Saturday, July 29, 2006

China Denies Falun Gong Persecution Stories

Earlier this week, according to Thursday's Shanghai Daily, the Chinese embassy in Canada issued a statement denying allegations that China was killing and harvesting organs for transplant from Falun Gong practitioners. (See prior posting). The Chinese said that an independent investigation by journalists and diplomats, including U.S. embassy personnel, had proven the allegations to be false.

The embassy’s statement said: "Falun Gong is an anti-science, anti-humanity and anti-society evil cult which has been banned in China in accordance with law. It uses religion … as camouflage to brainwash and control the practitioners. It preaches that human can, through psychological meditation, from invisible magic wheels inside their bodies, cure their illness without medical treatment. It spreads Dooms Day theory, [and] boasts that Li Hongzhi, founder of Falun Gong, is the most powerful God …."