Thursday, November 02, 2006

Turkish Archeologist Acquitted Of Insulting Islam

The Associated Press reports that in Turkey yesterday, a trial court ruled that a 92-year old archeologist was not guilty of insulting people based on their religion. Muazzez Ilmiye Cig, an expert on the ancient Sumerian civilization, had written a book arguing that Islamic-style head scarves date back over 5,000 years and were worn by priestesses who initiated young men into sex. The charges against her were initiated by an Islamic-oriented lawyer who was offended by her book. In her trial that lasted less than one hour, a prosecutor urged that the charges against Cig be dropped, saying that her actions had not endangered public safety in any way. The court ruled that Cig's actions did not constitute a crime, and acquitted her publisher as well.

South Carolina School Superintendent Candidates Views On Intelligent Design

Today's Charleston (SC) Post and Courier discusses the views on intelligent design held by the six competing candidates for South Carolina Superintendent of Education. Only Republican Karen Floyd thinks that it is appropriate to teach alternatives to evolution in public school science classes. Most of the other candidates, including Democrat Jim Rex, favor teaching the topic, but in social studies or courses dealing with the history of religion.

Survey of Muslim Voters Released

Last week in Washington, D.C., the Council on American-Islamic Relations released a survey on the demographics, political views and social integration of Muslim voters in the U.S. The poll indicates that they are young, well-educated and religiously diverse, and feel that Muslims should emphasize the values they share with U.S. Christians and Jews. The full text of the survey is available online.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Mayor Says City's Promo For Christian Halloween Alternative Was Improper

In Toledo, Ohio, the mayor's office has decided that a city official acted improperly this week in publicizing three events offering a Christian alternative to Halloween. Today's Toledo Blade reports that the city's Board of Community Relations executive director, Juanita Greene, used a city computer and the city's e-mail account to distribute a news release publicizing "Holyween", a Christian alternative to "trick or treating" sponsored by G.O.D.S. Ministries. The alternative events were held at two churches and at a YMCA branch and had the support of 8 Christian organizations in the city.

India Candidate's Appeal To Catholic Voters Voids His Election Win

In India this week, the Kerala High Court set aside the election of a winning candidate to the lower house of India's Parliament (the Lok Sabha) on grounds that would astound U.S. politicians. The Indian Election Commission's Model Code of Conduct provides that "there shall be no appeal to caste or communal feelings for securing votes". After National Democratic Alliance candidate P.C. Thomas defeated his next-closest rival, P.M. Ismail, by less than 1,000 votes for the seat representing the Muvattupuzha constituency, Ismail petitioned the court arguing that Thomas violated the election code of conduct. The petition claimed that by printing his picture along side that of Pope John Paul II and Mother Teresa on a calendar used as campaign literature, Thomas raised religious passions. The court agreed and declared Ismail, candidate of the Communist Party of India-Marxist, to be the winner of the parliamentary seat. The court, however, stayed its judgment for a month to permit an appeal to the Indian Supreme Court. The Indo-Asian News Service and Thir Uvananthapuram reported on the court's decision.

Suit Over Auto Sticker's Religious Design Settled

In Burbank, Illinois, a dispute over the city's requiring residents to display a vehicle sticker with an arguably religious drawing on it has been settled. The Chicago Tribune today reports that Nichole Schultz will no longer be required to display the sticker that includes a drawing of a soldier kneeling before a gravesite marked by a cross. A filing asks the court to dismiss the suit challenging the sticker, saying that officials have agreed that if Schultz is ticketed for not displaying it, they will not pursue a fine against her. (See prior related posting.)

Suit Says Missouri University Violated Rights Of Social Work Student

The Alliance Defense Fund Monday filed a federal lawsuit (text of complaint) against Missouri State University on behalf of a former social work student who alleges that her First Amendment rights were violated when one of her professors insisted that she participate in a project that violated her Christian religious beliefs. The ADF's release says that Prof. Frank G. Kauffman assigned his social work students a project promoting homosexual foster homes and adoption. For it, he required the entire class to write and individually sign a letter to the Missouri Legislature in support of homosexual adoption. Student Emily Brooker refused to sign the letter because it violated her religious beliefs. This led to a complaint being filed against her for violation of the School of Social Work’s "Standards of Essential Functioning in Social Work Education" and to a hearing in which she was asked invasive questions about her views on homosexuality.

The Springfield (MO) News Leader today reports that university officials are investigating the allegations made in the lawsuit. It issued a statement saying: "Missouri State University has been and is committed to protecting the rights of its students, as well as its faculty and staff, including free speech and expression, and freedom of religion."

Michigan Pastor's Political Endorsement Questioned

The Interfaith Alliance has criticized Republican Michigan gubernatorial candidate Dick DeVos for accepting an endorsement from a church's podium by its pastor. The endorsement could jeopardize the church's non-profit tax status. The Associated Press reports that a DeVos campaign blog posting Sunday said that DeVos had been endorsed by Rev. Marvin Winans of Detroit's Perfecting Church. The DeVos campaign, however, now says that the statement was a personal endorsement by the pastor, and not political activity by the church.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

For Halloween: Salem Witch Presses For Civil Rights

Today is Halloween. For Wiccans, that means the celebration of the New Year of Samhain. And in Salem, Massachusetts, 73-year old Laurie Cabot is in the midst of a campaign to get city leaders across Massachusetts to respect the civil rights of witches. She has a 4-page legal memo on the topic. Reuters yesterday reported that Salem, the location of historic 17th century witch trials, has now become a center for the pagan community. Some 500 to 1,000 practicing witches live there, and the city abounds with shops that sell Tarot cards and magic supplies-- all attracting tourists at this time of year. Laurie Cabot, the city's first modern openly practicing witch runs one of those shops. She was proclaimed the city's "official" witch in 1975 by Massachusetts' then-governor Michael Dukakis.

Anti-Gay Church Files Open Records Request In Topeka

The Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kansas has gained notoriety for its picketing of veterans' funerals with signs claiming that military deaths stem from U.S. tolerance of homosexuality. (See prior posting.) Today's Topeka Capital-Journal reports that the church has now filed an open records request with the city of Topeka. It seeks information on letters that the city has sent to other communities alerting them of Westsboro's plans to picket there. The request asks for all communications sent by Topeka government officials regarding Westboro Baptist Church, and information on the time spent and funds expended in sending out warnings. Topeka Mayor Bill Bunten says he sent out the letters to deflect anger at Topeka felt by other communities. Westboro's spokesperson, Shirley Phelps-Roper, however, argues that the Constitution bars the mayor from using government funds or facilities to take aim in this way at a religious group.

Queen Elizabeth Reaches Out To Catholic Church

Yesterday AHN reported the Britain's Queen Elizabeth has moved to lessen centuries of tensions between the British Royal Family and the Catholic Church. Last month the queen granted permission for her cousin, Lord Nicholas Windsor, who is a convert to Catholicism, to marry at the Vatican in Rome. The wedding will be performed by a former Anglican vicar who converted to Catholicism in protest of ordination of women. Lord Nicholas is the first member of the British Royal Family in 400 years to marry in Rome. Queen Elizabeth also agreed to attend a reception for the newly-married Catholic couple to be held in Britain in January.

RLUIPA Suit Over Rural Maryland Christian School Project

Anne Arundel County, Maryland's Riverdale Baptist Church has filed suit in federal court invoking RLUIPA to force the county to permit it to move ahead with its building of Arundel Bay Academy, a Christian school that would enroll 220 students in grades K-8. Today's Annapolis Capital reports that the church has been involved in litigation over the project in state courts since 2003, as neighbors object to the traffic the school would bring to the rural county's narrow roads. The church's new lawsuit alleges that changes in county development regulations have been aimed specifically at the church's building project.

Vatican Envoy Addresses UN On Religious Freedom

Last Friday, the Vatican's permanent observer to the United Nations delivered an address to a committee of the General Assembly on religious freedom concerns around the world. He said: "we have come to a turning point in history which demands more of us, including a commitment to interreligious dialogue. At the same time, my delegation is increasingly convinced of the indispensable importance of reciprocity, which, by its very nature, is apt to ensure the free exercise of religion in all societies." Archbishop Celestino Migliore's statement (full text) marked the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration on the Elimination of all Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief. The address was covered by Catholic Online.

Monday, October 30, 2006

British Band May Need License To Play Jingle Bells

In a twist from the usual complaints, a band in Cornwall, England may not be able to play Jingle Bells and other non-religious Christmas songs this year. The London Daily Mail reported last week that Britain's Licensing Act 2003 may require the Callington Town Band to obtain a costly license for each of its performances unless it falls within the Act's exemption for entertainment incidental to a religious meeting or service. The Caradon District Council's licensing department interprets this to mean that an exemption is available only if the band sticks to religious Christmas carols. If it plays White Christmas or Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, the band that raises hundreds of pounds for charity each year will need to have a temporary license for each of its seven Christmas programs that are to be presented in venues that do not have public licenses. South East Cornwall representative in Parliament, Liberal Democrat Colin Breed, who is trying to resolve the issue, said that the ruling was an unintentional consequence of the licensing regulations. He added, "It's just total nonsense.... Hopefully common sense will prevail."

Saudi Arabia Opens To Tourists-- With Religious Limitations

For the first time, Saudi Arabia will issue tourist visas to foreigners, according to a report from Reuters in today's Kaleej Times. In the past, only haj pilgrims and foreigners sponsored by Saudi residents could enter the country. Now 18 tour operators will be able to issue visas. However, non-Muslim tourists will not be able to visit the holy cities of Mecca and Medina. Alcohol will continue to be banned, and women visitors will be required to be covered from head to toe in public. However the country's ban on photography has been lifted, as the Supreme Commission of Tourism hopes to attract 1.5 million wealthy tourists by 2020. Already, the website of Saudi Arabian Airlines offers information about available tours.

Australian Catholic Church Skeptical Over Government Funding For Chaplains

In Australia, Prime Minister John Howard is backing a $90 million national school chaplaincy program. Under the program, both public and private schools will be able to apply for grants of up to $20,000 to employ chaplains who will promote values and mentor students. The Age yesterday reported that the originator of the proposal, Liberal MP Greg Hunt, says that church-state issues are avoided because acceptance of government money will be purely voluntary, as will be any student's decision to consult a chaplain. However Catholic school officials are expressing caution over provisions requiring federal government approval of chaplains who are hired. Catholic News today quotes the head of New South Wales Catholic Education Commission who calls a government veto over Catholic school staff "unprecedented".

More October Prisoner Free Exercise Cases

In Hills v. Epps, (5th Cir., Oct. 24, 2006), the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a lower court ruling that a challenge to a Mississippi prison regulation regulating hair length was frivolous. Plaintiff prisoner wanted to wear dreadlocks for religious reasons.

Greybuffalo v. Frank, 2006 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 77238 (WD WI, Oct. 20, 2006), was an action for damages in which a Native American inmate alleged that his free exercise of religion was infringed when certain documents of his, allegedly religious in nature, were seized by prison authorities. The court ordered plaintiff to file an addendum to his complaint alleging the contents of the documents, how he used them to practice his religion, and the effect the taking of the documents had on his religious practice.

In Salahuddin v. Goord, (2d Cir., Oct. 27, 2006), the U.S. Second Circuit Court of Appeals reversed the district court's grant of summary judgment to prison officials and found that a Sunni Muslim prisoner had alleged sufficient facts to proceed with his Free Exercise and RLUIPA claims. Plaintiff Salahuddin alleged that Sunnis and Shi'ites were required to pray together; that while in disciplinary keeplock he was denied the opportunity to either attend holiday services or eat a holiday meal in his cell; and that the prison refused to provide a Muslim chaplain or have a copy of the Quran in its library.

In Gainer v. Cooper, 2006 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 77830 (SD GA, Oct. 13, 2006), a state prisoner claimed that his rights under the First Amendment and RLUIPA were infringed when prison authorities refused to permit him to participate in Ramadan observances. Prison officials argued that plaintiff is not a Muslim; however he is a member of the Nuwaubu faith that also observes Ramadan. While plaintiff's transfer to another prison mooted his claim for an injunction, a Georgia federal magistrate judge denied defendants' motions for summary judgment on plaintiff's RLUIPA claim and his First Amendment claim for nominal and punitive damages.

Bush's Faith-Based Policies Criticized

Thanks to Blog from the Capital for highlighting an article in the most recent issue of the New York Review of Books. Gary Wills writes a stinging review of President George W. Bush's policies titled A Country Ruled By Faith. His thesis, detailed in the article, is:
Bush promised his evangelical followers faith-based social services, which he called "compassionate conservatism." He went beyond that to give them a faith-based war, faith-based law enforcement, faith-based education, faith-based medicine, and faith-based science. He could deliver on his promises because he stocked the agencies handling all these problems, in large degree, with born-again Christians of his own variety.
Extending his critique to the Iraq war, Wills concludes:
There is a particular danger with a war that God commands. What if God should lose? That is unthinkable to the evangelicals. They cannot accept the idea of second-guessing God, and he was the one who led them into war.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Animal Rights Demonstrators Lose Establishment Clause Claim

In Deardorff v. Louisville/ Jefferson County Metro Government, 2006 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 78235 (WD KY, Oct. 20, 2006), a Kentucky federal district court rejected the claim of animal rights demonstrators that police violated the Establishment Clause by moving them away from the front of a church where they could be seen by cars entering the church's premises. The demonstrators believed that Kentucky Fried Chicken executives attended the church, and they wanted to reach those executives with their protest.

Archbishop of Cantebury On Regulation of Religious Symbols

Last week, upon his return from a trip to China, Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Cantebury, published an of-ed column in the London Times titled A Society That Does Not Allow Crosses or Veils in Public Is a Dangerous One. The column comes after British political leaders have criticized the wearing of the Niqab by Muslim women. (New York Times, Oct. 22.) Reactions to William's column were reviewed in This Is London last Friday.