Thursday, July 14, 2005

Tulsa Zoo Changes Its Mind On Creationism Display

The board of the Tulsa zoo has reversed itself and decided against installing an exhibit displaying the Biblical account of creation next to its display on evolution. (See prior posting). The Dallas Morning News reported last week that the Tulsa Park and Recreation Board has had second thoughts after a public outcry against the exhibit.

The paper reports: "Tulsa architect Dan Hicks, who proposed the creationism display, decried the zoo oversight board's reversal, saying it "stepped on the constitutional liberties of Tulsa taxpayers." He argued it is only fair to include Christian beliefs on origins, since the zoo already displays other religious symbols, including an elephant-like, Hindu statue. But board member Dale McNamara said she believes the statue fits the zoo's "living museum" mission of developing displays that explain the cultural significance of animals."