Monday, November 19, 2007

Chavez Brings Christian References To OPEC In Saudi Arabia

As host of the last OPEC summit, the ceremonial duty of opening this year's summit in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on Saturday went to left-wing Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. Caribbean Net News reports that Chavez's opening remarks came just after verses from the Qur'an were read to the delegates. Catholic Chavez began his speech by making the sign of the cross. This apparently violates Saudi law that prohibits practicing a religion other than Islam in public. Chavez's remarks also invoked Jesus name. Reuters reports that Chavez told his audience: "The only way to peace, as Christ said, is justice, All of us here have engaged in the Third World's struggles, the people who have been colonised, invaded and oppressed for centuries." He said that OPEC "must stand up and act as a vanguard against poverty in the world." The Saudi media treated his remarks, as well as ones by Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, as attempts to appeal to their own publics back home.

LAPD Reverses Course and Drops Plan To Map Muslim Population

Last week, the Los Angeles Police Department reversed itself and dropped controversial plans to map the city's Muslim population. (See prior posting.) Last Thursday's Los Angeles Times reported that the change of heart came after vociferous objections to the plan by Muslim groups and civil libertarians. The LAPD's public information director, Mary Grady, explained: "The whole purpose of this initiative was to bring together the department with the Muslim community. The word 'mapping' gave the impression it was about profiling when it was not."

Recent Articles and Books of Interest

From SSRN:

From SmartCILP:

  • Steven W. Fitschen, Laying Low the High Flying Evangelicals at the United States Air Force Academy? Thanks, but No Thanks, 36 Journal of Law & Education 501-514 (2007).

  • Oscar Guardiola-Rivera, Return of the Fetish: A Plea for a New Materialism, 18 Law & Critique 275-307 (2007).

  • Ellen Wiles, Headscarves, Human Rights, and Harmonious Multicultural Society: Implications of the French Ban for Interpretations of Equality, 41 Law & Society Review 699-735 (2007).
A revised edition of Steven H. Sholk, A Guide to Election Year Activities of Section 501(c)(3) Organizations, has been published by PLI in course material for Tax Strategies for Corporate Acquisitions, Dispositions, Spin-Offs, Joint Ventures, Financings, Reorganizations & Restructurings 2007.

Recent Books:

Settlement Reached In Abuse Claims By Alaskans Against Jesuits

In the largest settlement yet against a Catholic religious order, the Oregon Province of the Society of Jesus has agreed to pay $50 million to dozens of Alaska Natives who have claimed sexual abuse by 13 to 14 Jesuit priests over a 30-year period. The accused include Rev. James Poole who founded Nome's Catholic radio station, KNOM, and who was later transferred to Portland by his order without its disclosing its knowledge of his past sexual misconduct. The AP yesterday reported on the settlement announcement by plaintiffs' lawyer. However counsel for the Jesuit group said the disclosure is premature. Apparently there are still issues to be resolved with the order's insurer. The settlement does not include ten pending lawsuits against the Diocese of Fairbanks.

Recent Prisoner Cases On Religion

In Maddox v. Love, 2007 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 83316 (SD IL, Nov. 9, 2007), an Illinois federal disrcit court permitted an inmate who was a member of the American Hebrew Israelite faith to prceed with claims that he was denied access to religious materials and that AHI inmates were denied group worship services. Claims based on failure to pay AHI leaders and denial of a proportional budget to AHI were dismissed.

In Ellibee v. Hiland Dairy Foods Co., LLC, 2007 Kan. App. Unpub. LEXIS 143 (KN Ct. App., Aug. 31, 2007), a Kansas Court of Appeals rejected on collateral estaoppel grounds a prisoner's consumer protection claim against a prison milk supplier, as well as rejecting his negligence and fraud claims. The prisoner claimed that the milk he was served as part of his kosher diet was not in fact kosher milk.

In Stanton v. Trotter, 2007 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 84763 (ND IN, Nov. 14, 2007), an Indiana federal court permitted a Buddhist inmate to proceed with an Eighth Amendment claim based on the failure of officials to provide him with a non-meat protein substitute as part of his religiously mandated vegetarian diet. It rejected his First Amendment claim merely alleging delay in beginning his vegetarian tray.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Church May Be Marital Asset In NY Divorce Proceeding

In CH v. RH, (NY Sup. Ct., Nassau, Nov. 13, 2007), a New York judge, rejecting Establishment Clause concerns, held that a Church could be a marital asset in a divorce proceeding. At issue is the church building, catering hall and rental business of Grace Christian Church in Brooklyn. According to the court:
plaintiff claims that the Church is a marital asset because it is actually the defendant's "business" which he operates as his "personal piggy bank." Specifically, the plaintiff claims that the defendant provided $50,000.00 of their marital money to the Church as start-up capital; defendant controls all of the finances of the Church and makes all financial decisions, defendant refuses to make any financial disclosures to the Church's Board of Directors and the Church Administrator, hides his finances from the Church elders, determines his own income, refers to the Church as "my Church" and dismisses anyone who challenges his operation and finances of the Church.
The court concluded that if it is shown that the church is the husband's "alter ego", it will be valued as a marital asset for purposes of determining equitable distribution. The issue is one of first impression in New York. Newsday, the AP and the New York Daily News all carried reports on the case earlier this week.

Parishioners of Closed Ohio Churches, Critical of Diocese, Pursue Litigation,

Today's Toledo Blade carries two stories on lawsuits in which rural Catholic Churches are challenging the 2005 decision of the Diocese of Toledo to restructure parish boundaries. In Junction, Ohio, a former member of the now-closed St. Mary’s Catholic Church has sued to prevent the Diocese from removing the windows and other sacred items from the church. The Diocese wants to store the items for future use elsewhere. Meanwhile in Kansas, Ohio, parishioners of the former St. James Catholic Church who filed suit last year to challenge their church's closing have been angered by new discoveries. They have found that over $44,000 of funds they donated to the parish before it closed have been transferred by the Diocese to pay attorneys hired to fight the parishioners' lawsuit.

Hawaiians Want Army To Clear Bomb From Area Used For Ceremony

On the Hawaiian island of Oahu, community groups are holding a vigil outside the Makua Military Reservation, according to a press release today from Earth Justice. At issue is the delay by the Army in removing a 250-pound bomb left over from World War II discovered this month near Makua Beach Park. The Army has created an exclusion zone in the area for safety purposes. However the zone includes the area in which the Makahiki, the traditional Hawaiian celebration of the time of peace, had been scheduled. Protesters say that under a 2001 agreement, the Army should have long ago cleared this area of unexploded ordnance. The Army says it will make plans to remove the bomb once it completes a sweep of the area for other unexploded ordnance.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Reactions to Grassley's Investigation of Tele-Evangelists Continue

An article in today's Des Moines Register reports on the reactions to letters sent out recently by U.S. Senator Charles Grassley to six televangelists asking for information about alleged misuse of donations to their religious organizations. (See prior posting.) The paper says that most of the ministries in question preach the "prosperity gospel". One of Grassley's targets, Bishop Eddie Long of the New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in Lithonia, Ga., calls Grassley's letter an attack on religious freedom and privacy rights.

Indian Supreme Court Upholds Legislative Oaths In Name of Allah

A panel of the Supreme Court of India has rejected a challenge to the seating of eleven members of the Kerala Legislative Assembly who last year took their oaths of office in the name of Allah, according to today's Newstrack India. Petitioner, Madhu Parmula, Vice President of Bhartiya Janata Yuva Morcha, argued the Indian Constitution, Third Schedule, requires that legislators' oaths be taken in the name of God. The court ruled, however, that Allah in Arabic means God, so the requirement was met. The court distinguished an earlier case in which the Kerala High Court ordered a legislator not to take his seat after he took his oath in the name of a religious Guru. The Supreme Court panel said that taking the oath in the name of an individual is unconstitutional.

Mexico Politicians Want To Strengthen Church-State Separation

In Mexico, Rep. Maria Beatriz Pages Llergo of the Institutional Revolutionary Party, along with lawmakers from the Revolutionary Democratic and Convergence parties, are proposing a constitutional amendment to strengthen the long-standing tradition of church-state separation in Mexico. Yesterday's International Herald Tribune reports that in remarks at a forum on religious tolerance, Llergos said that both public and private education should be secular, and criticized moves by the Catholic Church to ease restrictions on members of the clergy participating in politics.

Papal Nuncio Criticizes Israel's Performance Under Agreements With Vatican

Spero News yesterday reported on remarks by the Papal Nuncio to Washington, Mgr. Pietro Sambi, who was formerly the Vatican's nuncio to Israel. Sambi strongly criticized Israel for its delay in implementing agreements signed with the Vatican in 1993. Citing the long-stalled negotiations on taxes, church property and compensation for services provided to Israelis, as well as the failure to obtain Knesset ratification of 1997 Fundamental and Legal Personality Agreements, Sambi said: "relations between the Catholic Church and the State of Israel were better when there were not diplomatic relations." (See prior related posting.)

"Push Polling" Questions Romney's Mormon Beliefs

Republican presidential candidate John McCain has asked New Hampshire's attorney general to investigate incidents of "push polling" that purport to be from McCain backers and that raise questions about the religious beliefs of rival candidate Mitt Romney. McCain says that his campaign is not behind the calls. The AP reported yesterday that persons called are asked if they "knew that Romney was a Mormon, that he received military deferments when he served as a Mormon missionary in France, that his five sons did not serve in the military, that Romney's faith did not accept blacks as bishops into the 1970s and that Mormons believe the Book of Mormon is superior to the Bible." The calls have been received by at least seven voters in New Hampshire and Iowa. A Romney spokesman said that the calls amount to repulsive religious bigotry.

Religious Beliefs Fail To Lighten Drug Possession Sentence

In New London, Connecticut on Thursday, Vernon Smith, a Rastafarian, was unsuccessful in convincing a court to reduce on religious grounds the sentence sought by prosecutors after he plead guilty to possession of marijuana with intent to sell. Today's Hartford Courant reports that Smith's attorney argued his client believes marijuana is a sacrament and smoking it is a human right. The judge accepted prosecutor's recommendation for a sentence of two-and-one-half years in jail and three years probation. Judge Susan B. Handy told Smith: "I have the greatest respect for your religious beliefs, but they interfere with the law. You, sir, put your family at risk because you sell drugs."

Friday, November 16, 2007

President Announces Pick For Assistant AG For Civil Rights

The White House announced yesterday that President Bush intends to nominate Grace C. Becker to head the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice. Becker currently serves as Deputy Assistant Attorney General in the Division. Previously Becker had been Associate Deputy General Counsel at the Department of Defense and a prosecutor with the Department of Justice. Earlier she clerked for DC Circuit Judge James L. Buckley and DC District Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson. A biographical sketch of Becker on the website of The Institute for Corean-American Studies has additional information. Becker will replace Wan J. Kim who resigned in August. (See prior posting.) In recent years, the Civil Rights Division has shown an increased interest in religious liberty issue. (See prior posting.) [Thanks to How Appealing for the lead.]

Pennsylvania's Coverage of Gays In Hate Crime Law Struck Down

In 2004, members of the Christian group Repent America were arrested by Philadelphia police on charges including ethnic intimidation because of a confrontation during their preaching and picketing at OutFest, a gay pride festival. They subsequently filed suit challenging the constitutionality of Pennsylvania's ethnic intimidation law that was amended in 2002 to add sexual orientation and several other categories to its previous coverage of crimes committed because of race, religion or national origin. Yesterday in Marcavage v. Rendell, (PA Commnw. Ct., Nov. 15, 2007), the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court, in a 6-1 decision, struck down the statute because of the legislative procedures used to enact it. The Commonwealth Court is one of Pennsylvania's intermediate appellate courts.

Art. I, Sec. 3 of Pennsylvania's constitution provides that "no bill shall be so altered or amended, on its passage through either House, as to change its original purpose." The court held that the ethnic intimidation amendments, that began as a bill to criminalize crop destruction, violates this constitutional provision because the final provisions bear no nexus to the conduct at which the original legislation was directed. Reporting on the decision, today's Philadelphia Enquirer says that Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell has called on the legislature to re-enact the invalidated provisions.

Head Start Reauthorized With Prohibition On Religious Discrimination In Bill

Blog from the Capital reports that H.R. 1429, the Head Start for School Readiness Act, was passed in final form by Congress and sent to the President on Wednesday, leaving in it the anti-discrimination provision that had been the subject of extensive debate in the House. (See prior posting.) Some House members had backed amendments to allow religious preferences in hiring by Head Start programs.

Deviant Islamic Sects Are Being Banned By Indonesian Government

Yesterday's International Herald Tribune reports on arrests in Indonesia of several unorthodox Islamic leaders and the banning of their organizations, even though the country's Constitution (Art. 29) guarantees freedom of religion. On Nov. 9, the Indonesian Supreme Court sentenced Abdul Rachman, a leader of Lia Eden, to three years in prison for blasphemy. Rachman claims to be the reincarnation of the Prophet Muhammad. In another case, the attorney general's office is pursuing blasphemy charges against Ahmad Moshaddeq, leader of al-Qiyada, even though he has declared his teachings were misguided and says he will return to mainstream Islam. A 1965 presidential decree permits banning of religious organizations that "distort or misrepresent" official faiths. A spokesman for Indonesia's top clerical body, the Ulema Council, says that the Council tries to educate deviant groups about "true Islam" before police become involved. The Ulema Council, using the beliefs of Sunni Islam, lists 250 Muslim sects in the country as "deviant". Human rights lawyers in the country are concerned about these developments.

Senate Resolution Recognizes Diwali Festival

On Wednesday, the U.S. Senate passed S. Res. 299, a resolution recognizing the significance to U.S. Hindus, Sikhs, and Jains of Diwali, a Festival of Light that has varying historical associations to each religious group. The resolution also calls on the President to issue a proclamation recognizing Diwali. An identical resolution, H. Res. 245, has been introduced in the House of Representatives. This year, Diwali was celebrated on Nov. 9.

Vetoed Bill Protected Voluntary Prayer In Schools

H.R. 3043, the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Appropriations Bill that was vetoed by President Bush on Tuesday, provides in Sec. 303 that "no funds appropriated in this Act may be used to prevent the implementation of programs of voluntary prayer and meditation in the public schools." Bush's veto message, of course, was not directed at this provision, but instead at his concern over "excessive spending".