Thursday, July 14, 2005

British Muslims To Issue Fatwa Condemning London Bombers

Today's Scotland Daily Record reports that top Islamic scholars in Britain plan to issue a Fatwa condemning the four suicide bombers who carried out the attacks in London last week. The ruling will attack the religious basis of the terrorists' justifications for their action. According to the paper, "The religious ruling will outlaw the bombers among Muslims for breaking the basic rules of the religion."

UPDATE: On Friday, July 15, Muslim scholars in London condemned the July 7 bombings, saying they violated the Quran by killing innocent civilians. According to CNN, they said the bombers should not be considered martyrs. However, they refused to condemn all suicide bombings, saying that in countries like Israel and Iraq they are sometimes justified as a defense against occupiers. The statement also condemned racism, unemployment and economic deprivation that Muslim young people suffer in poor sections of London.