Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Councilman Loses In Attempt To Offer Christian Prayers

In Turner v. City Council of the City of Fredericksburg, Case 3:06-cv-00023-JRS (ED VA, Aug. 14, 2006), a federal district court dismissed the claim of city council member Hashmel Turner that his First Amendment rights were violated when he was not permitted to offer a specifically Christian opening prayer at city council meetings. The court found that his opening prayer is government speech, not private speech. Thus, "City Council can restrict what is said on its behalf during the opening prayer without infringing on the speaker’s viewpoint." The court went on to hold that the Establishment Clause prohibits sectarian legislative prayers, and the city's policy of requiring nonsectarian prayer is not an Establishment Clause violation. The decision is covered in today's Richmond Times-Dispatch which says that Turner is likely to appeal.