Thursday, July 17, 2008

Illinois Church Denied Temporary Injunction In RLUIPA "Equal Terms" Case

In River of Life Kingdom Ministries v. Village of Hazel Crest, Illinois, 2008 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 53491 (ND IL, July 14, 2008), an Illinois federal district court in an elaborate opinion denied a preliminary injunction to a church that challenged provisions of the Hazel Crest (IL) zoning ordinance. The church argued that its exclusion from a Tax Increment Financing (TIF) district the village had zoned to attract transit oriented businesses violates the "equal terms" provision of the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act.

In an earlier order denying the church a temporary restraining order, the court had questioned the version of the zoning ordinance then in effect by finding that non-religious "special uses" allowed in the area, including art galleries, museums, public libraries, recreational buildings and community centers, were "comparable" to religious use. The village quickly amended its zoning law to eliminate the comparable non-religious uses as permissible. The Church nevertheless pursued its claim, and the district court found that the Seventh Circuit would likely adopt the "strict scrutiny" test enunciated by the 11th Circuit in interpreting RLUIPA's equal terms provision.

The Village argued that permitting the church within its TIF district would have a devastating effect on attracting the businesses sought by the village because no liquor license can be granted to an establishment within 100 feet of a Church. The court concluded that because the church has shown only a slight chance of success on the merits, it should deny a preliminary injunction. (See prior related posting.)

New Zoning Rules In Florida City Seen As Still Restrictive On Religious Groups

Last January, a Florida federal district court ruled that Cooper City, Florida's zoning laws violated RLUIPA by excluding all houses of worship from commercial areas. (See prior posting.) This week, according to Florida's Sun-Sentinel, the Cooper City Commission amended its zoning rules to treat religious institutions the same as all other forms of community assembly activities. The new rules, however, allow only three community assembly uses at any strip mall in the city. Chabad of Nova that filed the successful RLUIPA challenge says that the new rules still severely limit its choice of a location for its Outreach Center. Chabad leaders say they will go back to court to challenge the new rules as violative of their religious freedom.

Saudi King Hosts Interfaith Conference In Spain

An interfaith conference sponsored by Saudi Arabia opened in Madrid, Spain yesterday with an address by Saudi King Abdullah. The conference is aimed primarily at bringing Muslims, Christians and Jews closer together, but representatives of several Eastern religions, including Buddhism and Hinduism, also attended. Spain's King Juan Carlos also spoke to the gathering. According the the AP yesterday, Abdullah urged interfaith reconciliation and a rejection of extremism. Two TV stations in Saudi Arabia carried the opening of the conference live.

A number of Jewish participants were among the 200 people invited to the Conference, including a prominent Irish-Israeli rabbi, David Rosen. More controversial was the conference invitation to Rabbi Yisrael Dovid Weiss, a representative of Neturei Karta from upstate New York. Neturei Karta believe that the creation of the modern state of Israel violates Jewish religious law. New York Jewish Week reports that conference organizers finally announced that Weiss-- who spoke at a Holocaust denial conference two years ago-- would not be one of the speakers. Objections to his appearance came not only from Jewish groups, but also from Dr. Sayyid Syeed, national director of the Islamic Society of North America. Instead the main Jewish speaker was to be New York Rabbi Arthur Schneier, founder of the interfaith Appeal of Conscience Foundation. The conference, the first of its kind initiated by the Saudis, was held outside Saudi Arabia because of conservative Wahhabi opposition to interfaith dialogue.

New "Church" Offers Way Around Dutch Cafe Smoking Ban

On July 1, a smoking ban went into effect for cafes, bars and restaurants in the Netherlands (though it did not impact smoking of marijuana in specially licensed coffee shops). (AFP July 1). Now however some bar owners seem to be finding a way around the tobacco ban. Dutch News reported yesterday that several dozen bars hae joined a new religious movement-- the One and Universal Smokers Church of God. The church believes in the trinity of smoke, fire and ash. Worshippers who join the church get a membership card entitling them to honor their god by smoking inside the bar. Promoters of the movement say church members' "religious practice" is protected by the Dutch Constitution and the European Convention on Human Rights. [Thanks to Paul Birchenough for the lead.]v

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Croatia Enacts Sunday Closing Law

Croatia's Parliament has passed a Sunday closing law in response to a long campaign by the Catholic Church for such legislation. Yahoo News today reports that week end shopping in malls around the country has flourished. The new law that takes effect January 1 allows stores to remain open on Sundays during the summer and around the Christmas holidays, but not the rest of the year. The law also excludes bakeries, newsstands and flower shops. [Thanks to Scott Mange for the lead.]

Fired Science Teacher Has New Website to Highlight His Legal Defense

Former Mt. Vernon, Ohio science teacher John Freshwater who was fired for teaching conservative Christian religious views in his middle school classroom and for using an electrostatic device to put a cross on a student's arm (see prior posting) has now created his own website, Freshwater, as well as school officials, have been sued in federal court. (See prior posting.) The new website says : "This is the only official source of information from John Freshwater and his team of legal and spiritual advisors." [Thanks to Dispatches from the Culture Wars for the lead.]

Board Member Raises Church-State Concerns About Sunday Early Voting

In North Carolina, one stop registration and early voting is available in elections at times and places set by county boards beginning 19 days before election day. Today's Greensboro News-Record reports that, over the objections of one member about church-state conflicts, the Guliford County Board of Elections has agreed to add Sunday afternoon, Oct. 19, as an early voting time. County Board of Elections member Kathryn Lindley who voted against the proposal expressed concern that pastors would endorse a candidate in a Sunday morning sermon and then send a busload of voters to cast their ballots.

Yemeni Clerics Withdraw Proposal For Religious Police Force

In Yemen, conservative Muslim clerics have withdrawn their call for creation of "religious police" in the country. (See prior posting.) M&C reported yesterday that some 4,000 clerics at a conference in Sana'a, responding to concerns of human rights activists, called instead for an annual meeting to discuss violations against teachings of the Islamic law and public morals. They expressed particular concern with prostitution activities and with serving of alcohol in some restaurants and hotels. In response, authorities closed down a massage club and two restaurants.

"Common Law Court" Members Attempt To Disrupt Tax Evasion Trial

Today's St. Paul Pioneer Press reports on the indictment Monday of four people on conspiracy charges in an attempt to disrupt the tax evasion trial of millionaire businessman Robert Beale. Beale and three others who were charged with conspiracy to obstruct justice and conspiracy to impede an officer, purport to operate a "common law court" under the jurisdiction of "Almighty Yaweh". They issued "arrest warrants" against federal judge Ann Montgomery, who was assigned to preside over Beale's trial yesterday. They also issued warrants against county sheriff and jail officials, obtained fraudulent liens against them. In a jailhouse phone call recorded by investigators, Beale told his common-law wife: "(God) wants me to destroy the judge. That judge is evil. He wants me to get rid of her."

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

President Marks 10th Anniversary of International Religious Freedom Act

President Bush yesterday marked the 10th anniversary of the International Religious Freedom Act with an address at the White House (full text). He spoke of progress in religious freedom made in recent years in Turkmenistan and Vietnam. He devoted more time however to problem countries and the varying prospects for improvement in each-- Iran, North Korea, Uzbekistan, Saudi Arabia and China. [Thanks to Blog from the Capital for the lead.]

NY Court Upholds Sex offender Residence Limits Over Free Exercise Challenge

In People v. Oberlander, 2008 N.Y. Misc. LEXIS 4111 (Sup. Ct. Rockland Co., June 18, 2008), a New York trial court rejected a free exercise challenge by plaintiff to a violation of probation order that had been issued against him. Yoel Oberlander moved to an area that was off imits to convicted sex offenders. He claimed that as an observant Orthodox Jew he needed to live within walking distance of a synagogue, and that he could find no permissible site in the Town of Ramapo, his selected town, that met this requirement. The court however rejected his claim, stating: "The defendant's 'need' to live in Ramapo is no stronger than those of the potential victims within the town that share the same religious beliefs. The State has validly exercised its police powers to protect vulnerable citizens of all religions, in Ramapo, and throughout Rockland County. Undoubtedly, a compelling government interest in the legislation has been demonstrated."

Israeli President Gets Close-By Olympic Hotel To Observe Sabbath

Haaretz reported last week that the government of China has agreed to permit Israeli President Shimon Peres to stay in a hotel within the Olympic complex so he can attend the August 8 opening ceremonies for the games without having to ride on Friday evening after the start of the Jewish Sabbath. Other world leaders attending the games will be staying farther away. [Thanks to Joel Katz for the lead.]

Kentucky Governor Supports "In God We Trust"License Plates At No Added Cost

Kentucky's Governor Steve Beshear says he will press next year for legislation authorizing an "In God We Trust" license plate to be available at the same cost as regular plates. Yesterday's Louisville Courier-Journal reports that the governor's call came after a bill to authorize plates with the national motto on them failed to pass the state Senate this year. Originally the state's transportation officials expressed concern about the added cost of producing the plates, but now Transportation Secretary Joe Prather supports the governor's position. Earlier this year, the state's Transportation Cabinet rejected a proposal by an anti-pornography group to have the "In God We Trust" plates issued as specialty plates to support their cause.

Australian Court Strikes Down Youth Day Protest Limits As Visitors Are Welcomed With Condoms

SX News reports that Australia's Federal Court today struck down a New South Wales law prohibiting annoying participants in World Youth Day events. The court held that the new law unconstitutionally chills speech. The 6-days of events for World Youth Day-- including the visit of Pope Benedict XVI-- begin today. The Straits Times reports that members of the NoToPope Coalition who disagree with Church's opposition to the use of condoms will send a welcome letter accompanied by condoms to 325 places where pilgrims are being housed. The letter reads in part: "'In handing you these condoms, our coalition is saying that the pope's policy on condoms is a death sentence for millions within Africa." Apparently protesters learned where to send the letters by examining the list of places covered by the new law furnished to the Federal Court last week by the New South Wales government.

UPDATE: Australian Business (July 18) reports extensively on the court hearing leading to the invalidation of the NSW World Youth Day 2008 Regulation. Apparently the court's holding was a statutory one-- that the regulation exceeded the authority granted by the World Youth Day Act, using the presumption that parliament did not intend to authorize rules that would interfere with the exercise of fundamental free free speech rights.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Closed Church Can Challenge Lifting of Property Tax Exemption

In Boston, a Suffolk Superior Court judge refused to dismiss completely a challenge by the Boston Catholic archdiocese in a property tax case. Today's Quincy (MA) Patriot Ledger reports that assessors removed the tax exemption for St. Frances X. Cabrini Church in Scituate in 2005 because it had been closed (and is occupied by protesters trying to reopen it). The archdiocese argues that it still owns the church, so under canon law it is an exempt "a sacred place designated for divine worship." The court held that the archdiocese could move ahead with its First Amendment challenge as to 2007 taxes, but that it missed the filing deadline to challenge 2006 taxes.

In Wisconsin, Increasing Citations ofAmish For Regulatory Violations

Yesterday's Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reports on the growing number of citations in Wisconsin of members of the Amish sect for refusal to comply with various regulatory provisions. In the most recent case, three brothers were fined for not wearing bright orange clothing while deer hunting. The court rejected a religious freedom defense, finding that nothing in the Amish religion requires its members to hunt deer. Other cases have involved building permits, licensing of a candy and jam business, and livestock premise registration. The clashes have increased as Amish move into new areas where officials have little experience in working with them. The Wisconsin Supreme Court has ruled that a "least restrictive alternative" test is to be used in examining free exercise claims under state law (State v. Miller, 202 Wis.2d 56 (WI Sup. Ct. 1996 [LEXIS link])

Spanish Police Apologize To Sikh For Airport Treatment

Jaswant Singh Judge, a Sikh living in London, has received an apology from Spain's police, the Guardia Civil. Police authorities at Spain's Tenerife airport insisted that Judge remove his turban while going through a security check. Sikh Sangat News reported yesterday that after an investigation into the incident, Chief of Guardia Civil wrote Judge apologizing for the infringement of his religious beliefs. The letter said that while for security reasons passengers are sometimes asked to remove various items they are wearing, in the future the religious concerns of Sikhs will be taken into account.

Recently Scholarly Articles of Interest

From SSRN:

From Bepress:

From SmartCILP and elsewhere:

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Ohio Charter School Plans Carefully To Remain Secular

Friday's Toledo Blade reports on interesting arrangements for a new publicly funded charter school in Toldeo, Ohio for 6th, 7th and 8th grade boys. Knight Academy will be affiliated with a local Catholic high school, St. Francis de Sales, and will share some of the Catholic school's facilities and faculty. However the new charter school, with its own board of directors, will not have a religious mission. It is formally sponsored by the secular Buckeye Community Hope Foundation which has been approved by the Ohio Board of Education as a sponsor of other charter schools around the state. Knight Academy backers have purchased a former synagogue building to house the school. Part of the planned building renovations include concealing religious symbols and inscriptions on the current building, including a prominent quotation from the Biblical Book of Amos carved over the front entrance reading "Seek Ye The Lord And Ye Shall Live."

More Details On Last Year's New Jersey School Proselytization Case Revealed

Last year, the Kearny, New Jersey, Board of Education settled a threatened lawsuit by the parents of high schooler Matthew LaClair. The LaClairs complained about in-class proselytizing by Matthew's history teacher, David Paszkiewicz. Matthew had recorded his teacher saying that students who do not accept Jesus belong in Hell, that the "Big Bang" theory is unscientific and that dinosaurs were on Noah's Ark. (See prior posting.)

Today's Worcester (MA) Telegram reports new details on the incident as Matthew spoke at the annual summer outing of the Greater Worcester Humanists. He told of a tense meeting with the school principal, the teacher and the head of the school's history department which LaClairs parents were not allowed to attend. The teacher denied charges and said many of Matthew's quotes took what he said out of context. Paszkiewicz also said he needed his teaching job because he had four children, one of whom had kindey disease. According to LaClair: "It was almost like he was saying that I’d be killing the kid, if I continued to push forward with my complaint."