Monday, July 24, 2006

Recent Law Review Articles

From SmartCILP:

Babek Rod Khadem,The Doctrine of Separation in Classical Islamic Jurisprudence, 4 UCLA Journal of Islamic & Near Eastern Law 95-142 (2004-2005).

Jed Kroncke, Jed, Substantive Irrationalities and Irrational Substantivities: The Flexible Orientalism of Islamic Law, 4 UCLA Journal of Islamic & Near Eastern Law 41-73 (2004-2005).

Caleb E. Mason, Faith, Harm, and Neutrality: Some Complexities of Free Exercise Law, 44 Duquesne University Law Review 225-273 (2006).

Symposium: Law and Religion, 8 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law 335-513 (2006):
    Howard Lesnick, The Consciousness of Religion and the Consciousness of Law, With Some Implications for Dialogue;
    Imad-ad-Dean Adman, American and Muslim Perspectives on Freedom of Religion;
    Marie A. Failinger, Against Idols: The Court As a Symbol-Making or Rhetorical Institution;
    Stephen M. Feldman, The Theory and Politics of First Amendment Protections: Why Does the Supreme Court Favor Free Expression Over Religious Freedom?
    Kent Greenawalt, Common Sense About Original and Subsequent Understanding of the Religion Clauses.