Sunday, December 16, 2007

ID Requirement Interfering With Clergy's Attempt To Encourage Marriage

Alabama's Child Support Reform Act, Code Ala. Sec. 30-3-194(c), requires marriage licenses to contain the Social Security numbers of both husband and wife. Today's Tuscaloosa News reports that most Alabama counties do not enforce the requirement, but Tuscaloosa County is one of the few that does. Now Catholic clergy in Tuscaloosa say that the requirement is interfering with their efforts to encourage couples to marry. Immigrants in the U.S. illegally, or those here legally but without a green card permitting them to work, are unable to obtain Social Security cards. Clergy in the Catholic Diocese of Birmingham have taken an interest in challenging the Alabama law. They say that couples who are sexually active but not married are barred from receiving Holy Communion. This, they argue, means that the government is controlling whether a couple can receive religious sacraments.

The Alabama statute, like that in other states, was enacted in order to comply with a provision of the federal child support enforcement statutes (42 USC Sec. 666(a)(13)). Last May in Buck v. Stankovic, (MD PA, May 1, 2007), a Pennsylvania federal district court issued a preliminary injunction barring Pennsylvania authorities from insisting that an individual prove his or her lawful presence in the United States as a condition of obtaining a marriage license.

Haj Begins Tomorrow-- Preparations Under Way

In Saudi Arabia, the Haj begins tomorrow. Yesterday's Arab News reports that King Abdullah arrived in Jeddah to supervise preparations for handling the expected 2.5 million pilgrims, which will include Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Violence Against Christians In India Decried

Friday's Christian Post reports that there have been 500 incidents of violence against Christians in India in the past 23 months. The Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC) says that the violence is encouraged by Hindu groups such as Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (National Volunteers' Organization) and the Bharatiya Janata (Indian People's) Party. GCIC says that accusations of forced conversionary activity are often used by Hindutva forces as the excuse for attacking Christians.

Muslim Women Maintain Dress Code In High School and College Sports

The Associated Press today reports on the growing number of Muslim high school and college women who are participating in school athletic programs, while continuing to observe religious dress codes. An increasing number wear a hijab (head scarf) and long pants while playing basketball or participating in track and field. The National Federation of State High School Associations permits players to wear a head covering for religious reasons if it poses no danger to others and is not likely to come off during play. It also allows pants in place of shorts or skirts.

Recent Prisoner Religious Exercise Cases

In Adamson v. McDonough, (11th Cir., Dec. 12, 2007), the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals vacated a Florida district court's dismissal of a prisoner's First Amendment free exercise challenge to a rule against using correspondence privileges to advertise for pen pals. Plaintiff, a Southern Baptist, claimed that prison officials refused to mail 13 letters he wrote to Baptist churches and ministers to request "prayer partners and religious pen pals." The state failed to offer any explanation of the purpose of the challenged rule.

In Harris v. Moore, 2007 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 91687 (ED MO, Dec. 13, 2007), a Missouri federal district court rejected Free Exercise and RLUIPA claims by a prisoner who is a member of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World Church and is a minister ordained by the Universal Life Ministries Church. Plaintiff complained that he was limited to attending one religious service per week and was prohibited from receiving mail containing more than five pages of religious material.

In Robertson v. Kansas, 2007 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 91266 (D KA, Dec. 10, 2007), a Kansas federal district court rejected a prisoner's First Amendment and RLUIPA claims that the refusal to permit him to have conjugal visits violated his religious belief in procreation.

In Trahan v. Carey, 2007 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 89973 (ED CA, Nov. 27. 2007), a California federal magistrate judge dismissed an inmate's claim that his First Amendment rights were violated when he was punished for refusing to recite the "Center Point Creed" in a substance abuse program. The court found that the Creed is secular. Plaintiff was given an opportunity to file an amended complaint alleging that religious books were used in the program.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Christmas Tree Debated At Connecticut Senior Center

Manchester, Connecticut's unwritten policy of not placing Christmas trees in municipal buildings does not apply to the town's Senior Center, according to Town Manager Scott Shanley. According to yesterday's Journal Inquirer, this means that the Senior Center's advisory committee will decide on Wednesday whether or not to reverse the decision by Senior Center Director Eileen Faust not to put up a tree this year because it might offend members of non-Christian faiths.

Rivalry Between Two Menorahs On Public Property

In Brooklyn, New York, apparently no one has complained much about Chabad placing Hanukkah menorahs on public property. A release issued yesterday by Chabad outlines the good-natured rivalry between Chabad of Brooklyn Heights and Chabad of Park Slope over which group's menorah is the "biggest" or "tallest". One of the contending menorahs is in front of Brooklyn's downtown courthouse, while the other is at Grand Army Plaza at the entrance to Prospect Park.

City Arts Commission Funds Religious Statues At Churches

The AP yesterday reported on an interesting use of public funds by the Edmond, Oklahoma Visual Arts Commission. The Commission unanimously approved paying half of the $17,500 cost of a statue of Moses to be placed in front of First Christian Church in Edmond. It previously paid $3,187.50 for a statue of St. Francis that is displayed at the Church of the Good Shepherd. The Commission administers the city's Art In Public Places ordinance.

French High Court Upholds Ban On Keski In Schools

The Conseil d'Etat, France's highest court for review of administrative decisions, has upheld the 2004 expulsion from the Louise-Michel High School of Bobigny of three Sikh boys who insisted on wearing a keski (an under-turban). Punjab News Line yesterday reported that the decision, handed down December 5, finds that the keski is not a discreet sign but is an ostensible manifestation of religion which is prohibited in schools by a 2004 French law. The court held that the keski ban did not lead to an excessive infringement of freedom of thought, conscience and religion guaranteed by Article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights. Since the ban applies to all religions, the court said it does not violate the anti-discrimination provisions of Article 14 of the ECHR. The schoolboys, represented by United Sikhs, plan to appeal to the European Court of Human Rights and to the United Nations Human Rights Committee. It is not clear how the decision of the Conseil d'Etat affects arrangements that have by now been worked out in many French schools that permit Sikhs to wear a keski. (See BBC News, April 19, 2005.)

North Carolina Court Bans Eid al-Adha Slaughter Arrangement At Farm

In Smithfield, North Carolina, a Johnston County judge yesterday issued a temporary restraining order preventing farmer Eddie Rowe from again opening his Princeton (NC) farm to Muslim families who wish to slaughter lambs for Eid al-Adha (Feast of the Sacrifice). According to the Raleigh News & Observer, Rowe charges individuals $160 for a lamb which they can personally slaughter on his 300-acre farm. State agriculture officials insist that Rowe must build a custom slaughterhouse to protect against disease and unsanitary conditions. Rowe says that would cost $740,000. Apparently, however, under North Carolina law (NCGS Sec. 106-549.27) individuals could take the lambs back to their own residences and slaughter them there under an exemption for non-commercial slaughter.

Rowe's attorney, Glenn Barfield, hopes that some of Rowe's customers will appear in court next week when a hearing will be held on whether to make the slaughter ban at Rowe's farm permanent. Those individuals could raise free exercise objections to the ban imposed by the court. Eid al Adha begins next Wednesday.

Meanwhile, Raleigh's Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation is offering local Muslims an alternative. They can donate money which the Foundation will use to have cows killed at a licensed slaughterhouse. The meat will be butchered and distributed to charities.

UPDATE: On Tuesday, the court rejected a request from several Muslim families in Wake and Johnston counties that it lift the injunction. Johnston County Superior Court Judge Tom Lock said that the order does not infringe the families' free exercise of religion because they can still slaughter their own lambs at a state-licensed facility. (News & Observer, Dec. 19).

Wiccan Symbol Joins Nativity Scene In Green Bay

As previously reported, Chad Fradette, City Council President in Green Bay, Wisconsin, obtained agreement from other city officials to install a nativity scene at City Hall, in sympathy with a smaller Wisconsin town whose nativity display was being challenged. Green Bay's resolution approving the nativity scene also provides that other religious groups can put up displays alongside it. Yesterday's Green Bay Press-Gazette reports that the city has received six requests from others. The first to actually be installed is a Wiccan symbol-- a 3-foot diameter wreath encircling a pentagram. Fradette, displaying broad ecumenical tolerance, said: "That’s pretty. I’m glad there’s something else up there." Another group has told Fradette that it will appear to sing Christmas carols before next Tuesday's City Council meeting begins. Council will discuss rules and guidelines for religious displays on City Hall property.

Canada's High Court Affirms Damages To Wife Who Was Denied A Jewish Divorce

In a 7-2 decision yesterday, Canada's Supreme Court held that an Orthodox Jewish woman could collect damages in a Quebec civil court for her husband's breach of an agreement to give her a Jewish divorce decree ("get"). In Bruker v. Marcovitz, (Sup. Ct. Canada, Dec. 14, 2007), the majority held that the promise to obtain a get, set out in the Consent to Corollary Relief entered into by the parties as part of their divorce proceedings, was a valid and binding agreement. The majority rejected the husband's argument that his freedom of religion assured by the Quebec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms protected him from having to pay damages for breach of a promise to carry out a religious act. The majority said:
Despite the moribund state of her marriage, Ms. Bruker remained, between the ages of 31 and 46, Mr. Marcovitz’s wife under Jewish law, and dramatically restricted in the options available to her in her personal life. This represented an unjustified and severe impairment of her ability to live her life in accordance with this country’s values and her Jewish beliefs. Any infringement of Mr. Marcovitz’s freedom of religion is inconsequential compared to the disproportionate disadvantaging effect on Ms. Bruker’s ability to live her life fully as a Jewish woman in Canada.

Justice Deschamps' dissenting opinion argued that the husband's agreement to give his wife a "get" is merely a moral undertaking, and even if it were enforceable, civil courts cannot be used to sanction an individual's failure to perform a religious act. Interestingly, both the majority and dissenting opinions reviewed precedent from other countries in reaching their conclusions, citing cases from France, Britain, Australia, the United States and Israel.

CBC News and the Montreal Gazette both report on the case which reverses the Court of Appeals decision and upholds the trial court's award of $47,500 in damages to Stephanie Bruker who for 15 years was denied a "get" by her former husband Jessel Marcovitz.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Danish Sikh Appeals Conviction For Carrying Kirpan

Today's Hindustan Times reports on the legal battle that has grown out of the arrest in Denmark of a Sikh youth for carrying a Kirpan. Ripudaman Singh was convicted and fined for violating a Danish law that prohibits carrying a knife or dagger over 2.5 inches long in public places, unless it is part of occupational activities. The Copenhagen City Court judge who convicted Singh said that there is no exception in Danish law for the Kirpan, even though Sikh religious beliefs require baptized Sikhs to carry it. Singh says he will appeal the conviction.

Religion In China Continues To Draw Attention

Religious freedom, or the lack of it, in China continues to make the news. The Christian Post yesterday reports on the mass arrest last Friday of 270 unregistered "house church" pastors who were gathering for a meeting in Shandong province. As of yesterday morning, 70 remained in jail. Today's USA Today reports on China's secret detention of Christian bookstore owner Shi Weihan who has refused to register his "house church". Meanwhile Earth Times today reports on the rapid growth of Buddhism in China. It says that the Chinese government has supported Buddhism and state-sanctioned temples in part to counteract the influence of the banned Falun Gong movement. Some critics say that large Buddhist Temples spend too much time promoting tourism and other non-religious activities.

Scholars Discuss Church-State Issues

An hour-long video of Dan Rather Reports titled Church & State: Separation Anxieties, is available online from HDNet. The discussion of religion and government in American life features 10th Circuit Judge Michael McConnell, Baptist Joint Committee general counsel Holly Hollman, Notre Dame Law Professor Rick Garnett, and Princeton University Provost Christopher Eisgruber. [Thanks to How Appealing for the lead.]

Sectarian Prayer At Ohio County Board Becomes An Issue

Opening prayers at meetings of the Delaware (Ohio) County Board of Commissioners are the latest to come under fire. This Week Community Newspapers and today's Columbus Dispatch both report on a letter sent to the Commissioners by Americans United urging the them to eliminate "all future prayers in order to make all feel equally welcome at meetings." This year's Board president, Glenn Evans, has opened each meeting with the pledge of allegiance and a prayer, instead of with the moment of silence that previous Board president Jim Ward used. Evans typically concludes his opening prayer with: "In your son's name, we ask these things."

Lisbon Treaty Makes EU Charter of Fundamental Rights Legally Binding

Yesterday, leaders of the European Union signed the Lisbon Treaty (full text), a document that restructures the EU's governance. (New York Times). Among its provisions is one that makes the EU's Charter of Fundamental Rights legally binding on members. (Earth Times.) Article 10 of the Charter protects freedom of thought, conscience and religion, including the right "to change religion or belief and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or in private, to manifest religion or belief, in worship, teaching, practice and observance." It goes on to recognize the right to conscientious objection in accordance with national laws governing the exercise of that right. A protocol to the Lisbon Treaty limits the application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights in Britain and Poland to rights recognized by the national law of those countries. Britain is concerned that the Charter might be used to override its labor laws, and Poland is concerned about the Charter's prohibitions on discrimination based on sexual orientation. The Lisbon Treaty will come into force only if all 27 EU members ratify it.

US Official Charged With Threatening To Put "Hex" On Staff Members

The Washington Post reports today that employee complaints have led to four separate investigations into the employment practices of the Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction (SIGIR). In addition to allegations of overspending and unauthorized examination of employee e-mails, a more unusual allegation has been lodged against Inspector General Stuart Bowen's deputy, Ginger Cruz. Complaints say that Cruz, a Wiccan, threatened to put hexes on employees. A former SIGIR employee told the Post, "We warned Ginger not to talk about witchcraft, that it would scare people."

British Officials Euthanize Cow Being Protected By Hindu Monks

In Britain, according to yesterday's Times Online, leaders of the Hindu Community at Bhaktivedanta Manor temple in Hertfordshire are considering legal action against the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals after RSPCA officials euthanized a cow while worshippers were at prayer. Officials were carrying out provisions of Britain's Animal Welfare Act that makes it an offense to permit an animal to suffer unnecessarily. The cow, suffering from a muscle-wasting disease, was being cared for by monks at a temple that former Beatle George Harrison donated to the Cow Protection Project. The Project allow cows and bulls-- considered sacred by Hindus-- to die naturally. The temple's account of events are posted on its website.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Scientolgy Now Recognized As Registered Religion by Portugal

A release today from the Scientology Press Office reports that Portugal now recognizes Scientology as a registered religious community. The new recognition comes after a 2001 religion law enacted in Portugal required certain previously recognized groups, including Scientology, to re-apply for registration.