous meetings (and for meetings by other 12-step groups) is not an "exercise of religion" as that term is used in the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act. In rejecting plaintiff's argument that Abington Township must meet the burden imposed by RLUIPA to deny its request for a zoning variance, the court said:
Glenside failed to prove that any of the meetings are administered by a religious leader, i.e., a minister, priest, rabbi or other spiritual leader. Glenside does not hold any religious services or have any religious affiliations. Its Articles of Incorporation state nothing about being incorporated for a religious purpose, but only to assist people in recovering from addiction. Similarly, Glenside’s printed materials state that Glenside is not a religious organization and do not require that members possess any religious belief to participate. While Glenside argues that members have found a connection with God at its meetings, clearly, the primary purpose of the group meetings, whether they be for AA, NA or DA, is to support individuals who are recovering from alcohol, drug, gambling and debtor addictions, not to advance religion.

USCIRF Holds Hearing On Religious Extremism In Pakistan

Last Tuesday, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom held a public hearaing on the threat that religious extremism in Pakistan poses to religious freedom and human rights. (Event Advisory.) A transcript of the event and copies of prepared testimony are all available from the USCIRF website. This was the third in a series of hearings on the relation of religious extremism to security and human rights. Last year, USCIRF held similar hearings on Sudan (transcript) and Bangladesh (transcript).

Civil Marriage Is Issue In Constructing Israel's Coalition Government

In Israel, Benyamin Netanyahu continues in complex negotiations to build a coalition government. One piece of the complexity comes from competing demands from the Yisrael Beiteinu party and religious parties on the issue of civil marriage. Many immigrants from the former Soviet Union who considered themselves Jewish there, do not meet the halachic (Jewish religious law) requirements to be classified as Jewish in Israel. To be considered Jewish by Israel's Chief Rabbinate, the individual must either have been born of a Jewish mother, or have converted under strict Orthodox standards. If both parties to a marriage do not belong to the same recognized religious community-- Jewish, Christian, Muslim or Druze-- they cannot be married by religious authorities within the country who have a monopoly on dealing with family status issues. (Background.) Instead they have to travel abroad to marry, and then the marriage is recognized in Israel.

Yisrael Beiteinu has strong support from Russian immigrants, and its platform has called for the addition of civil marriage-- as an alternative to marriage through the Chief Rabbinate-- within Israel. Traditionally religious parties have opposed civil marriage. Yesterday, Arutz Sheva and the Jerusalem Post however both reported that leading Orthodox rabbis have agreed to a compromise that may permit Netanyahu's coalition to include both Yisrael Beiteinu and smaller religious parties such as United Torah Judaism. Civil marriage would be permitted, but only if husband and wife both affirm their status as non-Jews before a rabbinical court. This solution, though, will not solve the problem for the large number of affected couples, where one is halachically Jewish and the other is a Russian immigrant whose mother was not Jewish.

City of Modesto Settles Suit By Evangelist

Last November, a California federal district court issued a preliminary injunction requiring the city of Modesto to give evangelist Kevin Borden equal access to the city's pedestrian Tenth Street Plaza to preach and proselytize. (See prior posting.) On Wednesday, the court issued a Consent Order in Borden v. Modesto, (ED CA, March 18, 2009), under which the parties agree that they will permanently comply with the terms of the Preliminary Injunction. The city was also required to pay $35,000 in attorneys' fees and costs to Borden's lawyers, and $1 nominal damages to Borden. Alliance Defense Fund announced the settlement.

Belgian Teacher of Islam Charged With Holocaust Denial

Belgium's law against Holocaust denial has led to a complaint being filed against a Muslim religious teacher in one of Brussels' schools, according to an AFP report on Tuesday. After a Nazi concentration camp survivor made a presentation at the school, the teacher told him that his account was greatly exaggerated. Belgian education minister in the French Community Government, Christian Dupont, expressing shock at the "totally unacceptable" comments, filed a legal complaint against the teacher.

Egypt's Al-Azhar University Defies Court Order Requiring Admissin of Transsexual

The International Herald Tribune reported earlier this week on the continuing refusal by Egypt's prestigious Islamic Al-Azhar University to obey a civil court order to readmit Sally Mursi to its medical school. In 1985, Mursi was a third-year medical student at the University-- at that time Mursi was a man. Mursi then went through a sex-change operation and the government issued Mursi new identification documents listing Mursi as female. The University, however, refused to allow Mursi to re-enroll, and its top religious official issued a decree banning her. Medical school classes are segregated by sex. The University says Mursi cannot attend men's classes because she is impersonating a woman, and cannot attend women's classes because she is actually a man.

All of this led to nine years of civil litigation that culminated in 2007 with an order to admit Mursi. The University has appealed the order, and a hearing is set for May 6. University attorneys say it follows Islamic law, not civil law. Islam does not recognize transsexuality as a medical condition. Instead it considers it an expression of homosexuality.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

U.S. Backs UN Statement on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

In a statement issued yesterday reversing a policy of the Bush administration, the State Department said that the United States now supports the United Nations Statement on Human Rights, Sexual Orientation, and Gender Identity. The Washington Post and CBN report that the French-sponsored statement, endorsed last December by 66 nations, urges countries to make certain that "sexual orientation or gender identity" can "not be the basis for criminal penalties, in particular executions, arrests or detention." Homosexuality is a criminal offense in some 70 countries, many of them Muslim. It is punishable by death in Afghanistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Yemen. The U.S. was the only Western country not to endorse the U.N. statement last year. However 57 countries, including members of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, opposed it.

According to Voice of America, the Bush administration in refusing support argued that the statement might commit the U.S. federal government to override state laws on issues such as discrimination by landlords or employers. Acting State Department Spokesman Robert Wood now says that an interagency review by the Obama administration concluded that the U.N. declaration will not impose legal obligations on the U.S. federal government.

Court Upholds Religious Exemption For Importation and Use of Daime Tea

In Church of the Holy Light of the Queen v. Mukasey, (D OR, March 18, 2009), an Oregon federal district court held that Religious Freedom Restoration Act entitles plaintifffs, who are followers of the Brazilian Santo Daime religion, to an exemption from the federal Controlled Substances Act for their importation and sacramental consumption of Daime tea. The court relied on the U.S. Supreme Court's 2006 O'Centro decision. Reality Based Community reports on the decision. [Thanks to Daily Kos for the lead.]

New Report Urges Changes In U.S. International Religious Freedom Policy

Last week, Georgetown's Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs along with the Center on Faith & International Affairs jointly issued a 65-page report titled The Future of U.S. International Religious Freedom Policy: Recommendations for the Obama Administration. The report begins with a critique of past policy:
• U.S. IRF policy to date has focused more on rhetorical denunciations of persecutors and releasing religious prisoners than on facilitating the political and cultural institutions necessary to religious freedom. Accordingly, U.S. policy has had minimal effect on global levels of persecution and even less on the institutions of religious freedom.
• U.S. IRF policy is often viewed abroad as an attack on majority religious communities, as cultural imperialism, and as a front for American missionaries. However inaccurate, these perceptions have dramatically curtailed the policy’s impact.
• U.S. IRF policy has not been integrated into U.S. democracy programs, public diplomacy, counterterrorism, or multilateral diplomacy and international law.
The report then sets out a number of recommendations for the future, under six broad headings: (1) Set a clear policy course; (2) Retool American diplomacy; (3)Reenergize democracy promotion; (4) Make public diplomacy more effective; (5) Employ religious freedom as an element of counterterrorism strategy; and (6) Engage multilateral institutions and international law. Authors of the report are Thomas Farr and Dennis R. Hoover.

Home School Order In Custody Case Draws National Attention

As reported by ABP, a custody order entered earlier this week in a divorce action in North Carolina has generated a wave of protest among conservative groups and home school advocates. The court sided with the father's request that the three children no longer be home schooled by the mother, but instead be returned to public school. Stories, such as one in the Raleigh News & Observer, quote the mother, Vanessa Mills, who said that the home school issue was being used to distract attention from her husband, Robert Mills', adultery. Now the written opinion in Mills v. Mills, (NC Gen. Ct. Jus., March 17, 2009) has become available and paints a different picture.

In extensive Findings of Fact, the judge concluded that both parents were very religious and until 2005 the family attended a local church together. The Mills' marriage broke down, however, because Vanessa joined, and came under the influence of, the Sound Doctrine Church, described by a number of witnesses as a cult. Vanessa then began to home school the children though Robert was reluctant and only approved this as a temporary measure. The court found that a portion of the home schooling involved communication by phone and web cam with Sound Doctrine members in Washington state. The court concluded that it is in the best interest of the children to expose them "to more than just the experiences that Vanessa Mills desires." The court added that this "will not infringe upon either party's right to practice their own religion and expose their children to the same."

Hospice Chaplain Protests Request For Secular Remarks At Staff Meetings

The non-profit Hospice by the Sea in Boca Raton, Florida, finds itself in the midst of a controversy after its CEO issued what she thought was a minor administrative directive. Paula Alderson wanted chaplains to close staff meetings with an inspirational thought that is secular in tone. She asked them not to use terms such as "God" or "Holy Father" in their remarks, in order to assure that the hospice's diverse staff was comfortable. (March 18 statement on Hospice website.) However, according to Wednesday's South Florida Sun-Sentinel, Christian chaplain Rev. Mirta Signorelli has resigned in protest, saying: "I can't do chaplain's work if I can't say 'God' — if I'm scripted." She says the policy-- which she describes as a directive to cease and desist from using God in prayers-- has a chilling effect that goes beyond staff meetings. None of the hospice's other six chaplains have raised objections. [Thanks to both Jefferson Gray and Joel Katz (Relig. & State In Israel) for leads.]

Amish Landowner Sentenced To Jail For Refusing To Comply With Sanitary Code

AP reported on Tuesday that a trial court in Ebensburg, Pennsylvania sentenced Andy Swartzentruber, a member of a conservative Amish sect, to 90 days in jail for refusing to comply with sewage code requirements in connection with two outhouses on property he owns. He was also fined $1000 for contempt. An Amish school, attended by 18 students, is located on Swartaentruber's property. The court also ordered it and the outhouses padlocked. In the long-running case, Swartzentruber had previously been fined $500 and ordered to stop dumping untreated sewage onto the ground by installing a holding tank and using a certified sewage hauler. (See prior posting.) Attempts at compromise have not been successful. While the Amish community is willing to pay for a permit, Swartzentruber has religious objections to permitting inspectors to take soil samples.

Reporting on the trial, the Johnstown (PA) Tribune-Democrat said that the judge's ruling seemed to stun members of the Amish community in attendance.The order to close the Amish school now poses the issue of how the Amish community will comply with the state's compulsory education requirements. After sentencing, Swartzentruber told the judge that he wants no TV or electricity in his cell. However the jail's warden said that Swartzentruber will be placed in a standard cell with electric lights.

Companies Lose Attempt To Force Autopsy Over Religious Objections

The Newark Star-Ledger reports that Honeywell International and Chrysler Motor Corp. have lost their bid to further delay the burial of Harold St. John who had sued the companies and others for damages, alleging that his mesothelioma was caused by exposure to their products used in an auto-repair shop in which he worked. St. John died on Feb. 28, two days before his trial was to begin. A New Jersey appellate court ordered his burial delayed while it heard arguments over religious and moral objections to an autopsy raised by St. John's family. That order was served on the funeral director on March 4, just moments before the funeral. Now, in St. John v. Affinia Group, Inc., (NJ App. Div., March 18, 2009), the New Jersey appellate court concluded that the companies had not shown that lung tissue from the requested limited autopsy would likely lead to evidence that would be significant at trial. Therefore, it concluded, an autopsy should not be ordered over the objections of St. John's family and St. John's burial should proceed.

Kazakhstan President Agrees With Invalidation of Religion Law Changes

Forum 18 reported Tuesday that Kazakhstan's President Nursultan Nazarbaev will not challenge last month's decision by the Constitutional Council ruling that recently enacted amendments to the country's religion laws are unconstitutional. (See prior posting.) The President had referred the amendments to the Council instead of signing them after Parliament approved them. He now says he agrees with the Constitutional Council's ruling and the Prime Minister's office says it has no plans to introduce a new religion law. It appears that the now-rejected law was never the product of the Prime Minister's office, but instead came from members of Parliament who circulated it to the Justice Ministry's Religious Affairs Committee for comment. Parliamentary supporters of the new law are not sure whether they will attempt to enact other sorts of restrictions. One supporter, Berik Bekzhanov, says that he is still concerned with groups such as Jehovah's Witnesses.

Teen Challenge Sues Over Zoning Denial By North Carolina City

Monday's Elizabeth City, North Carolina Daily Advance reports that a lawsuit was filed in a North Carolina federal district court last week challenging Elizabeth City's refusal to permit Albemarle Teen Challenge to operate a residential addiction treatment center for women in an historic district in the city. Teen Challenge offers a "Christian faith-based solution to life-controlling drug and alcohol problems." The lawsuit claims that the city's rejection of a rezoning request and the Board of Zoning Adjustment's classification of the proposed facility as a "boarding house" for zoning purposes, violate the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Fair Housing Act and RLUIPA.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Obama Picks Author of Indiana Legislative Prayer Decision For 7th Circuit Vacancy

In his first judicial nomination, President Barack Obama yesterday selected Indiana federal district judge David Hamilton for a seat on the U.S. 7th Circuit Court of Appeals. (White House press release.) Hamilton was the author of two related 2005 opinions holding that the Indiana House of Representatives, in opening its sessions with sectarian prayer, violated the Establishment Clause. (See prior postings 1, 2.) Ultimately the 7th Circuit dismissed the case on standing grounds. (See prior posting.) Judge Hamilton, whose nomination must be confirmed by the Senate, was supported by both Indiana senators, Democrat Evan Bayh and Republican Richard Lugar. Reporting on the nomination, the AP says that the American Bar Association has resumed its historical role in evaluating judicial nominees-- giving Hamilton a "well qualified" rating. The Bush administration did not consult the ABA on its judicial picks.

9th Circuit Upholds Law School's Non-Discrimination Rules For Student Groups

Just one week after oral argument (see prior posting), the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals issued a one-paragraph decision in Christian Legal Society v. Kane, (9th Cir., March 17, 2009), upholding the right of Hastings College of Law to impose its policy against discrimination on the basis of religion and sexual orientation on a student religious group seeking formal recognition. Citing its decision last year in In Truth v. Kent School District, the court said:
The parties stipulate that Hastings imposes an open membership rule on all student groups—all groups must accept all comers as voting members even if those individuals disagree with the mission of the group. The conditions on recognition are therefore viewpoint neutral and reasonable.
Yesterday's San Francisco Chronicle reports on the decision.

Obama and Catholic Bishops' Head Meet At White House

Yesterday, President Barack Obama met at the White House with Cardinal Francis George, President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Cardinal George is also Archbishop of Chicago. Both the White House and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops issued short and cryptic press releases about the 30 minute meeting. The releases indicate that the meeting discussed the relationship of the Church in the U.S. to the Administration and opportunities for continued cooperation in solving the nation's problems.

Last November, shortly after Obama's election victory, Cardinal George issued a statement welcoming the opportunity of working with the new administration and Congress, but stating: "If the election is misinterpreted ideologically as a referendum on abortion, the unity desired by President-elect Obama and all Americans at this moment of crisis will be impossible to achieve." (See prior posting.) In their respective releases on yesterday's meeting, the White House said: "The President thanked Cardinal George for his leadership and for the contributions of the Catholic Church in America and around the world." The USCCB said: "Cardinal George expressed his gratitude for the meeting and his hopes that it will foster fruitful dialogue for the sake of the common good."

Massachusetts High Court Rejects Suit Against Episcopal Diocese In Sex Case

In Petrell v. Shaw, (MA Sup. Jud. Ct., March 16, 2009), the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court dismissed a lawsuit against the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts and three of its bishops brought by parishioner Carolyn Petrell who had been in a sexual relationship with her parish rector, August Rakoczy, after she went to him for family counselling. Soon after Petrell ended the relationship, Rakoczy was admitted to a psychiatric facility and renounced his vows in anticipation of being deposed from the Episcopal priesthood. The Court rejected the claim that defendants owed Petrell a fiduciary duty of care to protect her against sexual exploitation by a member of the clergy. The court also rejected the argument that defendants were vicariously liable for the Rakoczy's wrongful actions. Finally, the court found no negligent hiring, supervision or retention of the Rakoczy by defendants, saying:
The delicate balance between the freedom to exercise religion and the demands placed on all persons (clerical and others) by civil law, requires us to proceed cautiously in a controversy where we are asked to hold that a religious institution's reliance on its own written policy governing the response to reports of a clergy's sexual misconduct with an adult parishioner gives rise to liability under civil law.
Yesterday's Quincy (MA) Patriot Ledger reports on the decision and on further background of the case.

Durban II Draft Revised To Remove "Defamation of Religion" Language

Less than a month after the United States announced that it was withdrawing from participation in the United Nations Durban Review Conference and would re-engage only if dramatic revisions were made in the draft resolution for the Conference, the U.N. human rights office in Geneva announced substantial changes in the draft declaration. (Associated Press, 3/17.) References to "defamation of religion" have been removed and the draft now only expresses concern about the "negative stereotyping of religions." Also direct references to Israel have been removed from the draft.

Attempts over the past several years by the Organization of the Islamic Conference to enshrine "defamation of religion" as an offense under international law have generated substantial controversy. (See prior posting.) The group UN Watch (affiliated with the American Jewish Committee) still has some problems with the Durban II draft. Language referring to sexual orientation discrimination has been removed. Also, the draft still takes the position that religions themselves — not just religious believers — should be protected under human rights law. Western diplomats had no immediate comment on the changes, other than to say they were moving in the right direction. (See prior related posting.)

U.S. Muslim Groups May Cut Outreach Efforts With FBI

In a press release yesterday, the American Muslim Taskforce on Civil Rights and Elections (AMT) announced that it is considering suspending ongoing outreach efforts with the FBI. The move was triggered by a number of recent incidents in which the FBI has sent undercover agents into mosques (see prior posting), as well as by concerns over the FBI's naming several major American Muslim groups as "unindicted co-conspirators" in connection with the trial of the Holy Land Foundation in Dallas, Texas. (See prior related posting.) Ten U.S. Muslim groups signed the AMT statement.

Pope, On Plane To Africa, Says Condoms Are Not The Way To Fight AIDS

Speaking aboard his plane on the way to Cameroon yesterday, Pope Benedict XVI created a new controversy in answering questions submitted in advance by reporters. Responding to a question about the AIDS epidemic on the African continent, the Pope said the Catholic Church is in the forefront of the battle against the disease. However, he added: "You can't resolve it with the distribution of condoms. On the contrary, it increases the problem." The Associated Press, reporting on the start of the Pope's week long trip to Africa, quotes the response of an employee in Cameroon's Ministry of Urban Development: "What the pope says is an ideal for the Catholic church. But he needs to look at the realities on the ground." Landing in Cameroon, the Pope was greeted by the country's President, Paul Biya.

Canadian Science Minister's Beliefs On Evolution Create Controversy

In Canada, Minister of State for Science and Technology, Gary Goodyear, has created a good deal of controversy by refusing to answer a question about whether he believes in evolution. According to a Toronto Globe & Mail report yesterday, Goodyear responded to a reporter's question about his beliefs by saying: "I'm not going to answer that question. I am a Christian, and I don't think anybody asking a question about my religion is appropriate." However, in a subsequent TV appearance, Goodyear when asked whether he believes in evolution, responded: "Of course I do. But it is an irrelevant question.” (Toronto Globe & Mail). A budget crunch in Canada has led to cutting of science funding. Goodyear and the government have been criticized for neglecting basic research and directing resources instead towards applied research in areas such as the automotive and forestry industries. CBC News reports on the reactions from various scientists and medical personnel.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Israel's High Court Reaffirms Required Religious Accommodation For Fencing Championships

In a decision handed down yesterday, Israel's High Court of Justice refused to lift an interim order it issued last year requiring that national fencing championship organizers accommodate the Sabbath observance of competitor Yuval Freilich-- holder of the national title in the 13 and under category. (See prior posting.) YNet News reports that the court suggested the parties reach an agreement or have the matter arbitrated by the Israel Sports Association. The court said that its interim order would be null and void if the Israel Fencing Association either arranges for Freilich to participate in matches only after the conclusion of the Sabbath, or alternatively awards him technical wins for matches on the Sabbath that he misses. [Thanks to Joel Katz of Religion and State in Israel for the lead.]

Suit Against Monastery May Proceed Over 1st Amendment Objections

Hoyle v. Dimond, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 20051 (WD NY, March 9, 2009), is a suit for return of over $1.2 million in assets transferred to the Most Holy Family Monastery by Eric Hoyle who entered the monastery to become a Benedictine monk. The amended complaint which this decision permitted to be filed raises ten causes of action, including fraud, misrepresentation, unjust enrichment, deceptive trade practices and RICO violations. It also seeks an accounting. The dispute arose when Hoyle learned that the monastery was not affiliated with the Order of St. Benedict. At that time he withdrew and demanded back his worldly assets that he had turned over to the monastery.

In this decision, a New York federal district court rejected the monastery's First Amendment defense that adjudicating the claim would involve the court in interpreting religious doctrine. While leaving open the possibility that the defense could be raised again later, the court concluded that for now it appeared that it was merely being asked to determine the neutral fact of whether the Monastery was affiliated with the recognized Order of St. Benedict, and not a religious dispute of whether defendants can be "Benedictines" without being affiliated with the recognized order.

5th Circuit Upholds Texas Moment of Silence Law

In Croft v. Governor of the State of Texas, (5th Cir., March 16, 2009), the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the Texas moment of silence statute against an Establishment Clause challenge. The statute, as amended in 2003, requires "the observance of one minute of silence" at every Texas school, during which "each student may, as the student chooses, reflect, pray, meditate, or engage in any other silent activity that is not likely to interfere with or distract another student." The Court concluded:
the Amendments are constitutional and satisfy all three prongs of the Lemon analysis. There is no excessive entanglement, and the primary effect of the Amendments is not to advance religion. The most difficult prong—for this and for moment of silence statutes generally—is legislative purpose. But our review of legislative history is deferential, and such deference leads to an adequate secular purpose in this case.... Here, that intent was to promote patriotism and allow for a moment of quiet contemplation.
The San Angelo Standard Times reported on the decision yesterday. (See prior related posting.)

Reconversion Out of Islam Continues As Issue In Muslim Countries

In Muslim countries, court battles over the recognition of conversions out of Islam to another religion continue. In the Malaysian state of Penang, the Sharia Appeal Court has issued one of the rare decisions permitting a woman to renounce Islam and convert back to Buddhism. According to Reuters yesterday, the court held that Tan Ean Huang, an ethnic Chinese woman, had purportedly converted to Islam in 1998, as required by Malaysian law in order to marry a Muslim man. The court concluded, however, that she has never followed Islamic teachings and has been living a non-Muslim lifestyle, making the validity of the original conversion doubtful.

Meanwhile, in Egypt a lawyer has filed suit against the Minister of Interior seeking to make it easier for Christian converts to Islam to reconvert to Christianity. Currently Egyptian law requires a court to approve the reconversion. According to Monday's Christian Today, the lawsuit seeks to require the government to recognize a certificate of conversion from the Coptic Patriarchate as sufficient, just as a decree from Al-Azhar is sufficient for conversion into Islam.

Cardinal Says International Law Precludes Sale of Vatican Art for African Food

Article 18 of the 1929 Conciliation Treaty (full text) between Italy and the Vatican provides: "The artistic and scientific treasures existing within the Vatican City and the Lateran Palace shall remain open to scholars and visitors..." Apparently this is the provision referenced by Cardinal Paul Josef Cordes at a press conference Friday in response to a question about a widely-circulated online petition. In anticipation of the Pope's trip to Africa that begins today, Alberto Juesas Escudero of Spain obtained 40,000 signatures on a petition circulated through Facebook that calls on the Vatican to exchange its treasures for food for Africa. Zenit quotes Cardinal Cordes, president of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum, who said that the Church "has the duty to conserve the works of art in the name of the Italian state. It cannot sell them." Thus, he says, international law makes the exchange of art for food an impossibility.

Egyptian High Court Says Baha'is Can Get ID Cards Without Religion Listed

In an important decision handed down on Monday, Egypt's Supreme Administrative Court held that Baha'is in the country can obtain official identification cards with no religious preference listed on them. Previously the government had required Baha'is to list one of the three official religions-- Islam, Christianity or Judaism-- on their identity papers. In practice, Baha'is often refused to do so and went without the identification papers needed to access education and health care. Yesterday's Gulf News, reports on the decision that ends a 5-year legal battle. A spokesman for Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights described the result as "a victory for civic rights for all Egyptians." (See prior related posting.) The decision, however, does not overrule a 2006 ruling by the same court that bars affirmative listing of the Baha'i faith on ID cards. (See prior posting.)

UPDATE: Human Rights Watch reported in an April 15 article that the Court's decision has been implemented. On March 19 Interior Minister General Habib al-Adly signed a decree (full text in Arabic) instructing officials in the Civil Status Department of the ministry to place a dash before the line reserved for religion in the official identification documents of Egyptian citizens who demonstrate that they or their ancestors were followers of a non-recognized religion. The decree was published in the Official Gazette on April 14 and entered into force on April 15.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Romanian Tribunals Uphold Biometric Passports Over Religious Objections

In Romania, both the Legal Commission of the Senate and the Romania Appeals Court have upheld the Emergency Government Ordinance introducing biometric passports despite protests that the new passports violate religious rights. The face image and fingerprints are digital in the new documents. EDRI reported last week that at the Appeals Court hearing, NGOs that brought the challenge argued that "the introduction of chips into passports affects the right to religion because it changes the name given by God into a figure." Some opponents had also claimed that the new passports included the figure "666", traditionally the mark of the beast from the Book of Revelation. Aurel-Vasile Sime, head of the General Division of passports, said that was not the case, and also said that Romanians had the option to choose temporary one-year passports without biometric elements.

Resolution Proposed To Display Lincoln-Obama Bible At Capitol Visitor Center

In late January, Virginia Rep. James Forbes introduced into Congress H. Con. Res. 34 seeking to have the Lincoln-Obama Bible placed on permanent display on the Lincoln table in the Capitol Visitor Center. As a posting yesterday at the Public Record demonstrates, it is an idea that might have captured broad support were it not for the wording of the resolution that seems designed to stir up the controversy between those who want more religion in government and those who support a robust Establishment Clause. Here are a few of the contentious excerpts (though many of the other of the 16 "Whereas clauses" are unobjectionable to all sides):

Whereas the Holy Bible is God's Word;

Whereas each President, after taking the oath of office, has repeated President Washington’s petition prayer seeking divine help by saying, "So help me God";...

Whereas in Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address, he referred to God 14 times, to verses in the Holy Bible 4 times, and invoked prayer 3 times in 701 words; ...

Resolved ... That Congress calls upon the Capitol Preservation Commission ... to place the Lincoln-Obama Bible on permanent display ... at the Capitol Visitor Center for the benefit of all its visitors to fully understand and appreciate America's history and Godly heritage.

Pakistan and Egypt Move In UN On Resolutions Against Anti-Muslim Speech

A new chapter began last week in the long running effort of Muslim countries to obtain United Nations support for banning "defamation of religion," particularly criticism of Islam. Last Wednesday Pakistan began circulating a new resolution "Combating Defamation of Religions" to members of the Human Rights Council. (UN Watch article including full text.) Meanwhile on Friday, Egypt took an unusual step. Instead of waiting, as usual, for the Special Rapporteur to file his report in June, Egypt has begun circulating a draft of a free speech resolution to members of the Human Rights Council. According to Saturday's Vancouver Sun , this pre-empts Canada which usually takes the lead in introducing the resolution on freedom of expression. The Egyptian draft expresses concern about abuses of speech. It is likely to draw opposition from many Western countries.

Recent Articles and New Book of Interest

From SSRN:

From Bepress:

From SmartCILP:
New Book:

Sunday, March 15, 2009

DC Circuit Says Religious College Is Exempt From NLRB Jurisdiction

In Carroll College, Inc. v. NLRB, (DC Cir., March 13, 2009), the DC Circuit Court of Appeals held that the National Labor Relations Board lacks jurisdiction over Carroll College under the Supreme Court's Catholic Bishop case because Carroll is a religiously operated school. The DC Circuit applied the test it had developed in 2002 in University of Great Falls v. NLRB, finding that Carroll College held itself out as providing a religious educational environment. The court concluded that the NLRB had erred in also requiring proof of actual religious influence or control. Focusing on the other portions of the Great Falls test, the Court determined that Carroll College is a non-profit institution that is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church. It held that affiliation, without direct ownership, operation and control, is enough. Finally the court concluded that it could accept the college's challenge to NLRB jurisdiction under Catholic Bishop, even though this theory was raised for the first time on appeal. Before the NLRB, the school (now known as Carroll University and located in Waukesha, Wisconsin) had argued that the Religious Freedom Restoration Act exempted it from NLRB jurisdiction. Friday's Chicago Tribune reports on the decision.

Obama Connects With 5 Pastors For Prayer and Discussion

While the Obama family has not yet joined a church in Washington, D.C., today's New York Times reports that President Barack Obama has created connections with five pastors who he telephones for private prayer sessions and with whom he discusses the role of religion in politics. The pastors, who are centrists theologically, generally share Obama's belief in religion as a force for social justice. The five are Bishop T.D. Jakes, Rev. Jim Wallis, Rev. Kirbyjon H. Caldwell, Rev. Joel C. Hunter and Rev. Otis Moss Jr. Jakes and Caldwell also sometimes served as spiritual advisers to President George W. Bush.

British MP Proposes Ban On Demonstrations Against Uniformed Military

A great deal of anger has surfaced in Britain over the protest last week (Guardian 3/11) by a tiny Islamist group against soldiers returning from Iraq. During a parade in the town of Lutton featuring 200 returning soldiers, Ahle Sunnah al Jamah members carried signs such as one reading "Anglian soldiers go to hell." Now, according to The National yesterday, a Conservative member of Parliament has introduced a bill to outlaw this type of demonstration against the military. The proposed bill tracks language in the Racial and Religious Hatred Act of 2006 (which protects Muslims in Britain). It would ban stirring up hatred against "uniformed military personnel on official duties." The new ban has been offered as an amendment to a policing bill currently working its way through Parliament.