Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Settlement Reached In Christian High School Group's Equal Access Claim

Alliance Defense Fund announced Friday that it had reached a settlement in a federal lawsuit filed earlier this year against the Deer Valley, Arizona Unified School District. (See prior posting.) The settlement will allow a Christian student group, Common Cause, to present video announcements of the group's activities, including a weekly morning prayer gathering, through Mountain Ridge High School's public address system and through distribution of leaflets on campus, on the same basis as non-religious groups are permitted to do so. In May, a federal district court in Krestan v. Deer Valley Unified School District, (D AZ, May 9, 2008), issued a preliminary injunction against the school, finding that plaintiffs were likely to succeed on the merits of their claim under the federal Equal Access Act as to the announcements which the school had previously refused to disseminate. The court found that the school's policy of limiting the days on which leaflets could be distributed by any student group was likely valid.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Is Religion An Element In the Georgia-Russia Conflict?

A posting on Reuters FaithWorld blog yesterday raises the question of whether religion is an element in the current conflict between Russia and Georgia. The issue was focused after Sen. John McCain, in discussing the conflict, stressed Georgia's long-standing Christian heritage. Reuters argues that both Russia and Georgia share Christian Orthodoxy, though:
since Orthodox churches are organised nationally, each side naturally reflects in some way its own country’s political view of the crisis. But even in his protest letter to Russian President Dmitri Medvedev, [Georgian Patriarch] Ilia’s only reference to religion was his lament that Orthodox were killing each other.

New "Blogalogue" Offers Church-State Debate Between Two Opposing Experts

Beliefnet has launched an interesting new resource on church-state issues-- a blog titled Lynn v. Sekulow-- Politics, Religion and the Public Square. The blog is described as "an ongoing debate blog--a blogalogue--about how big (or little) a role faith and religion should play in American politics and government." The debaters are Rev. Barry W. Lynn, Executive Director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, and Jay Sekulow, Chief Counsel for the American Center for Law & Justice. A link to the new site has been added to the Religion Clause sidebar under "Blogs".

Religious Cult Members Charged In Boy's Death

The AP reported yesterday on murder charges that have been brought against five members of a cult known as the "1 Mind Ministries". One-year old Javon Thompson died after being denied food and water for two days because he would not say "Amen" after meals. After the boy's death, the cult leader, Queen Antoinette, told her followers to pray for the boy's resurrection from the dead. One of those charged with murder is the boy's mother, Ria Ramkissoon. Her attorney, as well as her own mother, say she was brainwashed by the cult's leaders.

Informational Meeting On Hamptons Eruv Turns Contentious

Hamptons Online yesterday reported at length on a contentious public information session held last Wednesday in Westhampton Beach, New York regarding a request by a local synagogue to construct an eruv-- a symbolic boundary that permits Orthodox Jews to carry items on the Sabbath. One-third of the large crowd at the meeting held in The Hampton Synagogue walked out when one of the panelists, Joel Cohen, began reading anti-Semitic e-mails that the synagogue had received over the matter. This however reflected more pervasive tensions over the proposal. Some opponents fear that creating the eruv will attract more Orthodox Jews to the area and turn the town into a religious enclave. (See prior related posting.)

Monday, August 18, 2008

CA High Court: Doctors Cannot Assert Free Exercise In Refusing IUI Treatment For Lesbian

Today in North Coast Women's Care Medical Group, Inc. v. San Diego County Superior Court, (CA Sup. Ct., Aug. 18, 2008), the California Supreme Court held unanimously that a medical clinic's physicians are prohibited by the Unruh Civil Rights Act from discriminating against patients on the basis of sexual orientation. They may not rely on the free exercise provisions of the U.S. or California constitutions to assert an exemption from that prohibition.

In the case, two clinic physicians refused, on religious grounds, to perform intrauterine insemination for Guadalupe Benitez, an unmarried lesbian patient. The court held that under the 1st Amendment, no religious exemption is mandated because the Unruh Civil Rights Act is a neutral law of general application. The court said it need not decide whether the California constitution imposes greater protection for religious beliefs, because even under a strict scrutiny standard defendants' assertion fails. Since the Unruh Civil Rights Act requires merely "full and equal" access, the physicians could either refuse to perform the procedure for any clinical patients, or refer patients to other physicians employed by the clinic who do not have the same religious objections. The court said that defendants are still free at trial to prove that their religious objections related to the fact that Benitez was unmarried, rather than the fact she was a lesbian.

Justice Baxter concurred, but argued that the balance of competing interests might come out differently in the case of a physician in sole practice. He said: "At least where the patient could be referred with relative ease and convenience to another practice, I question whether the state’s interest in full and equal medical treatment would compel a physician in sole practice to provide a treatment to which he or she has sincere religious objections." The San Diego Union Tribune reports on the decision. (See prior related posting.)

US Group Refuses To Leave Chinese Airport After Bibles Seized

Chinese law prohibits bringing printed religious material into the country except for personal use. CNN today reports that four members of the Sheridan, Wyoming based Christian group, Vision Beyond Borders, are refusing to leave the Kunming Airport after customs officials seized 300 Bibles that they had in their luggage that were to be distributed through a Kunming shop owner. The group's director, Pat Klein, said he has been bringing Bibles into China for 21 years, and did not know he was violating Chinese law. He says they will stay at the airport until their Bibles are returned to them.

UPDATE: Unable to get the Chinese to relent, members of Vision Beyond Borders left the Kunming Airport on Monday after 26 hours. (AP).

UPDATE: When members of Vision Beyond Borders returned to the Kunming airport to leave China on Wednesday for Thailand, their 315 Bibles were returned to them and they were escorted to immigration. (China Post, Aug. 20).

Recent Scholarly Articles and Book of Interest

From SSRN:

From SmartCILP:

  • Conversation in Aid of a "Conspiracy" for Truth: A Candid Discussion About Jesuit Law Schools, Justice, and Engaging the Catholic Intellectual Tradition. Article by Gregory A. Kalscheur; responses by C. Michael Bryce, Thomas More Donnelly and student Spencer K. Nussbaum; reply by John M. Breen. 43 Gonzaga Law Review 559-669 (2007/08).
  • Financial Innovations in the Muslim World. Articles by Bjorn Sorenson, Ali Adnan Ibrahim, Umar F. Moghul, Bashar H. Malkawi and Haitham A. Haloush. 23 American University International Law Review 647-805 (2008).
  • Vols. 6 (2006-07 and Vol. 7 (2007-08)of the UCLA Journal of Near Eastern and Islamic Law [contents] have recently been published.

New Book:

Paper Says 1953 Raid Was Precursor To FLDS Operation

Saturday's Arizona Republic carries a lengthy history of the raid 55 years ago on a polygamous community in Short Creek Arizona. The article suggests that the recent Texas raid on the FLDS Yearning for Zion Ranch has many parallels to the 1953 Arizona raid. The Arizona raid ultimately reinforced the convictions of members of the polygamous community.

Recent Prisoner Free Excercise Cases

In Massi v. Hollenbach, 2008 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 60463 (MD PA, Aug. 1, 2008), a Pennsylvania federal district court judge accepted a magistrate's recommendation and rejected a prisoner's challenge to regulations requiring that prisoners obtain religious publications from a publisher, book club, or book store unless it is shown that a publication is no longer available from such a source.

In Logan v. Arkansas Department of Corrections, 2008 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 61809 (ED AR, July 28, 2008), an Arkansas federal magistrate judge recommended dismissal of a challenge by a Wiccan prisoner to Arkansas hair length requirements for prisoners.

In Rankins v. Smith, 2008 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 61411, (ED NC, Aug. 7, 2008), a North Carolina federal district court dismissed for failure to exhaust administrative remedies a prisoner's claim that a prison officer retaliated against him for filing a complaint about medical treatment by failing to put his name on the Ramadan list and not allowing him to receive foods from the Eid-ul-Fitr feast.

Pugh v. Goord, 2008 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 60998 (SD NY, Aug. 1, 2008), is a lengthy opinion involving challenges by Shi'te Muslim inmates to New York's policy that provides for a single Friday Jumah service for both Sunni and Shi'ite Muslims, instead of allowing a separate Shi'ite service. Shi'ite prisoners also allege other anti-Shi'ite elements in the prison's program to accommodate their religious needs, making it, they say, a Sunni, not a generic Muslim, program. While rejecting damage claims, the court permitted some of the plaintiffs to move ahead with injunctive claims under the free exercise clause, establishment clause, equal protection clause and RLUIPA.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Scotland Agrees With Catholic Church On Content of Health Leaflets In Schools

Scotland on Sunday reports today that Scottish government officials will shortly begin a program to offer all school girls age 12 and 13 vaccination against cervical cancer caused by certain strains of HPV. However, against the advice of many health experts, the leaflet that will be distributed to those receiving the inoculation will not contain information on the use of condoms to prevent other sexually transmitted diseases. The decision was made in order to obtain support from the Catholic Church for offering the vaccinations in Catholic schools. The Church had originally objected to the vaccination program on the ground that it would encourage promiscuity. [Thanks to Edward Still for the lead.]

Study Lists Countries That Bar Foreign Religious Workers

WorldNet Daily reported Friday that a study from a researcher at the Library of Congress shows that 23 countries around the world deny entry to foreign religious workers, while an additional 16 allow entry only with restrictions. Almost all the countries on the "total ban" list are countries with majority Muslim populations.

TN High Court Says Cult Leader May Be In Loco Parentis Under Child Neglect Law

In State of Tennessee v. Sherman, (TN Sup. Ct., Aug. 15, 2008), the Tennessee Supreme Court refused to dismiss charges under Tennessee's child neglect statute against a religious cult leader in the death of Jessica Crank, a teenage girl whose mother opted for prayer instead of medical treatment for her daughter's bone cancer. Ariel Ben Sherman, a minister in the Universal Life Church, was not married to the girl's mother nor had he adopted the girl. However the mother and daughter lived with him, as did several of his other followers. Prosecutors claimed that Sherman had an in loco parentis duty to seek treatment for Jessica. The court held: "The Defendant's relationship with the mother may be circumstantial evidence of duty, but the ultimate question is the nature and degree of the Defendant’s relationship with Jessica. In theory, the State might be able to establish that the Defendant failed to perform a statutory duty to provide adequate medical care for the child." Yesterday's Knoxville News-Sentinel reported on the decision. (See prior related posting.)

County Fair Widens God and Country Day Discount

After complaints by an atheist group (see prior posting) about the "God and Country" day promotion planned by the Wilson County, Tennessee fair, promoters have responded. Instead of giving a $2 admission discount only to individuals who present a church bulletin at the gate, now the discount will be available to anyone presenting a bulletin from any faith's religious services, or anyone presenting a web page printout from any religious or secular group. Friday's Tennessean reported that Cheryl Lewis, member of the Wilson County Promotions Board, said that God and Country day was not discriminatory, and was begun in 2002 as a response to the 9-11 attacks. [Thanks to Scott Mange for the lead.]

Pastor Sues Parent Group and Paper For Defamation

The Dallas Morning News and the Associated Baptist Press report on a defamation lawsuit filed against the Baptist General Convention of Texas, the Baptist Standard and several other defendants by Rev. Otto Arango. The charges grow out of an investigation by the BGCT of Arango's claims that he and two other pastors started 258 new churches. The investigation questioned the use by Arango of some of the $1.3 million in start-up funds for these churches, many of which failed. The lawsuit says that statements published in the Standard were false and malicious, wrongly suggesting that he had improperly used church funds and lied about the number of churches he started.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Obama, McCain Quizzed on Faith and Values Issues

On Saturday evening, Pastor Rick Warren held his Saddleback Forum at which he interviewed both Barack Obama and John McCain on issues of concern to faith and values voters. Warren posed the same questions to each of the candidates-- giving each one hour on national television time. CNN and ABC, among others, report on the forum. Among a wide range of questions, Warren asked each candidate about his own personal Christian faith. (See prior related posting.)

Meanwhile a letter to Barack Obama, initiated by Rabbi Michael Lerner and signed by 140 members of the clergy, urges Obama not to move to the political center. The full text of the letter, included in a Los Angeles Times article today, reads in part: "We are writing you ... not as your election strategists, but as people of faith whose primary allegiance is to be prophetic witnesses to the ethical vision articulated in the holy texts of our religion and the elaboration of those religious traditions over the course of the past two thousand years."

UPDATE: The full transcript of the Saddleback Forum is now available online.

Friday, August 15, 2008

5th Circuit Upholds Death Sentence Despite Jury's Use of Bible

In Oliver v. Quarterman, (5th Cir., Aug. 14, 2008), the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals rejected convicted murderer Khristian Oliver's challenge to his death sentence. The court summarized the challenge and its holding as follows:
Oliver argues that the jury violated his rights under the Sixth and Eighth Amendments by considering passages from the Bible during the sentencing phase of its deliberations. Although the jury improperly consulted the Bible, the state court found that the Bible did not influence the jury’s decision. As Oliver has not presented clear and convincing evidence to rebut this factual finding, we AFFIRM the district court’s decision to deny the writ.
In concluding that the Texas state jury's use of the Bible was improper, though ultimately harmless error, the court said: "when a juror brings a Bible into the deliberations and points out to her fellow jurors specific passages that describe the very facts at issue in the case, the juror has crossed an important line." Today's Houston Chronicle reports on the decision. (See prior related posting.)

Malaysia Threatens To Suspend Catholic Paper For Political Editorial

Malaysia's Home Ministry is threatening to suspend the Catholic newsletter, The Herald, for publishing articles and editorials relating to politics. The Star on Wednesday reported that The Herald has been issued a "show cause" letter that claims it is violating the conditions of its publication permit that only allows it to publish articles about religion and religious activities. The current suspension threat focuses on an upcoming editorial about a by-election in Permatang Pauh. The paper's editor, Father Lawrence Andrew, says that the editorial will merely urge people to pray for a fair and just election. (See prior related posting.) [Thanks to Constant Lewis for the lead.]

Italian Suit Challenging Baptism Dropped

In Italy, the Union of Rationalist Atheists and Agnostics has dropped a lawsuit on behalf of a plaintiff who was attempting to have his name deleted from a baptism register. The suit challenged the right of parents to have their children baptized. According to World Net Daily, the suit alleged that since the law does not allow parents to enroll their children in organizations like labor unions, parents should also not be able to decide that their children should become members of religious associations. The complaint cited protection of children's religious freedom and Italian Constitutional Court precedents on free will and personal privacy in religious decisions. Alliance Defense Fund, which was involved in convincing the group to drop its lawsuit as frivolous, warned that while "such lawsuits may seem far-fetched, ... foreign legal decisions are increasingly cited in American courts."

Tanzania Debates Creation of Kadhi Courts

Dar Es Salaam's The Citizen reports today on an emotional debate in Tanzania's Parliament over whether Kadhi courts should be set up by the government to handle issues such a marriage, divorce and inheritance for Muslims. The government is studying a report by the Law Reform Commission on the issue. Proponents argue that such courts are a necessary part of the Islamic faith and that the CCM's 2005 election manifesto promised them. Opponents say such courts would be unconstitutional and that the Muslim religious bodies could deal with these issues without using taxpayer money for courts.