Monday, January 05, 2009

Court Says Israel's Religion Ministry Discriminated Against Reform Synagogues

Yesterday's Y Net News reports on the efforts of three Reform Jewish synagogues in Israel to get the Ministry of Religious Affairs to list them on its website of Israeli synagogues. The Ministry, however, objects to listing non-Orthodox congregations. This led the congregations to sue the Ministry under Israel's anti-discrimination law. Shortly after the suit was filed, the Ministry took down the web site completely. The Kfar Saba Magistrate's Court requested that the Ministry post an updated list of synagogues online including the Reform congregations. When the Ministry refused to do so, the court awarded each of the three synagogues damages of $2500.

5 Catholic Adoption Agencies In Britain Comply With Equality Act

Ekklesia reported yesterday that five of the eleven British Catholic adoption agencies that were given 21 months to adjust to the 2007 Equality Act (Sexual Orientation) Regulations have now come into compliance. The 21-months expired January 1. The complying agencies can no longer refuse to place children for adoption with gay and lesbian couples. One of the eleven Catholic agencies will close, two are seeking exemptions and authorities hope that the other three will come into compliance. (See prior related posting.)

Recent Articles Of Interest

From SSRN:

From SmartCILP:

Rahm Emanuel's Rabbi Talks About The New Chief-of-Staff

Today's Springfield (IL) State Journal Register carries an interview about Rep. Rahm Emanuel with Emanuel's rabbi, Rabbi Asher Lopatin. Emanuel is President-elect Obama's new chief of staff. Lopatin, rabbi of Chicago's Anshe Sholom B’nai Israel, a Modern Orthodox synagogue, says that Emanuel is "definitely a deeply religiously committed person." Lopatin relates that he advised Emanuel that it was appropriate for him to participate last Rosh Hashana in a conference call regarding the pending financial bail-out bill. Lopatin concluded that it was important enough to be a matter of life-and-death for some individuals. In Jewish law, the saving of a life takes precedence over most other religious commandments.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Obama Transition Studying Faith-Based Funding Partnerships

Today's Christian Science Monitor reports on efforts underway by the Obama transition team to extend and modify Pres. Bush's Faith-Based and Community Initiative. It reports that the transition has set up a large advisory committee with differing perspectives on the most contentious issues to tackle the church-state issues involved in federal funding of faith-based organizations. Among the most troublesome issues is when, if ever, faith-based hiring should be permitted for federally funded programs. Obama has proposed a Council for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, with 12 federal offices to promote the program.

New Policy On Comments

Beginning immediately, I will be moderating all comments before they appear online on Religion Clause. I regret moving to this system, but lately there has been a significant increase in commercial spam and in off-topic and inappropriate comments. I welcome reasoned comments on all postings. However this is not a forum for personal attacks on other commenters or invective directed at various groups. While I encourage a broad spectrum of diverse viewpoints, repetitious comments by the same individual on numerous postings will also be excluded.

Court Rejects RFRA Defense To Charges of Illegal Importation of Animal Parts

In United States v. Manneh, 2008 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 105209 (D NY, Dec. 31, 2008), a New York federal district court refused to dismiss an indictment against Mamie Manneh who was charged with importing parts of endangered African primates without the permit required by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species and failing to disclose to border officials the true nature of the product she was importing. Manneh, a Liberian immigrant, argued that her prosecution violated her rights under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. She claims that bush meat is sacred to her. The court found that Manneh's religious claim was not sincere, but instead was merely pretextual. It concluded that even if her beliefs about bush meat were sincere, there was nothing in them that prevented her from disclosing the nature of her imports or applying for the required import license. Friday's New York Daily News reported on the decision. (See prior related posting.)

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Professor Suggests Cremating Bodies of Mumbai Terrorists

As previously reported, Muslim cemeteries in India have refused burial to the bodies of the Mumbai terrorists, saying that their actions demonstrate that they could not be true Muslims. Vanderbilt University Professor Leor Halevi, in an opinion piece from the Washington Post reprinted today, says that burying the terrorists outside a Muslim ceremony in their battlefield clothing would be inappropriate. This is the method Islamic law prescribes for burying martyrs-- who do not need more to go to heaven. Instead, Halevi suggests that the best way to handle the bodies is to cremate them (a non-Muslim method of disposing of bodies) and then scattering their ashes at sea (to prevent creation of a memorial to the dead men and to indicate the international aspect of the terrorism problem).

9th Circuit Denies En Banc Review of Certification In Boy Scourts Case

In the latest chapter of a complex procedural route through the courts, in Barnes-Wallace v. City of San Diego, (9th Cir., Dec. 31, 2008), the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals refused to grant an en banc review of a June 2008 order certifying three questions of California state constitutional law to the California Supreme Court. (See prior posting). Six judges dissented from the denial of en banc review. The case a challenge to the City of San Diego's leasing, at nominal rentals, to the Boy Scouts city property on which the Scouts operate a campground and aquatic center. The challenge turns on the scout's exclusion of atheists, agnostics, and homosexuals as members or volunteers and its requirement that members affirm a belief in God. The dissenters argue that plaintiffs lack standing, saying:
Today, our court promulgates an astonishing new rule of law for the nine Western States. Henceforth, a plaintiff who claims to feel offended by the mere thought of associating with people who hold different views has suffered a legally cognizable injury-in-fact. No other circuit has embraced this remarkable innovation, which contradicts nearly three decades of the Supreme Court’s standing jurisprudence. In practical effect, the three-judge panel majority’s unprecedented theory creates a new legal landscape in which almost anyone who is almost offended by almost anything has standing to air his or her displeasure in court.
Today's San Diego Union-Tribune reports on the decision.

Proposed Texas Science Standards Please Scientists

The Ft. Worth Star Telegram reported on Thursday that the proposed final draft (full text) of science curriculum standards for Texas high schools pleases scientists who feared that the standards would undercut the teaching of evolution. The draft defines science using the National Academy of Science language. The draft also says that that students should be able "to evaluate models according to their limitations in representing biological objects or events." This replaces more problematic language in the current science guidelines (full text) that refer to students analyzing the "strength and weaknesses" of scientific theories. The new draft resulted even though the review panel included three anti-evolutionists. (See prior posting.) A public hearing on the new draft will be held Jan. 21, and a final board vote on them will take place in March. [Thanks to Scott Mange for the lead.]

Friday, January 02, 2009

Pennsylvania Court Says Marriages Can Be Performed By Clergy Without Churches

The Philadelphia Inquirer reports that a Bucks County, Pennsylvania judge ruled on Wednesday that a marriage performed by a minister of the Universal Life Church is valid even though the minister was ordained online and has no permanent congregation. In 2007, a judge in York county ruled that such marriages were invalid because Pennsylvania law limits clergy who can perform weddings to those who have a "regularly established church or congregation." (23 Pa. Consol. Stats. 1503 [LEXIS link]). (See prior posting.) Bucks County Court Judge C. Theodore Fritsch Jr. held, however, that it is enough that the minister is ordained by a group that operates under a widely-recognizes system of beliefs. The successful lawsuit was filed by the ACLU which has won similar rulings in two other Pennsylvania counties. (See prior related posting.)

British Proposal Would Authorize Women Bishops With Alternative "Complementary Bishops"

In Britain, the Church of England this week published the draft of proposed legislation that would for the first time permit women to become bishops in the Church of England. They may already be ordained as priests. Under the draft "Bishops and Priests (Consecration and Ordination of Women) Measure," male "complementary bishops" will be appointed to minister to those parishes unwilling to accept women bishops and priests. It also provides for the House of Bishops to adopt a Code of Practice setting out arrangements for functioning of complementary bishops. Yesterday's Spero News and today's Church Times report on the proposal. The report from the legislative drafting group and other primary source materials on the proposal are available from the Church of England website.

Vice Mayor Won't Offer Invocation If It Must Be Non-Sectarian

The Roanoke, Virginia Times reported on Wednesday that Roanoke's vice mayor, Sherman Lea, who is also a minister, is asking that his name be removed from the list of clergy who offer invocations before city council meetings. His request came after council members and the ACLU received an e-mail from a Roanoke citizen complaining about Lea's Dec. 15 invocation which included several Christian references. Lea says he would rather not offer prayers than compromise his beliefs by eliminating possible references to Jesus. [Thanks to Scott Mange for the lead.]

Malaysia Orders Catholic Paper To Cease Publishing Pending Court Decision

In Malaysia, the newspaper Catholic Herald has been in a dispute for some time with government officials over the paper's use of the term "Allah" in its Malay language edition to refer to God. In November, the Herald filed suit asking the courts to resolve the issue. (See prior posting.) AFP reported Thursday that in renewing the paper's license earlier this week, the Malaysian Home Ministry ordered the paper to completely cease publishing its Malay language edition until courts resolve the question of whether "Allah" is a term that can only be used by Muslims.

Missouri Religious Organization In Tax Dispute

The Joplin (MO) Globe yesterday reported on tax dispute between Jasper County, Missouri and The Bridge, a Christian ministry. At issue is whether the group is entitled to an exemption from real estate and personal property taxes on it building that features climbing walls, a basketball court, a skate park, an arcade, a concert venue and a cafe. Bridge staff get to know young people through those activities in order invite them to participate in Christian religious activities. The Bridge has paid assessed taxes under protest and will now sue for a refund.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year and Thanks To Religion Clause Readers

Dear Religion Clause Readers:

Happy New Year! As we enter one of the most challenging years in U.S. history, I want to thank all of you who read Religion Clause. To the long time followers, thanks for your continuing interest; to those who have joined us more recently, welcome aboard! It has been a year packed full of news and developments relating to law and religion. And it has been a good year for Religion Clause blog. The site meter shows that the blog has attracted over 430,000 visits since it began in 2005. Over 205,000 of those were registered in 2008. This past year, Religion Clause was again named by the ABA as one of the 100 best legal blogs. Also this year, upon reader request, I have added an option permitting you to receive Religion Clause through daily e-mails. Some individuals appear to favor that delivery method. (Scroll to bottom of sidebar to sign up).

Religion Clause's established format of strict neutrality, broad coverage and links to numerous primary sources seems to have filled a special niche for those interested in the areas of church-state and religious freedom. I am pleased that my regular readers span the political and religious spectrum. Thanks also to those of you who send me leads to new developments. I read and appreciate receiving them, even though I cannot always acknowledge them. They help me assure that the coverage of the blog is complete.

Best wishes for 2009!

Howard M. Friedman

Christmas Music Case Is On Appeal in 3rd Circuit

Today's New Jersey Jewish News discusses the pending appeal in the 3rd Circuit of Stratechuk v. Board of Education, South Orange Maplewood School District, in which a New Jersey federal district court upheld a school board's holiday music policy that barred inclusion of religious holiday music in school holiday concerts. (See prior posting.) The Thomas More Law Center filed the appeal, arguing that the ban amounts to hostility toward religion, that it changes Christmas from a religious to a secular holiday and that it deprives students of the right to receive information and ideas. The American Jewish Congress is coordinating an amicus brief supporting the lower court's holding.

Vatican Will End Automatic Adoption of Italian Law

ANSA and the Times Online of London report that starting today, the Vatican will end the practice adopted under a Vatican statute signed in 1929 of automatically incorporating laws passed by Italy's Parliament into the Vatican's legal code (except in cases of radical incompatibility with canon law). A new Vatican statute signed in October by Pope Benedict XVI comes into effect today. It requires each Italian law to be carefully examined before being incorporated into the Code of Vatican Law. New international treaties will also be carefully examined. The change stems largely from concerns about liberal Italian laws on divorce and abortion, and trends in Europe that could find their way to Italy on same-sex civil unions and euthanasia, although the Vatican is also concerned about the sheer number of laws passed by Italy's Parliament.

Brokerage Firm Settles EEOC Religious-National Origin Discrimination Suit

Reuters reported yesterday that Merrill Lynch has agreed in a settlement with the EEOC to pay former employee Majid Borumand $1.55 million in damages, back pay and legal fees in a suit alleging that the financial analyst was not promoted and then was fired because he was an Iranian Muslim. Merrill also agreed to train employees to avoid future religious and national origin discrimination and retaliation. The EEOC will monitor Merrill for two years.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

EEOC Gets Settlement To Reinstate Seventh Day Adventist Worker

Today's Sacramento Bee reports that Sierra Pacific Industries has entered a consent decree with the EEOC in a suit on behalf of a Seventh Day Adventist who was fired from the company's Oroville, California lumber mill when he refused to work Friday night shifts for religious reasons. The settlement reinstates Luciano Cortez and permits him to work a Monday through Friday day shift so he can be off on his Sabbath. It also awards him damages. The consent decree, approved by a California federal court last week, also requires the company to train its managers annually on accommodation of employees' religious beliefs and other discrimination issues, and to report annually to the EEOC.