Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Ohio School Is Divided Over Support Of Science Teacher

Yesterday's Mt. Vernon (OH) News reports on the peer pressure at Mt. Vernon Middle School for students to support controversial science teacher John Freshwater. As reported previously, Freshwater is defying a directive that he remove a Bible that he keeps on his desk in view of his students. The community has become sharply divided over support of the teacher. Parent Christine Hamilton says her two sons have been harassed because they are friends with the boy whose parents filed the complaint against Freshwater. Meanwhile, a separate investigation is under way of an minor injury suffered by a student during Freshwater's science class. The injury was apparently caused by some kind of electrostatic device. (Mt. Vernon News). [Thanks to Scott Mange for the lead.]

Israel Bible Quiz Finalist Is A Messianic, Stirring Intense Controversy

In Israel, the state-run International Bible Quiz, sponsored jointly by the army and the Education Ministry, is a highlight of each Independence Day celebration. Jewish Agency representatives in 30 countries organize regional competitions to select teenagers who will take part in the final rounds. The Forward yesterday reported that as Israel's 60th birthday approaches on Thursday, an intense battle has broken out over whether 17-year old Bat-El Levy, one of Israel's four finalists, should be permitted to continue to compete. Contest rules limit participation to those who are Jewish. Levy, it turns out, is from a messianic Jewish family. Messianics are considered to be Christians by most Jews. However the teenager is listed as Jewish in her state identification papers. Also her mother is Jewish, so she meets the strict halachic (Jewish Law) definition of who is a Jew. Attorneys for the Bible Quiz say there is no basis to challenge her Jewishness.

Messianics claim they are subject to constant prejudice in Israel. They say that the anti-missionary organization, Yad L'Achim, is particularly attempting to marginalize them. After Bible Quiz authorities refused to disqualify Levy, a dozen influential rabbis issued a statement calling for contestants and spectators to boycott the Bible contest. In a related development, last month 12 Messianics whose fathers were Jewish, but whose mothers were not, were granted Israeli citizenship under the Law of Return. (See prior posting.)

Tennessee AG OK's Bible Park Financing Under State, But Not Federal, Law

Tennessee's Attorney General, Robert Cooper, issued an opinion yesterday ruling that Tennessee law permits the use of public funds to support the development of Bible Park USA, but left open the question of whether public funding for the theme park would violate the Establishment Clause of the federal constitution. Yesterday's Murfreesboro Daily News Journal and Legal Newsline report that Bible Park USA developers and Rutherford County Mayor Ernest Burgess have proposed a possible tax-increment financing arrangement that would allocate most of the property tax revenue from the park and a 5% privilege tax on sales inside the park to pay down bonds issued to finance construction. (See prior related posting.)

Canadian Court Says Diocese and Congregations Must Share Properties

In Canada, a number of parishes, upset over issues such as same-sex unions, have voted to break away from the Anglican Church of Canada. Yesterday's Toronto Globe and Mail reports on an Ontario Superior Court ruling issued on Monday holding that three break-away parishes and the diocese must share possession of church properties until the court makes a final ruling on who is entitled to ownership. The three parishes involved are St. George's Anglican Church in Lowville, St. Hilda's Anglican Church in Oakville, and the Church of Good Shepherd in St. Catharines. Some lawyers say that a final decision on ownership of these properties could be years away.

China Objects To USCIRF's Report

China yesterday strongly criticized the annual report issued earlier this week by the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom. The report lists China as one of the eleven most oppressive "countries of particular concern". According to Xinhua, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang yesterday said:
[T]he Chinese government protects its citizens' freedom of religious belief according to the laws and Chinese citizens ... enjoy full freedom of religious belief protected by law. We advise the USCIRF to seriously examine the United States' own problems and stop interfering in other countries' internal affairs under the pretext of religion....

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Liberty Counsel Launching Campaign To Support Graduation Prayer

Liberty Counsel today announced the launch of its annual "Friend or Foe" Graduation Prayer Campaign. It says that its goal is to "ensure that prayer and religious viewpoints are not suppressed during graduation ceremonies." It has again made available online its "Legal Memorandum on Graduation Prayers in Public Schools". The memo outlines the possibility of prayers being offered by students or speakers on their own initiative where they have been chosen to speak on the basis of religiously neutral criteria. It also reviews the possibility of privately-sponsored graduation ceremonies or baccalaureate services. Liberty Counsel is also more generally encouraging students to wear its red "I Will Pray" wristbands to school.

Indian, Pakistani Muftis Argue Over Muslim Compliance With Indian Law

Wednesday's Pakistan Daily Times reports on competing declarations by Muslim clerics on the propriety of Muslims in India slaughtering cows and eating beef. Mufti Habibur Rehman, head of India’s large Darul Uloom Deoband madrassa, told a resident of the Indian town of Muzaffarnagar that while eating beef is legal under Islamic law, it is prohibited by Indian law because of the beliefs of the predomninant Hindu population. Therefore, Rehman said, for Muslims in India, it is not right to secretly slaughter and eat the meat of cows. Pakistan's Mufti Abdul Rehman Al Rehmani (head of Darul Ifta wa Al-Qazzath of the Jamaat-ud-Dawa Pakistan) however disagrees. He argues that telling Indian Muslims to comply with Indian law in this regard will encourage them to accept Hindu beliefs. He says that if democratic India's minorities fear to follow their own religions, "then the peace of the whole world will be in great danger."

West Virginia Town Moves From Lord's Prayer To Moment of Silence

The Charles Town, West Virginia City Council on Monday night voted 7-1 to open its meetings with a moment of silence instead of the Lord's Prayer which it had recited for decades before city council meetings. The move came after a Jewish resident of the city raised questions about use of the Lord's Prayer. Today's Martinsburg (WV) Journal reports that council member Geraldine Willingham was the only dissenting vote after two other members who earlier voted to keep the Lord's Prayer went along with the moment of silence proposal. Willingham complained that the change was made because of "one negative person".

US Rights Agency Hears Witnesses On Religious Discrimination In Prisons

The U.S. Civil Rights Commission has recently posted online the full transcript of its Feb. 8 Briefing on Religious Discrimination In Prisons. The first panel focused on Free Exercise of Inmates' Religious Rights vs. Prison Security. Speakers were: Chaplain Joseph Pryor (Federal Bureau of Prisons); Steven T. McFarland (Justice Department's Task Force for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives); Carol Atkins (Warden of Maryland Correctional Institution); Frank Cilluffo (Director of GWU's Homeland Security Policy Institute); and Gregory Saathoff (Univ. Virginia's Critical Incident Analysis Group).

The second panel covered Free Exercise of Inmates' Religious Rights vs. Church State Separation. Speakers were Patrick Nolan (Justice Fellowship of Chuck Colson's Prison Fellowship Ministries); Lane Dilg (ACLU); Imam Abuquadir Al-Amin (Society of American Muslims); Alex Luchenitser (Americans United for Separation of Church and State); Chaplain Gary Friedman (B'nai B'rith International Pastoral Care Agency for Jewish Prisoners and Their Families); and Reverend Patrick McCollum (National Correctional and Chaplaincy Directors Association).

US Civil Rights Commission Chairman Gerald Reynolds said: "The testimony and materials gathered as a part of this briefing will become part of the 2008 Statutory Report enforcing prohibitions of religious discrimination in prisons."

Paper Reports On Clergy Clash In Break-Away Episcopal Church

While numerous reports have chronicled the progress of litigation between the Episcopal Church and break-away congregations wishing to affiliate with more conservative Anglican convocations, Saturday's Hartford Courant furnishes a different perspective. In an article titled Episcopalian Split Comes Down To Locked Groton Church, the paper reports on the experience of Rev. David Cannon who was appointed by the Episcopal Church to take over leadership of Bishop Seabury Church in Groton, CT. Rev. Ronald Gauss, the church's existing leader, whose move to the Convocation of Anglican Churches in North America is supported by church members, refused to turn over church keys or its books to Rev. Cannon. This, like numerous other cases, is lkely to end up in litigation over who owns the church property.

Recent Prisoner Free Exercise Cases

In Terrero v. United States, (11th Cir., April 29, 2008), the U.S. 11th Circuit Court of Appeals rejected claims by a Jewish prisoner that his rights under the 1st Amendment and RFRA were violated when federal prison officials failed to provide him with the means to celebrate the festival of Sukkot, failed to provide him with challah bread instead of matzah crackers, and failed to contract with a rabbi to provide religious services. The Columbus (GA) Ledger-Enquirer reported on the decision last week.

In Starr v. Cox, 2008 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 34708 (D NH, April 28, 2008), a New Hampshire federal district court dismissed a prisoner's RLUIPA and 1st Amendment claims. It held that even though plaintiff raised a question of material fact as to whether the practice of Tai Chi, separate from Taoism, is part of a system of religious belief, and as to whether his beliefs are sincerely held, plaintiff failed to show that his religious exercise was substantially burdened. Even if they were, defendants demonstrated that the prison's Tai Chi restrictions serve a compelling state interest using the least restrictive means.

In Rhodes v. Alameida, 2008 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 35764 (ED CA, May 1, 2008), a California federal magistrate judge rejected free exercise, equal protection and due process challenges by a Native American inmate to the prison's confiscation and disposal of certain contraband property that plaintiff claimed had religious or spiritual significance to him.

Israel Funds Construction of Reform Synagogue For First Time

The Jerusalem Post reports on yesterday's scheduled ground breaking for the first Reform synagogue funded by the Israeli government. Until now, only Orthodox synagogues could receive state funds. The Conservative and Reform Jewish movements are not officially recognized by Israel's rabbinate. In the past some municipalities had set aside land for non-Orthodox synagogues, but this is the first funding for construction. Money for the prefab that will house Modi'in's Yozma Reform Congregation came as the result of a compromise after a lawsuit was filed against Modi'in's Construction and Housing Ministry by the Israel Religious Action Center. It claimed that the Ministry's planned allocation of state funds for religious institutions was discriminatory. In the settlement, IRAC agreed to drop the lawsuit and construction and housing minister Isaac Herzog agreed to furnish the new building. IRAC says it doubts whether funds for additional Reform synagogues will be forthcoming because recently the Religious Affairs Ministry was reinstituted and its head is a member of the Orthodox Shas party. [Thanks to Religion and State In Israel for the lead.]

Monday, May 05, 2008

State Department Suggesting Diplomats Change Language In Describing Islamic Terrorists

The AP reported last week on a memo titled Words That Work and Words That Don't: A Guide for Counterterrorism Communication that was originally prepared in March by the Extremist Messaging Branch at the National Counter Terrorism Center and was approved for diplomatic use last month by the State Department. It grows out recommendations from American Muslim leaders on how to describe terrorists who invoke Islamic theology in justifying their attacks. Those recommendations built on three premises: "(1) We should not demonize all Muslim or Islam; (2) Because the terrorists themselves use theology and religious terms to justify both their means and ends, the terms we use must be accurate and descriptive; and (3) Our words should be strategic; we must be conscious of history, culture, and context. In an era where a statement can cross continents in a manner of seconds, it is essential that officials consider how terms translate: and how they will resonate with a variety of audiences." The Investigative Project on Terrorism on Friday published an opinion piece by Steve Emerson who is critical of the memos.

Ohio Supreme Court Upholds Property Tax Exemption For Episcopal School Property

In Episcopal School of Cincinnati v. Levin, (Ohio Sup. Ct., March 12, 2008), the Ohio Supreme Court held that the Episcopal Diocese of Southern Ohio was entitled to a property tax exemption for the year 2001 for property it acquired to use for a church-affiliated inner-city school so long as on Jan. 1 of that year it intended to use the property for tax exempt purposes. The exemption for the year was not lost even though later in the year before the application for exemption was filed it appeared that the Diocese would likely not be able to complete the financial arrangements to develop the school. The property was sold off to a for-profit entity late in 2002. Justice Lanzinger dissented. A Supreme Court press release summarizes the decision.

Catholic Paper In Malaysia Wins Initial Court Victory

In Malaysia, the Catholic newspaper The Herald has won an initial victory in its challenge to a government claim that it may not use "Allah" as a synonym for God in its Malay-language reporting. Today's International Herald Tribune reports that High Court Judge Lau Bee Lan rejected the prosecutor's claim that the challenge is frivolous. The government argues that use of "Allah" by Christians might confuse Muslims. The Herald says that "Allah" is an Arabic word that has been used more generally for centuries to mean "God" in Malay. (See prior related posting.) In a separate case, the Sabah Evangelical Church of Borneo has also filed suit after officials last year banned its import of books containing the word "Allah".

Recent Scholarly Articles of Interest

From SSRN:

The electronic journal, Law & Ethics of Human Rights, Vol. 1, 2007 has recently appeared through Bepress. Among the articles of interest in this issue devoted to Multiculturalism & the Anti-discrimination Principle are:

From SmartCILP:
  • Symposium. Gender Relevant Legislative Changes in Muslim and Non-Muslim Countries. Table of Contents, 64 Washington & Lee Law Review 1291-1568 (2007).

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Jewish Parents In Plano, TX Say Students Harassed To Take New Testament

The Plano, Texas School District finds its policy of granting all outside groups equal access to unstaffed distribution tables at schools under attack. Saturday's Dallas Morning News reports that parents of some Jewish students at Vines High School say their children were pressured and taunted by other students to pick up a copy of the Gideons' New Testament. School officials have talked to students about tolerance, but have not disciplined anyone for making comments to the Jewish students such as "if the Bible touched you ... would you burn...?" Some parents have suggested that the schools limit display tables to quieter areas such as the library or classrooms. Others have urged the school to warn them when Christian displays are being set up.

Kentucky 10 Commandments Case Appealed To 6th Circuit

In the latter part of April a notice of appeal to the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals was filed in ACLU of Kentucky v. Grayson County, Kentucky, a case in which a Kentucky federal district court permanently enjoined a display of the Ten Commandments as part of a Foundations of American Law and Government Display in the Grayson County (KY) Courthouse. (See prior posting.) On Thursday, The Record (Grayson County) reported that Liberty Counsel has agreed to argue the appeal at no cost to the county. Meanwhile the courthouse continues to display an empty frame where the Ten Commandments had been, while retaining the other documents in the display. The Ten Commandment Defense group has put up seven highway billboards showing the Ten Commandments, and more than 150 local businesses have agreed to display the Ten Commandments to protest their removal from the courthouse.

Turkish Schools In Pakistan Offer Moderate Islamic Alternative

Today's New York Times carries a front page article titled Turkish Schools Offer Pakistan a Gentler Vision of Islam. It reports on a group of Turkish educators-- offering an alternative to both public schools and madrasas-- who have:

an entirely different vision of Islam. Theirs is moderate and flexible, comfortably coexisting with the West while remaining distinct from it. Like Muslim Peace Corps volunteers, they promote this approach in schools, which are now established in more than 80 countries, Muslim and Christian....

They prescribe a strong Western curriculum, with courses, taught in English.... They do not teach religion beyond the one class in Islamic studies that is required by the state.... [H]owever, they encourage Islam in their dormitories, where teachers set examples in lifestyle and prayer....

The model is the brainchild of a Turkish Islamic scholar, Fethullah Gulen... Moderate as that sounds, some Turks say Mr. Gulen uses the schools to advance his own political agenda.

Illinois Man Seeks "In God We Trust" As New Name

Zion, Illinois school bus driver and amateur artist Steve Kreuscher is asking an Illinois court to permit him to legally change his name to "In God" [first name] "We Trust" [last name]. Yesterday's Chicago Daily Herald reports that the 57-year old says: "Those words are an endangered species. You might take it off the money, but you can't take away my name." A hearing on the name change is scheduled in a Lake County court on June 13. [Thanks to Scott Mange for the lead.]