Wednesday, August 16, 2006

School Board Will Defend Jesus Portrait

The Harrison County, West Virginia Board of Education has raised more than the $150,000 it needed to mount a defense in a suit brought by the West Virginia ACLU and Americans United to force Bridgeport High School to remove a painting of Jesus that has hung in the school for many years. (See prior postings 1, 2.) The Associated Press yesterday reported that now the board will select lead counsel from among eight national advocacy groups that have offered legal help. Dennis Swindle, a local minister who defends the painting, said: "The ACLU is saying they have the right to come in and find a few people who disagree with the majority and use them to overtake the majority. All we're saying is, 'not without a fight.'" The school board itself has seen the controversy as something of a distraction from its concerns about educational issues.